program outcomes

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N584 Module 6: Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies


The nursing curriculum in the United States of America (USA) has undergone significant changes over recent years. These changes are bound to affect the nursing curriculum not only in the current time but also in the years to come (Schwendimann et al., 2019). Among other influential changes to nursing, the curriculum is the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) recommendations, which are necessary for meeting health care demands by higher education for nurses. Given these recommendations, the impact of these changes may lead to assessment, evaluation, and revision of nursing program curricula in a few years to come. To determine the said impact, this paper explores two case studies, one addressing the case of Jasmine University School of Nursing while the other covers the development of an action plan to evaluate steps in preparation for an accreditation exercise.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

CaseStudy#1: Jasmine University School of Nursing

Jasmine University School of Nursing has devotedly worked to develop a new curriculum. The proposed curriculum is premised on phenomenology, humanism, and feminism with a bias towards community-oriented nursing with hospital-based practice remaining a significant component of the curriculum. Once introduced, the new curriculum, coupled with the 50% increase of their class size (from the current 100 to 150), the faculty encounters clinical placement problems. The introduction of the new curriculum means that 100 senior graduates and 75 sophomores will require clinical placements within the same units during the fall semester. As such, the following salient issues are discussed in the subsection.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Logistical Considerations in the Case of Jasmine University Scholl of Nursing

Due to the problems emanating from the implementation of the new curriculum, Jasmine University School of Nursing, faculty will be required to make some logistical considerations. These considerations will act as an aid to develop appropriate measures to avoid problems that may arise from introducing the new curriculum in place of the current one. In this case, these logistical considerations include scheduling and phasing out the current curriculum, approaches of philosophy and results of the curriculum, personnel’s sufficiency, and stakeholders committed to the mission and purpose of nursing education of the institution.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Possible Options to Resolve the Situation

Considering the expected enrollment increase, budget limitation, and new classrooms and building developments, the nursing school administrators should request practice, classrooms, and laboratory schedules before the term begins to achieve careful planning and allocation. The hiring of more faculties for some of the teaching will also help address this situation as family birthing rooms will decrease. The provision of new teaching will ensure that there will be no placement of 175 students on the same day and for the same unit. Some nursing programs would swap several second-year students to other weekdays.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Likely Implications for Students, Faculty, and Clinical Agency Personnel

The hiring of additional faculty would lead to the fourteenth amendment violation. At the same time, the proximate placement of new geographical alternatives may not be worthwhile given the popularity trends of home births. Again, if clinical placements are swapped with other programs of nursing, there would be an increase in travel time to the placements. The rescheduling of requests will result in changes in the students’ timetable.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Reconsidering the New Curriculum Design by Faculty

The revised curriculum should be reconsidered by the faculty while at the same time taking mitigation steps of the unpreventable obstacles that arise from the new curriculum design. It would be duplicitous as well as inappropriate for the faculty to interrogate the viability of the new curriculum in the absence of denying it the chance to be implemented. Most importantly, the new curriculum design should factor in the likely barriers to the implementation and identify the facilitators to ensure top-down support for the new curriculum initiative. Once the necessary steps have been factored in the curriculum, the redesign should successfully be implemented.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Ways that Faculty Can Use to Overcome Barriers to the New Curriculum

Several barriers stand in the way of new curriculum design. With some being systemic, there is a need to address them wholesomely, considering that they happen to be a part of the process in any change initiative. Existing nursing literature has consistent findings demonstrating that the barriers are appropriately addressed where necessary steps have been taken, and the facilitators reinforced. Targeting to have organizational culture and getting the university administration support helps the faculty to implement the new curriculum.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Case Study#2: Reaccreditation of a Nursing School Program

Accreditation is an evaluation process used in assessing and improving the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of education (Trisno, Putra & Purwanza, 2019). It is, therefore, becoming increasingly crucial in nursing education. In preparation for the accreditation by CCNE, CNEA OR ACEN, the institution is bound to undergo various steps in forming an accreditation team. First, for the organization to get an opportunity to conduct a comprehensive analysis of what is to be improved or is working well, the institution needs to have a demanding self-assessment process resulting in a self-study document. Similarly, collecting the evaluation data and on-site evaluation offers crucial support documentation that point to the need for a favorable reaccreditation for the nursing school. Considering the expected reaccreditation exercise, due in 36 months, the following issues are addressed in this subsection.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Selected Evaluation Model, Evaluation Tools, and Methods Evidence

Toney-Butler & Thayer (2019), aver that in nursing education, the evaluation models and tools that aptly fit a given curriculum entail identifying the purpose of the intended evaluation, which in this context are reaccreditation and its time frame herein given as three years. The selected model is Tyler’s curriculum model, which offers a clear direction for curriculum development (Wraga, 2017). Some of the evaluation tools used include questionnaires and item factor and exploratory factor analysis.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

A Timeline and Action Plan for the New Curriculum Evaluation

The seven steps involved in the curriculum review process begin with the selection of the curriculum evaluation team, followed by the formation of a task force mandated to collect the evidence. The third step entails having the consultant/specialists team to carry out a document analysis. The consultant must be independent of the task force. Step four has the task force meeting to evaluate the evidence. In contrast, in the fifth stage, the nursing faculty staff evaluates the new curriculum, followed by other stakeholders evaluating the same report at the sixth step. The seventh and last step entails the consultant and task force leader prepare the final reports. Once the new curriculum is accredited, this would impact the nursing schools’ perception of quality care and education. Placement. From the walls of lecture halls to hospital wards and other patient rooms, both faculty and student body would endeavor to promote a culture of patient safety and delivery of quality healthcare services once in the field.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Obstacles Facing the Nursing Program and Ways of Overcoming Them

Registered nurses in the nursing program face several challenges that are expected to continue in the next 20 years. First, the baby boomer generation is aging. This will make medical enrollment rise to 80 million by 2030, thereby leading to a significant increase in health care demand. This will turn to lead to an increase in demand for registered nurses (Buelhaus et al. 2017). A partnership with nurses, rather than counting in the education system, would address this issue. Another challenge facing the nursing program is that registered nurses are retiring at an increasing rate. This means that their accumulated knowledge and nursing experience, which would be useful in patient care settings and other organizations, will be lost. This impact will be felt shortly. Gathering of information on the workforce of an organization to ascertain the number of registered nurses who should retire as well as when to retire would resolve the negative impact.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)


In conclusion, this essay has established that nursing faculty plays a crucial role in the new curriculum development process. It has also determined a guide to the theoretical and philosophical rationale behind the decisions arrived at. Using the two case studies, the paper underpins the importance of the process of curriculum development and program evaluation as central to the success of nursing programs and courses by various nursing students(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies


Buerhaus, P. I., Skinner, L. E., Auerbach, D. I., & Staiger, D. O. (2017). Four challenges facing the nursing workforce in the United States. Journal of Nursing Regulation8(2), 40-46(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Schwendimann, R., Fierz, K., Spichiger, E., Marcus, B., & De Geest, S. (2019). A master of nursing science curriculum revision for the 21st century–a progress report. BMC medical education19(1), 1-11.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Toney-Butler, T. J., & Thayer, J. M. (2019). Nursing process.

Trisno, T., Putra, A. P., & Purwanza, S. W. (2019). The Impact of Hospital Accreditation on Nurses’ Perceptions of Quality of Care? Jurnal Nears14(3), 408-412.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)

Wraga, W. G. (2017). Understanding the Tyler rationale: Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction in historical context. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación4(2), 227-252.(Curriculum and Program Evaluation Case Studies)


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