Capstone Reflective Journal and Capstone Change Projects Topics/ week 1

1.(capstone reflective journal change project topics) On the Reflective Journal, week 1, reflects on the topic of Inter-professional collaboration. My thought on the first week, I am stressed and excited because I am taking my last class to complete my BSN degree and I am stress at work due of staff shortage and poor management. I find this class very interesting, it help to realize various of caring for patients. I like that I am researching a topic for evidence-based projects.  I feel that my degree will prepare me to be more efficient in my career. To complete this course, I have to take time off from work. (capstone reflective journal change project topics)

2. Capstone Change Projects Topics – I am thinking in the study of 1. prevention of diabetes among young adults, 2. the importance of point-of-care-testing, 3. caring for dementia patient using non-pharmacological methods. 4. childhood obesity. 5. the importance of colonoscopy screening among african american male at age 45. I love all the topics that I have chosen and I discussed them with my preceptor. I mostly like childhood obesity and the importance of colonoscopy since they are field that I have experienced into. 

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Capstone Change Project Topics

Selected capstone change project topics include 1) prevention of diabetes among young adults, 2) the importance of point-of-care-testing, 3) caring for dementia patients using non-pharmacological methods, 4) childhood obesity, and 5) the importance of colonoscopy screening among African American male at age 45. These topics are prevalent within the local community and would significantly contribute to quality care and better patient outcomes. However, I am more inclined toward childhood obesity and the importance of colonoscopy screening among African American males at age 45 because they are aligned with my practice experience.(capstone reflective journal change project topics)

Prevention of Diabetes among Young Adults

Recent statistics show that young people are becoming heavier, increasing the risk of diabetes, among other health complications (Wong et al., 2022). The healthcare menace can be attributed to sedentary lifestyle behaviors and poor diets (Uusitupa et al., 2019). The chronic and aggressive nature of diabetes among young people is an adverse health issue due to its impact on quality of life and treatment and management of diabetes for a better part of the young person’s life. Hence, addressing the diabetes menace through prevention will play a critical role in creating a healthier community.(capstone reflective journal change project topics)

The Importance of Point-of-Caring Testing

With the increasing patient needs, an aging population, and cost of care challenges, healthcare practitioners should be more efficient in clinical decision-making. Point-of-care testing enables rapid clinical decision-making during diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, prognosis, and resource utilization (Vashist, 2017). Adopting this practice approach can increase the efficiency of care delivery at the practicum site.(capstone reflective journal change project topics)

Caring for Dementia Patients using Non-Pharmacological Methods

According to the CDC, Around 5.8 million people in the US have dementia, the majority being 65 years and older. An increasingly aging population means a potential increase in the number of people with dementia. This trend calls for approaches to caring for these patients, including non-pharmacological methods such as aromatherapy, dance therapy, animal-assisted therapy, and memory and orientation exercises that can help improve cognitive functioning and independence (Berg-Weger and Stewart, 2017). It is an exciting research area that can inform practice and help address the issue of an increasingly aging population.(capstone reflective journal change project topics)

Child Obesity

According to the CDC, obesity prevalence was 19.7%, affecting over 14.7 million children. Child obesity becomes a real problem if not addressed adequately and promptly. It is associated with unhealthy lifestyles like unhealthy diets, including too many calories and too little exercise, and genetic and hormonal factors (Smith et al., 2020). Managing obesity is complex, calling for strategies to prevent childhood obesity. (capstone reflective journal change project topics)

The Importance of Colonoscopy Screening among African American Males at age 45

Colonoscopy exam helps identify changes in the colon and rectum, detecting conditions such as colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and diverticulosis. It can also detect colorectal cancer. These health problems are more prevalent among African American males, and experts advise screening beginning at age 45 (Carethers, 2017). Testing early and more frequently can help identify the conditions early and treat them before they become complex.(capstone reflective journal change project topics)


(capstone reflective journal change project topics)


Berg-Weger, M., & Stewart, D. B. (2017). Non-pharmacologic Interventions for Persons with Dementia. Missouri medicine114(2), 116–119.

Carethers J. M. (2017). Screening for colorectal cancer in African Americans: determinants and rationale for an earlier age to commence screening. Digestive diseases and sciences, 60(3), 711–721.

Smith, J. D., Fu, E., & Kobayashi, M. A. (2020). Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity and Its Psychological and Health Comorbidities. Annual review of clinical psychology, 16, 351–378.

Uusitupa, M., Khan, T. A., Viguiliouk, E., Kahleova, H., Rivellese, A. A., Hermansen, K., Pfeiffer, A., Thanopoulou, A., Salas-Salvadó, J., Schwab, U., & Sievenpiper, J. L. (2019). Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes by Lifestyle Changes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients11(11), 2611. reflective journal change project topics)

Vashist S. K. (2017). Point-of-Care Diagnostics: Recent Advances and Trends. Biosensors7(4), 62.

Wong, J., Ross, G. P., Zoungas, S., Craig, M. E., Davis, E. A., Donaghue, K. C., Maple-Brown, L. J., McGill, M. J., Shaw, J. E., Speight, J., Wischer, N., & Stranks, S. (2022). Management of type 2 diabetes in young adults aged 18-30 years: ADS/ADEA/APEG consensus statement. The Medical journal of Australia216(8), 422–429.



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