End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples
Euthanasia entails the practice of ending the life of a patient to prevent their suffering. The practice is voluntary (consented by the suffering patient) or involuntary (consented by the guardians), where a physician prescribes medication causing death. End-of-life decisions are complex and complicated since different people have varying cultural and religious beliefs on how they perceive death. Although most people are in the stages of dying, each person should be given adequate time to process their feelings concerning death and handle it with compassion (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).

This case study is about a man, George, who is worried about his deteriorating health and contemplating euthanasia. George has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative disorder that attacks the brain’s and spinal cord nerve cells, limiting the patient’s ability to eat, move, speak, or breathe.
The condition will impact George’s and his family’s physical, psychological, emotional and financial well-being. The patient will lose his functional activity level, making him confined in a wheelchair, and he may be dependent on a ventilator for breathing. This paper will discuss George’s suffering, the value of life, and the values and considerations for euthanasia from a Christian perspective (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
George’s Suffering in Christian Narrative on Fallenness of the World
Suffering and Fallenness go hand in hand, according to the Christian perspective. Suffering dates back to the creation story when God put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God created Adam and Eve to nurture and take care of God’s creation. Adam and Eve lived without suffering until they ate the forbidden fruit God had told them not to consume (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
God chased them from the Garden of Eden to separate Himself from their sins, and that was the beginning of Fallenness. As such, Fallenness in the world marked the start of human suffering (Southgate, 2022). God cursed Adam and Eve, and they had to toil hard to get food. The curse has been subject to people in the current world since they are the descendants of Adam and Eve. Pain, suffering, and spiritual and physical deaths resulted from human sin (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Similarly, George’s pain and suffering are a consequence of the fall, although it was not part of God’s original purpose for creating humankind. The Christian narrative views George’s suffering beyond human construct but states that pain and suffering will befall all humans since Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Like all other human beings, George ad sinned against and is expected to suffer (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
God uses suffering to make His people’s faith strong and obedient. He demonstrates his power and love for humankind through suffering. Romans 5:3-5 states, “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us” (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Thus, suffering and death are part of God’s plan for all human beings. God expects George to respond by showing his faith despite the suffering. George may ask God why the illness befell him. However, in Mathew 10:29, the Bible states, “If we trust in the sovereignty of God and the goodness of God, we know that nothing happens outside of his will” (NIV, 2011).
George’s Suffering in Christian Narrative on Hope of Resurrection
Georges’ realization about his diagnosis and deteriorating health must have been dreadful. The patient is in his Mid-fifties, fully active, and has a family that depends on him. Although George contemplates euthanasia to evade the pain he encounters and causes to his family, he should reflect on the hope of resurrection and focus on living the remaining part of his life happily (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Christians have different perceptions concerning suffering. The Christian view interprets Georges’ suffering as God’s will. God utilizes suffering to help Christians spiritually by bringing them close to His Word (Ramage, 2021). The death of Jesus Christ changed the Christians’ perspective about death. Although death is evil and tragic, Jesus conquered it through resurrection.
Similarly, George will conquer death on the second coming of Jesus Christ. In 1 Corinthians15:51-52, the Bible states, “For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. The transformation of the body you have now, into the body you will have, will be instantaneous” (NIV, 2011). Thus, Christians like George will defeat death and rise again to meet Jesus (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Pain and suffering make Christians remain steadfast in God’s teaching, beliefs, and faith. The Christian narrative asserts that suffering is caused by sins committed in the past. Thus, the pain encountered makes people repent their sins, indicating that God is orderly by allowing people to suffer to draw them close to experiencing his love (Ramage, 2021) (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Therefore, George’s awareness of the Christians’ teachings and resurrection promise will aid him in coming to terms with his diagnosis and turning back to God for repentance and acceptance. As a staunch Christian, George should also spend valuable time with his family and friends to make memories while focusing on the provided management or intervention while waiting for God’s time instead of going for euthanasia (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Christian World View about the Value of Life
Most patients with chronic illnesses like George lose hope of living and consider themselves lesser human beings and unworthy. However, the Christian worldview asserts that people’s life does not lose value or purpose at any point. Thus, George should view his life as precious and God’s gift even during his ALS diagnosis.
Human life is sacred, and God expects humans to preserve and nurture it at all costs. Christianity believes that God had a plan for everyone and knew all people before they were born. In Jeremiah 1:5, the Bible states, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (NIV, 2011) (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Non-believers lack insight into God’s sacrifice for people to exist. However, God showed that human life was sacred when he sacrificed His only son to die for people to have meaningful and eternal life. Christians should be aware of God’s ultimate sacrifice by offering His son for the sake of their salvation by perceiving that their life is precious and valuable.
Subsequently, the Christian Worldview asserts that peoples’ God-given value cannot expire or diminish. Thus, George should trust God’s sovereignty and promise that he will overcome the pain and suffering without the sin of committing suicide by opting for euthanasia. He should reconcile with God to fill his soul with goodness, knowing that he will receive eternal life for preserving his life. George should also preserve God’s faith during pain and suffering. George is valuable regardless of the devastating disease state. He should view his life as a precious gift and suffering as part of human life brought upon by God after sin (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
George should figure out what God teaches him through the diagnosis and utilize his current state and life to glorify God. Embracing the Christian’s teachings that God predetermines life and death will open his eyes and heart to perceive the goodness of death rather than dwelling on death and suffering. Thus, George should persevere suffering as a virtue to respect human life as per the Christian teachings.
Christian Worldview’s Values and Considerations about Euthanasia
Christian values condemn any life-ending practice before God’s chosen time since He does not view peoples’ lives as less valuable when they fall sick (Gheorghita, 2021). People’s lives belong to God, who should take it when He desires. Therefore, George should accept the suffering and ask God to give him sufficient Grace for endurance (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Jesus Christ endured suffering on the cross before death to fulfill God’s purpose and will. Killing or assisting an individual to take their own life breaks the sixth commandment that states, “Do not kill,” as God will hold everyone accountable. Although God forgives, Christians should not break and test His goodness and kindness (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
The Christian worldview does not tolerate euthanasia in any circumstance. Euthanasia is a suicide form and a sin, according to God’s teachings. Thus, George should not seek euthanasia. He should view his pain and suffering as God’s will. George will ultimately be paid through resurrection and eternal life. By so doing, George will perceive that God controls his life. As a staunch Christian, he should believe that God is working through his suffering for His purpose to be fulfilled for others to witness and change for the better (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Options Morally Justified in Christian Worldview
According to the Christian Worldview, the morally justified option for George is to accept to live with the pain and suffering until God takes His life. However, palliative care is an excellent option for the patient to relieve his symptoms and improve his quality of life (Daneau et al., 2023). According to the Christians’ teachings, palliative care is morally justified since it focuses on relieving pain and suffering. It will also improve the quality of life for George and his family. Palliative care will help George and his family during care by improving and maintaining his independence (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Besides symptom management, palliative care will provide emotional support for the patient and his family since they will likely have psychological problems due to the disease. Palliative care also offers spiritual care, allowing the patient to reconcile with God. During palliative care, George will bond with his family and enjoy their support and care during pain and suffering. A hospice is a suitable institution for the patient to help him cope with physical, emotional, and mental suffering. The options are morally acceptable in the Christian worldview as George will be at peace knowing he has honored expectations of human life (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
My Decision in George’s Situation
Making choices such as the one related to George’s can be difficult. As a staunch Christian, I believe Human life is sacred and precious. I would live my best life with the amount of time God would give me if I were in George’s situation. Although the situation seems hopeless, I would seek healthcare advice from qualified personnel and follow the recommended treatment options to manage my symptoms (Killackey et al., 2020) (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
I would use God’s time with my family and reconcile with God. As a Christian, I believe the pain, suffering, and death I will encounter will be part of God’s will, and I will conquer it and have an external life. I will accept my state as there is a time and reason for everything under the Heavens (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
The Christian Worldview views life as a precious and valuable gift from God, who has the power to take it. Christians perceive fall/disobedience /sin as the cause of human suffering. Like George, Christians perceive pain, suffering, and death as part of God’s will and purpose in life. Thus, Christians accept pain, suffering, and death, hoping to be resurrected like Jesus Christ to receive eternal life (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Christian values condemn any life-ending practice before God’s chosen time since He does not view peoples’ lives as less valuable when they fall sick. However, Christianity supports options such as palliative care for chronically ill patients such as George as it helps to relieve their pain and suffering while improving their quality of life (End-of-Life Care Decisions-nursing Paper Examples).
Daneau, S., Bourbonnais, A., Allard, É., Asri, M., Ummel, D., & Bolduc, E. (2023). ‘Intensive palliative care’: a qualitative study of issues related to nurses’ care of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis at end-of-life. Palliative Care and Social Practice, 17, 26323524231170881. https://doi.org/10.1177/26323524231170881
Gheorghita, N. (2021). Euthanasia-Between Good Death and Christian Death. EIRP Proceedings, 16(1). http://www.doxologia.ro/
Killackey, T., Peter, E., Maciver, J., & Mohammed, S. (2020). Advance care planning with chronically ill patients: A relational autonomy approach. Nursing ethics, 27(2), 360-371. https://doi.org/10.1177/0969733019848031
New International Version. (2011). BibleGateway.com. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Peter%201&version=NIV
Ramage, M. J. (2021). Ratzinger on Evolution and Evil: A Christological and Mariological Answer to the Problem of Suffering and Death in Creation. Religions, 12(8), 583. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12080583
Southgate, C. (2022). God And a World of Natural Evil: Theology and Science in Hard Conversation: with Christopher Southgate, “God and a World of Natural Evil: Theology and Science in Hard Conversation” and Andrew Davison, “Theodicy and What Could Be Otherwise: A Response to Christopher Southgate.”. Zygon®, 57(4), 1124-1134. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/zygo.12849