Ethical Dilemma on Robotic Surgery and ACS Codes of Ethics – Post 2

Ethical Dilemma on Robotic Surgery and ACS Codes of Ethics – Post 2: ACS codes of ethics are founded on six principles, which include the primacy of the public interest, enhancement of quality of life, honesty, competence, professional development…

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Ethical Dilemma on Robotic Surgery and ACS Codes of Ethics – Post 2

Paper details


This is an individual task. Students are required to write two (2) forum posts in moodle which provide an analysis of an ethical dilemma associated with robotic assisted surgery from a software developer’s perspective.

  • Post 1: In post one (1) students should provide an answer to the ethical dilemma through the lens of each of the ethical theories presented in lectures. These include utilitarianism, deontology, social contract theory, character-based ethics .

The post should be approximately two to three pages long (800-1200 words). It should contain a brief overview of each of the four ethical theories, and a discussion and proposed solution for the dilemma, from each of the four ethical theoretical viewpoints. The discussion should show an analysis and synthesis of research undertaken and your own ideas.

  • Post 2: In post two (2) students will apply ACS code of ethics 2 in order to solve the ethical dilemma. The post should be approximately one page long (300-500 words). The discussion should show an analysis and synthesis of research undertaken and your own ideas.

Each post should contain a bibliography containing authentic academic literature. Post 1 (approximately 6–10 references), and Post 2 (approximately 4–8 references). Gather these references from various sources such as the Internet, assigned textbooks and readings etc. For assistance with in-text referencing and formatting your reference list in APA format, see the link to General Guide to Referencing provided.

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1 Select two (2) virtues

2 Select one (1) ACS element

Page 2

CRICOS Provider No. 00103D


Ethical Dilemma on Robotic Surgery and ACS Codes of Ethics

ACS codes of ethics are founded on six principles, which include the primacy of the public interest, enhancement of quality of life, honesty, competence, professional development, and professionalism (Australian Computer Society, 2014). IT professionals are expected to strive to improve the quality of life of those affected by their work, uphold honesty in the representation of skills, and uphold the interests of the public as well as work diligently and competently for stakeholders (Bowern, Burmeister, Gotterbarn, & Weckert, 2006).

The codes also advocate for the advancement of professional development and the commitment to offering the best of services and products. These ethical guidelines shape the professional and interprofessional interactions members have with colleagues, stakeholders, and the public in general.

The ethical dilemma relates to the liability of the IT professional while working with stakeholders from the healthcare field. One of the critical ACS ethical principles that apply to the dilemma is competence. In this, IT professionals have the responsibility of ensuring the surgical accuracy utilized in the systems is the best and frameworks are in place to ensure proper maintenance, monitoring and in the case of incidents, appropriate measures are in place to mitigate risks.

Besides, the professional has the mandate of placing the interest of patients (the end-user) above business interests. In this, the professional will be held responsible for compromising surgical accuracy for the sake of business or personal interests.

Besides, as a professional, ACS codes require one to enhance the integrity of society and respect for its members (Burmeister, 2017). Under the foundations of professionalism, will be held accountable for providing any service towards surgical accuracy.

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For the professional to be held liable, evidence has to show that the professional didn’t act with competence, protect the interest of the public, and with professionalism directly resulting in physical harm on the patient (Westerlund, 2020). At this extent, the professional will be held responsible for failing to act within their capacity to ensure highly accurate robotic surgery operations.


  • Australian Computer Society (2014). ACS Code of Professional Conduct Professional Standards Board Australian Computer Society. Retrieved 7 April 2020, from
  • Bowern, M., Burmeister, O., Gotterbarn, D., & Weckert, J. (2006). ICT Integrity: Bringing the ACS Code of Ethics up to date. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 13(2).
  • Burmeister, O. K. (2017). Professional ethics in the information age. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society.
  • Westerlund, M. (2020). The Ethical Dimensions of Public Opinion on Smart Robots. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(2).

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Ethical Dilemma on Robotic Surgery
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