Change Project Evaluation-Nursing paper Examples
My capstone change project aims to implement an evidence-based care bundle to prevent and manage HAIs among hospitalized patients. I will create awareness about the project and seek stakeholders’ support to implement and sustain the proposed intervention. The project substitutes standardized care, such as hand washing with soap and water. Moreover, with an evidence-based care bundle to curb infections and their complications. Besides creating a strategic plan for the implementation of the project, there remain a need to formulate a clear process to evaluate the proposed intervention to achieve success (Change Project Evaluation-Nursing paper Examples).

My evaluation plan entails; engaging the stakeholders to define the purpose of the evaluation. In addition, and who to remain part of the consultative team. Specifically, the purpose will aid in influencing the evaluation, selecting evaluation questions, and the timing of the evaluation process (Dopp et al., 2021). A project should be transparent about its intended purpose. For instance, the stakeholders ought to know whether the evaluation results remain applicable to continue or eliminate the project.
Secondly, a description of the program allows the stakeholders to understand what the evaluation will deliver or not, as it is essential to the project implementation success of the evaluation activities and use of the results. The stakeholders and the project should agree upon the logical model, development stage, and evaluation purpose. The next phase entails gathering credible evidence required in the evaluation (Change Project Evaluation-Nursing paper Examples).
The data that remain collected in my evaluation will be rates of HAIs among hospitalized patients in the healthcare facility. The data to remain obtained from patients’ records pre –post-intervention of the evidence-based care bundles. Moreover, surveys used to access the stakeholders’ knowledge on implementing the elements of the care bundle remain vital (Change Project Evaluation-Nursing paper Examples).
Open-ended questions to remain applicable to evaluate nurses, other healthcare professionals, patients/families, and caregivers’ perceptions and knowledge of the proposed intervention. The evaluation results to remain communicated through presentations. In this case, face-to-face presentations will encourage immediate feedback from the stakeholders. The results to remain used to improve the proposed intervention to promote success (Change Project Evaluation-Nursing paper Examples).
Dopp, A. R., Kerns, S. E., Panattoni, L., Ringel, J. S., Eisenberg, D., Powell, B. J., … & Raghavan, R. (2021). Translating economic evaluations into financing strategies for implementing evidence-based practices. Implementation Science, 16(1), 1-12.