Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example

Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example

Evidence-Based practice and research are essential in achieving quality improvement in healthcare. However, these components are different. Research involves generating new knowledge or validating the existing knowledge based on theory (Jolley, 2020). In healthcare, nursing involves systematic inquiry of scientific data to answer given research questions or test for hypotheses using specified disciplined methods. Additionally, rather than just focusing on exploration, investigation, and discovery, research also requires understanding scientific philosophy. Jolley (2020) also argues that research findings can only be valid if obtained through orderly and sequential steps. In this regard, the process begins with identifying questions that will help meet the researcher’s objectives. In most cases, the research questions are derived from knowledge gaps. These gaps can also be a basis for a hypothesis that scientific research can test.(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example

The next step involves finding the necessary information to answer the research questions. Specifically, this step involves a comprehensive and systematic review of other literature to find the intended answers. Third, the researcher decides on the most effective theory that can help to guide the research study and selects the most appropriate method to deliver the intended objectives. According to Jolley (2020), the are two primary methodologies used in medical research; quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Quantitative studies involve determining the appropriate sample size and designs to control potential errors while collecting and analyzing statistical data. Contrary, qualitative methodology involves exploring broad life experiences to provide the meaning behind them. The last research step involves publication the findings, indicating their significance in the health field.(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

However, unlike research which involves developing or validating knowledge, evidence-based practice involves translating evidence and applying it into clinical practice. This practice aims at improving patient care through evidence-based decisions. Nonetheless, evidence-based practice is related to research as the evidence stems from the findings obtained from this process. However, it is more extensive because the evidence can be from clinical expertise, patient preferences, values, and opinion leaders. Jolley (2020) states that evidence-based practice involves innovation, where different scientific findings are translated into clinical practice to improve healthcare delivery.(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Importance and Application of Data Mining and Healthcare Information

Data mining has become popular and essential in the recent past in the healthcare industry. The primary purpose of data mining is to help understand the patterns in data through analysis (Gürsel, 2020). As a result, healthcare providers can predict future trends and identify the best approach to address them. In this regard, they can maximize future opportunities or implement measures that could help to reduce possible threats that could disrupt healthcare operations or worsen patient care. According to Isakki Alias Devi (2022), data mining can help to reduce costs by improving the patients’ quality of life, increasing efficiencies, and saving lives.(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Nonetheless, data mining involves converting data to more meaningful information to improve healthcare functions. This information can be applied differently, improving patient satisfaction and experience while increasing product usability and safety (Gürsel, 2020). Specifically, this information can help measure treatment effectiveness by comparing findings from scientific resources to find the most effective strategy to address a given condition. Nonetheless, through data mining and information, the health providers can establish unusual patterns in clinical practice, helping to detect fraud and abuse that undermine healthcare objectives. Health organizations can use available information to identify prescriptions and referrals that have been given inappropriately. In addition, they can identify insurance fraud and medical claims that could negatively affect the organization’s funding. From this analysis, it is clear that data mining and information are interdependent, resulting from data mining or helpful information from healthcare experts. In this regard, both aspects are essential in improving the quality of the healthcare services provided.(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Influence of Data Mining and Interpretation on Case Management and Utilization

Data mining and interpretation have a significant impact on case management and utilization. Case management involves the knowledge, skills, and competencies that can help support patients to ensure they get the most appropriate care. Contrary, utilization involves reviewing healthcare services to ensure that they are medically necessary and are provided within the right setting. While these two aspects aim at improving the quality of healthcare services, they rely on effective data mining and interpretation.(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Data mining and interpretation can help enhance self-management among patients with chronic conditions (Gürsel, 2020). These patients are often faced with decisions whose results influence their condition. In this regard, data mining helps ensure that any self-management decisions are based on skills and facts, improving the effectiveness. Nonetheless, this procedure helps to reduce the hospital stays and costs incurred by patients with chronic illnesses. Specifically, data mining and interpretation help eliminate the need for these patients to stay in healthcare facilities and instead manage their condition at home. They can consult their providers on issues regarding their health and visit healthcare facilities when their conditions worsen.(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Health providers can deliver personalized treatment plans to these patients through remote health options to enhance effective case management. In this regard, through data mining, specifically analyzing the patient’s data over time, the health care providers can establish the most effective care plan for the patient that will promote their quality of health. Furthermore, according to Gürsel (2020), mobile applications have architectures that enhance data mining and interpretation by tracking crucial health values, estimation, prediction, and detection, promoting patient health outcomes. These findings clearly show that data mining and implementation help deliver patient-oriented and personalized care by enhancing case management and utilization.(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Management Care and Importance of Quality Initiatives and Performance Indicators.

Managed care is a healthcare delivery system that manages costs, quality, and utilizations (Ramalho et al., 2019). Participating in managed care can help achieve health benefits and additional services provided to healthcare organizations to improve healthcare services. Nonetheless, it enhances collaboration with other health facilities to reduce operating costs and improve health services utilization. According to Ramalho et al. (2019), participating in managed care can also improve patients’ health with chronic and complex conditions, align incentives with the performance objectives and enhance accountability for providing quality healthcare services.(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Quality care initiatives and performance indicators have an essential role in promoting healthcare outcomes. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), quality indicators are “standardized, evidence-based measures of healthcare quality that can be used with readily available hospital inpatient administrative data to measure and track clinical outcomes and performance” (AHRQ, n.d.). These indicators help detect structural, process, or outcome suboptimal care that can guide the quality improvement in healthcare. Specifically, quality indicators provide information that targets quality improvement initiatives. Additionally, implementing quality indicators as a quality improvement tool helps highlight the potential areas that need quality improvement, track changes over time, and identify areas that require further studies (AHRQ, n.d.).(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Nonetheless, AHRQ has implemented quality care initiatives to manage unhealthy alcohol use, manage opioid use in adults, and manage disorders related to opioid use in rural areas (AHRQ, n.d.). These initiatives aim to improve the health of the affected populations, enhance patient outcomes and experiences, reduce the per capita cost of healthcare, and improve the experience of the health providers. Specifically, these initiatives are directed towards populations that struggle with substance abuse to improve the quality of their lives.(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

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AHRQ. (n.d.). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality – Quality Indicators. https://qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/

AHRQ. (n.d.). AHRQ initiatives. Welcome to the AHRQ Academy | The Academy(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example). https://integrationacademy.ahrq.gov/about/initiatives

Gürsel, G. (2020). For better healthcare mining health data. Data Analytics in Medicine, 50-73. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-1204-3.ch003

Isakki Alias Devi P. (2022). Big data, data mining, and data analytics in IoT-based healthcare applications. Research Anthology on Big Data Analytics, Architectures, and Applications, 1035-1053(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example). https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-3662-2.ch049

Jolley, J. (2020). Evidence-based practice. Introducing Research and Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals, 63-88. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429329456-4

Ramalho, A., Castro, P., Gonçalves-Pinho, M., Teixeira, J., Santos, J. V., Viana, J., Lobo, M., Santos, P., & Freitas, A. (2019). Primary health care quality indicators: An umbrella review. PLOS ONE14(8), e0220888.(Difference between Evidence-Based Practice and Research Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0220888

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