Part 1: All Students (Conference Poster Presentation-Nursing Examples)
The American Psychiatric Association will hold a conference from Thursday, October 12, to Friday, October 13, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Washington, D.C. The primary aim of the Mental Health Services Conference is to bring together a team of practitioners caring for individuals with mental illnesses, such as nurse practitioners, psychiatrists, primary care physicians, social workers, and others, to collaborate on developing ideas and practical advice to influence systems-level change for the patients (American Psychiatric Association, n.d.) (Conference Poster Presentation-Nursing Examples).

This conference is perfect for my DNP practice change project. Moreover, provides insights into how technology and motivational interviewing remain adopted to enhance medication adherence in schizophrenia patients. The project is also relevant to the audience as it offers recommendations to improve the mental health outcomes of schizophrenia patients, which is a mental illness. Besides, I intend to register for this conference and request a session to present my manuscript as practical advice to influence system-level change for schizophrenia patients. Hence, advocating for increased use of motivational interviewing (Conference Poster Presentation-Nursing Examples).
Part 2: Students Implementing at the Practicum Site
Practice Question
For adults with a history of Schizophrenia (P) in the inpatient setting, does the implementation of technology with motivational interviewing (I), compared with current practice (C), impact medication nonadherence (O) in 8-10 weeks (T)? (Conference Poster Presentation-Nursing Examples)
Implementation Progress, Successes, and Challenges
The project is progressing as expected, and I hope to complete it within the set timeline. Motivational interviewing has been used in 95% of the patients. Two patients requested additional time before continuing with motivational interviewing. Since the last progress review, there has not been any participant withdrawal, which indicates positive progress. The remaining 41 participants are considered adequate to offer sufficient data. Moreover, to determine the effectiveness of motivational interviewing in improving medication adherence in schizophrenia patients and informing clinical practice (Conference Poster Presentation-Nursing Examples).
By the end of next week, the project team will have completed implementing MI and collecting data. Consequently, ready for analysis and results interpretation. The primary challenge in the past few weeks has been the increased workload for nurses and other providers involved in the projec. Hence, limiting the time to implement the project and meet the deadline. However, the team has been committed to working with a tight schedule to meet the timeline (Conference Poster Presentation-Nursing Examples).
The implementation process has been successful so far, regardless of the several challenges like participant withdrawal, budget creep, and limited time to work on the project due to the increased workload for clinicians involved. We have met almost all milestones and deliverables to this point. The project team has managed to work with a tight schedule and a thin budget, and I appreciate the commitment. In a future project, I would consider ways to reduce participant withdrawal and work within the scope to avoid scope creep. I would recommend increased motivation to participants to minimize withdrawal, although it is voluntary without penalties (Conference Poster Presentation-Nursing Examples).
American Psychiatric Association. (n.d.). The Mental Health Services Conference.