Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example

Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example

Part 1: Chart (60 points)

 Medical Indications Beneficence and NonmaleficencePatient Preferences Autonomy
Beneficence is a bioethical principle that requires physicians to perform their duties in a beneficial way to the patient while also considering the moral rules aimed at protecting, defending, and preventing harm from befalling them. On the other hand, Timms (2019) explains that nonmaleficence requires physicians to ensure that their actions do not harm the patient, such as killing, causing pain, or decapitating them. The case study portrays the principles in the following ways: Regarding beneficence, the attending physician suggests the need to perform immediate dialysis for James. This was the most suitable decision to treat the patient. Also, the nephrologist identifies Samuel as an ideal match for the kidney transplant. The nephrologist decided to help identify the best tissue match to avoid rejection and enable James to heal quickly.Regarding nonmaleficence, performing an initial diagnosis of James’ condition was critical in ensuring that the treatment offered did not harm the patient.(Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) Autonomy is a bioethics principle that embraces the authority and ability of every person to make their own decisions (Varkey, 2021). Since James could not decide the treatment process, the parents were left with that task. To honor the principle of autonomy, the physician allowed and complied with the decisions of James’ parents to pursue their faith and seek help from a faith-healing center. The nephrologist does not object to the couple’s final judgment of rejecting a life-saving dialysis procedure.  (Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)  
Quality of Life Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, AutonomyContextual Features Justice and Fairness
Regarding nonmaleficence, the nephrologist was ready to provide quality care to James by ensuring that the new kidney perfectly matched the patient to help avoid future rejection and deterioration. The nephrologist should offer the patient appropriate treatment.Regarding autonomy, the physician allows Joanne and Mike to take James to a faith healing service to provide quick healing than the multiple rounds of dialysis.Regarding beneficence, the physician and James’ parents struggle to ensure that the patient is healed.    (Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)     The principle of justice and fairness emphasizes the need to ensure fairness and equity in distributing health care resources (Varkey, 2021). Its depicted in the following ways: The nephrologist offered treatment based on James’ needs of James. The physician allowed the family to include volunteers while identifying matching donors.They also continued offering treatment to James despite the parent’s initial refusal.Fairness is evident when James’ parents desire to donate their kidneys instead of involving their other son. They do not wish for Samuel to undergo a similar ordeal as James.  (Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example 1

Part 2: Evaluation

Answer each of the following questions about how the four principles and four boxes approach would be applied:

  1. In 200-250 words, answer the following: How would each of the principles be specified and weighted in this case according to the Christian worldview? Explain why. (45 points)(Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Observing the four principles is vital in providing adequate health care. However, it is integral to follow a specific procedure that weighs on the significance of each of them. A Christian should emphasize beneficence first (Paganini, 2018). In this case, the efforts towards saving the child should be focused on benefiting them by offering protection and avoiding inflicting harm on them. For example, the step of faith in taking James to a healing center indicates the desire to benefit the patient. Nonmaleficence ranks after beneficence. Christian worldview expects individuals to do to others what they expect to be done to them, including avoiding harm or killing another person. For example, providing dialysis and recommending a kidney transplant indicate the desire to help James recover from the illness. Consequently, justice and fairness rank after nonmaleficence. Christians expect individual efforts to help others to be fair and just. Varkey (2021) explains that it means that the interests of all patients must be considered by equally distributing available health care resources among them while also considering the extent of the needs of each patient. For example, the physician offered James dialysis based on the size of kidney damage and ensured that the initial refusal of James’ parents didn’t influence the type of care provided.(Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
  • In 200-250 words, answer the following: According to the Christian worldview, how might a Christian balance each of the four principles in this case? Explain why. (45 points)
Christianity views healing as the duty of God. Paganini (2018) explains that physicians are in a dilemma on how to approach treatment without compromising on the role of God. Henceforth, to balance the four principles, a Christian should prioritize the patient’s needs.(Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) They can comply with beneficence by ensuring that their actions benefit the patient, such as providing appropriate treatment to James. During the treatment process, they must observe autonomy by honoring the decisions of James’ parents. They should have faith and prefer God’s healing over the dialysis offered in hospitals. When keeping patients’ autonomy, they should provide necessary guidance to make it easy for James’ parents to make informed decisions. Despite James’ parents initially choosing to seek healing than treatment, a Christian would advise them that they must treat and wait for God to heal. Moreover, Christianity teaches that only God has the right to take lives; a Christian action should comply with nonmaleficence, which requires them to avoid harming or killing the patient. This means that priority should have been made towards treating James instead of subjecting him to a rigorous journey that deteriorated his condition. Finally, they can observe justice and fairness by ensuring that they do not discriminate against patients when providing care (Varkey, 2021). Everybody is equal in the presence of God; thus, the need to afford everyone equal treatment by fairly distributing the available health care resources among them.(Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example 2


Paganini, C. (2018). “We Live in the Ruins of Christendom”: Bioethics in a Post-Engelhardtian Age. Conatus-Journal of Philosophy3(2), 99-110.(Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Timms, O. (2019). Biomedical ethics. (2nd ed.). New Delhi: Elsevier(Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Varkey, B. (2021). Principles of clinical ethics and their application to practice. Medical Principles and Practice30(1), 17-28.(Case Study On Applying the Four Principles-A Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)