Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example
Purpose: To demonstrate what each section of the SOAP note should include. Remember that Nurse Practitioners treat patients in a holistic manner and your SOAP note should reflect that premise.
Patient Initials: ____AZ___ Age: ___43____ Gender: _Female ______
Chief Complaint (CC): “I have red itchy areas on my chest area.”
History of Present Illness (HPI): AZ is a 49-year-old male patient who presents to the clinic with pruritus, red patches secondary to pruritus, dry scaling plaques around the chest and neck area. The patient reports the patch started out smaller a few months ago and has witnessed the patch progressively grow in size. He report the itchiness aggravates sometimes but denies any pain or associated symptoms. He reports having applied an over the counter lotion to the area affected with no symptoms relief.(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
- Cetirizine PO 10mg daily
- Over the counter Tylenol 325mg as needed
- Over the counter Benefiber
Sulfa drugs – rash
Past Medical History (PMH):
- high blood pressure diagnosed at 41
- Coronary artery disease diagnosed at 43(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
Past Surgical History (PSH):
No surgical history
Sexual/Reproductive History:
Heterosexual(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
Personal/Social History:
Immunization History:
Covid Vaccine #1 4/3/2021 #3 /4 2/2021 Pfizer
Influenza Vaccination 10/3/2020
PNV 9/18/2018
Tdap 8/22/2017
Shingles 3/22/2016
Significant Family History:
AZ is married and lives with his wife and 16 year girl.
Father died of heart attack aged 71years(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
AZ goes for an annual check. He also had a complete blood test three years ago.
Review of Systems:
General: Well-groomed African American displays a well nutrition status, is cooperative and responds t questions correctly.
HEENT: PERRA normocephalic(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
Neck: Negative for JVD or bruit, full of ROM, supple..
Breasts:. Noncontributory.
Respiratory: breathe sounds clear and regular
CV: Reports regular heart rate and rhythm, no murmue and negative for peripheral edema.
GI: soft non tender.(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
GU: denies change in her urinary pattern, dysuria, or incontinence. He is heterosexual. No denies history of STD’s or HPV. He is sexually active with his longtime girlfriend of 4 years.(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
MS: Full ROM in all extremities.
Psych: denies history of anxiety or depression. No sleep disturbance, delusions or mental health history. He denied suicidal/homicidal history. (Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
Neuro: A& O *3, DTRS 2+ and symmetric bilaterally
Integument/Heme/Lymph: No lymph gland swellings, no excessive bleeding
Endocrine: Negative for polyuria/polyphagia/polydipsia. Denies fatigue, heat or cold intolerances, shedding of hair, No unusual weight gain or loss(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
Allergic/Immunologic: Has sulfa drugs and Histamine allergies.
Physical Exam:
Vital signs: B/P 143/99, left arm, sitting, regular cuff; P 91 and regular; T 99.9 Orally; RR 17; non-labored; Wt: 220 lbs; Ht: 5’6; BMI 34.45(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
General: A&O x3, appears moderately uncomfortable
HEENT: PERRLA, EOMI, or nasopharynx is clear
Neck: Carotids no bruit, jvd or no swelling of thyroid gland.
Chest/Lungs: Lungs pos wheezing, pos for scattered rhonchi(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
Heart/Peripheral Vascular: RRR without murmur, rub or gallop; pulses+2 bilat pedal and +2 radial
ABD: nabs x 4, no organomegaly; mild suprapubic tenderness – diffuse – no rebound
Genital/Rectal deferred(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
Musculoskeletal: symmetric muscle development – non contributory
Neuro: CN II – XII grossly intact, DTR’s intact
Skin/Lymph Nodes: No edema, clubbing, or cyanosis; no palpable nodes
Diagnostics/Lab Tests and Results:
CBC – WBC 14,500 with + left shift(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
Covid PCR-neg
Influenza- neg
Differential Diagnosis (DDx):
- Psoriasis confirmed
According to Kim et al. (2017)- chronic plaque is a hall mark of Psoriasis.
- Contact dermatitis (refuted) -Ruled out because it manifests with patches or plaques with angular corners and geometric outlines (Griffiths et al., 2017).(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
- Atopic dermatitis 9 (refuted)- Ruled out because its predominant symptom is pruritus and typical morphology (Claben et al., 2019).(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
Primary Diagnoses:
Psorais – the patient had the symptoms and risk factors like smoking and taking alcohol.
PLAN: [This section is not required for the assignments in this course, but will be required for future courses.]
Claßen, A., Buhl, T., Schubert, S., Worm, M., Bauer, A., Geier, J., … & Information Network of Departments of Dermatology (IVDK) study group. (2019). Allergic contact dermatitis in psoriasis. British Journal of Dermatology, 180(2), e47-e47.(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
Griffiths, C. E., van de Kerkhof, P., & Czarnecka-Operacz, M. (2017). Psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Dermatology and therapy, 7(1), 31-41.(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)
Kim, W. B., Jerome, D., & Yeung, J. (2017). Diagnosis and management of psoriasis. Canadian Family Physician, 63(4), 278-285.(Comprehensive Soap Note on Proasis Nursing Paper Example)