Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example
Post 1 Reply,
Hi Judi,
Death through self-inflicted means, also known as suicide, remains a global health problem that ranks among the top leading causes of non–natural death. Even in the absence of premature death, suicide may result in disability in an individual’s life (Fonseca-Pedrero et al., 2022). Subsequently, mental health care providers need to have the requisite skills to address and successfully resolve suicidal behavior, considering that completed suicides in the childhood and adolescent population have continued to grow in numbers in the past few decades. As a mental healthcare professional, one must have the ability to understand not just the risk factors but also the social protective factors at the biological, psychological, social, environmental as well as social-cultural levels. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Factors like a history of physical, emotional, and or sexual abuse, the presence of mental illnesses, family history of suicide, and financial loss, amongst other reasons, comprise the complex, multidimensional, and multifactorial components compounded by stigma and taboos. It is instructive that Dorol & Mishara (2021) point out that to resolve the suicidal behavior, the provider should adequately understand its etiology to assess, treat, and propose preventive measures. The measures include recognizing the role of cyberbullying through digital and information technology to hurt an individual or predispose the individual to the risk of suicide. Protective factors to capitalize at the national and state level in preventing suicide are satisfaction with life, finding the meaning of life, and having a supportive network of family, relatives, and friends. Also, the provider’s knowledge in assessing these patients by recognizing suicide warning signs is essential. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Dorol, O., & Mishara, B. L. (2021). Systematic review of risk and protective factors for suicidal and self-harm behaviors among children and adolescents involved with cyberbullying. Preventive medicine, 152, 106684. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Al-Halabí, S., Pérez-Albéniz, A., & Debbané, M. (2022). Risk and protective factors in adolescent suicidal behavior: a network analysis. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(3), 1784. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Post 2 Reply
Hi Yamile,
Mental health care providers acknowledge that depressive disorders and accompanying symptoms are prevalent among children and teenagers. Statistics existing in mental health literature report that suicide ranks at position ten as the leading cause of fatalities amongst grown-ups and position two amongst teenagers in the US (Weller et al., 2020). It is imperative to note the presence of risk factors like bullying, cyberbullying, hopelessness, cognitive rigidity, and the existence of mental disorders, which, if identified early enough, can guide the choice of customized suicide preventive interventions. According to Lew (2020), the meaning of life as a psychological construct could act as a significant protective element against suicide ideations. Having a meaning of life is a fundamental protective factor for any person. At the national and state levels, measures incorporating protective factors like nurturing individuals with high self-esteem, resilience, positive mental health, and sufficient sleep are needed as suicide intervention prevention measures. (Islam et al., 2022). (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
The provider must have the requisite suicide assessment skills to correlate suicide warning signs like hopelessness, suicide/homicidal ideations, and depression to sociodemographic factors that include but are not limited to age, gender, household income, and locality. Also put into the mix are other risk factors like individuals who have been victims of traditional bullying and cyberbullying. Recognition of both suicide risk and protective factors is crucial in promoting effective programs meant to prevent self-harm and suicide. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Islam, M. I., Yunus, F. M., Kabir, E., & Khanam, R. (2022). Evaluating risk and protective factors for suicidality and self-harm in Australian adolescents with traditional bullying and cyberbullying victimizations. American journal of health promotion, 36(1), 73-83. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Lew, B., Chistopolskaya, K., Osman, A., Huen, J. M. Y., Abu Talib, M., & Leung, A. N. M. (2020). Meaning in life as a protective factor against suicidal tendencies in Chinese University students. BMC psychiatry, 20(1), 1-9. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Weller, O., Sagers, L., Hanson, C., Barnes, M., Snell, Q., & Tass, E. S. (2021). Predicting suicidal thoughts and behavior among adolescents using the risk and protective factor framework: A large-scale machine learning approach. PloS one, 16(11), e0258535. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Discussion Two Replies
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Your focus on the program’s intention of reinforcing safe medication use and effective monitoring of behaviors easily resonates with the Clozapine Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) Program focal point that stresses the need to monitor and manage clozapine-induced severe neutropenia. Curry et al. (2020) note that despite the demonstrated efficacy of Clozapine in treating medication-resistant schizophrenia and suicidal behavior in patients, this drug is linked to several side effects, among them agranulocytosis. Therefore this program initiated in late 2015 realizes these overarching goals by offering a centralized system where the prescribing physician and pharmacists can manage patients deemed at risk. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
The prescribing physician must fulfill the responsibility that requires differential white blood cell monitoring every week for the next 18 weeks. After 18 weeks, the monitoring should continue every two weeks for the next year, and then after every four weeks as a constituent clozapine patient monitoring service (Borerelli et al., 2020). Contemporary practice is that a prescriber recommending Clozapine for inpatient use must not be certified if the patient one is prescribing is already enrolled in the program. Hence, the prescriber must enroll the patient in the Clozapine REMS Program before the patient gets their first dose while within an inpatient setting. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Borrelli, E. P., Lee, E. Y., & Caffrey, A. R. (2020). Clozapine and hematologic adverse reactions: Impact of the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy program. Mental Health Clinician, 10(3), 70-75. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Curry, B., Palmer, E., Mounce, C., Smith, G., & Shah, V. (2018). Assessing prescribing practices of Clozapine before and after the implementation of an updated risk evaluation and mitigation strategy. Mental Health Clinician, 8(2), 63-67. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Post Two Reply
Hi Marilyn,
It is essential to define the Clozapine REMS Program through the lens of its primary goal of mitigating the risk of severe neutropenia that is commonly associated with the long-term use of Clozapine. Every prescriber should receive adequate education on the risk of severe neutropenia if they appropriately adhere to the recommended monitoring requirements (Remmington et al., 2017). In the era of evidence-based recommendations, current literature requires that the prescriber monitor the patient’s differentials in WBCs every week for the next four and a half months following a Clozapine treatment regimen, followed by another monitoring on a fortnightly basis for the next 12 months. Lastly, the WBCs differences monitoring should then continue every month afterward. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Tanzi (2019) avers that on the last day of February 2019, changes to the Clozapine REMS Program came into force. Subsequently, the new changes demand that bot prescribers and pharmacists get certification to prescribe or dispense Clozapine. After becoming certified, the prescriber designees must also enroll in the program. Additionally, prescribers must enroll all patients taking Clozapine for the first time into the Clozapine REMS since pharmacies are no longer obligated to do so. Adhering to these new certification requirements ensures deserving patients continue to have access to Clozapine within a context where the associated risks are appropriately managed. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Remington, G., Addington, D., Honer, W., Ismail, Z., Raedler, T., & Teehan, M. (2017). Guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia in adults. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 62(9), 604-616. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
Tanzi, M. G. (2019). New changes to the Clozapine REMS program require certification. Pharmacy Today, 25(4), 8. (Depressive Disorders Discussion Replies Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)
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