Capstone Proposal: Postpartum Hemorrhage Education To Nursing Students – Submit a proposal based on the Capstone proposal template. When you have chosen a topic and received approval from your capstone mentor, you can proceed to complete the capstone proposal template…
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MSN Education – Capstone
Submit a proposal based on the Capstone proposal template.
When you have chosen a topic and received approval from your capstone mentor, you can proceed to complete the capstone proposal template. The template is designed to guide you through specific steps that will become the blueprint to follow for the rest of your project.
Project Title Write the name of your project.
Project Description This should be a half page to a page detailed description of what exactly your project is.
Project Rationale Two to three paragraphs stating the need for, and justification of, selecting this project. Who will benefit and how will they benefit from this project (not including yourself)? What is the significance of the project, and how will it advance nursing science?
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Personal/Professional Expectations Two to three paragraphs on what you hope to gain from this project, both professionally and personally.
Project Goals Succinctly describe the long-and short-term goals of your project. This may include a research question or hypothesis, depending upon the major objectives of the project.
Analysis of the Literature
Your proposal should also include a brief review of the existing research on your topic and a discussion comparing this research to your project focus. How will your proposed research meet the gaps in existing nursing knowledge? The proposal should address how you plan to review the existing literature, what sources you plan to use.
Procedure This is the major section of your proposal, and includes a step-by-step description of how you intend to carry out your project. It includes a discussion of how you intend to meet your goals, including resources you will need, where you intend to find them, and an estimated timeline of how long each step will take.
Evaluation Half a page to a page on how your project is to be evaluated. Is your healthcare organization/academic setting going to evaluate it? How? Community evaluation? What specifically will make your project a success, both to you and to others?
As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments including how to manage stress in workplaces. All you need to do is place an order with us (Capstone Proposal: Postpartum Hemorrhage Education To Nursing Students).
**** I will be completing my capstone project on the project I chose for my practicum. I will include all of the files that I wrote for my practicum to help you get an idea of the direction of the capstone project.
The project topic is postpartum hemorrhage education to nursing students…
Please let me know if you have any questions….
Postpartum Hemorrhage Education To Nursing Students
Project Description
The U.S. has a maternal mortality rate of 17.4 per 100,000 live births, a significant increase over the last 20 years. Improving maternal, infant, and child health is one of the goals of Healthy People 2020. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity in childbirth (Evensen, Anderson, & Fontaine, 2017).
PPH occurs in up to 6% of all deliveries. Under the effective health care program, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) underlines that mortality associated with PPH could be prevented through prompt recognition and more timely and adequate treatment.
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Since the occurrence of PPH is rarely associated with identifiable risk factors, preparation, patient education, and management of PPH is critical to the outcomes. A wide range of guidelines provides frameworks on PPH prevention and management that facilitate the identification of PPH, determining the cause, and implementing appropriate interventions based on the etiology (MacDorman, Declercq, Cabral, & Morton, 2016).
The purpose of the capstone proposal is to equip the student with knowledge and evidence on PPH and enhance their ability to develop and implement interventions that reduce maternal mortality and morbidity. The project aimed at decreasing the rate of maternal mortality and morbidity by promoting optimal management and prevention of PPH.
The capstone combines training of nursing students on current interventions on PPH with simulation training to enhance the competency of nursing students in handling PPH. The initial training will involve a presentation geared to the attainment of set learning outcomes. Simulation allows students to practice low-frequency, high-stakes events such as PPH within an environment of safety.
The capstone presupposes that by the end of the detailed presentation, the nursing students can define what postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is besides cataloging the PPH risk factors. The achievement of this objective will equip the learners with the ability to assess the risk that every woman in labor and giving birth has the potential risk of experiencing a PPH.
Secondly, the project illustrated and reiterated the sequence of care and set up a care plan, if you will, for women experiencing a PPH (Wormer et al., 2020). The student nurses will also be trained on implementing treatment and care plans that utilized the unit standard, a stage-oriented management plan for obstetric hemorrhage emergency with accompanying checklists for optimum care (Pacheco, Saade, & Hankins, 2019).
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Lastly, the project will ensure the student nurses can approve and justify the list of pharmacological interventions used to treat PPH in addition to specifying the follow-up care the women who experience PPH need. Upon completion, the student nurses were tested on their ability to organize a plan, implement, and evaluate measures that prevent postpartum hemorrhage.
Project Rationale
Maternal deaths from complications of pregnancy or immediately after delivery represent a problem of global significance. PPH is a leading cause of maternal mortality and accounts for 25 percent of maternal deaths, many occurring without identifiable risk factors.
The goal of any birth is to have an outcome that is healthy for both the mother and the child, but current indications are that maternal mortality rate continues to increase not just in the U.S. but worldwide (World Health Organization, 2019).
Most importantly, maternal morbidity and mortality happen to be unexpected outcomes of childbirth, where postpartum hemorrhage is a leading cause. As such, improving the competence of clinicians in addressing the PPH safeguards mothers and facilitates the attainment of better patient outcomes.
Healthcare professionals have a significant role in preventing maternal morbidity and mortality through timely treatment and management of postpartum hemorrhage (Besaina et al., 2018). PPH severity and varied etiology is a significant challenge in treatment and management. Due to the relative infrequency of PPH, student nurses may miss opportunities to practice critical skills and gain knowledge in a supervised learning environment.
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It is imperative to develop frameworks that improve the competence of nursing students on the management and treatment of PPH (Wormer et al., 2020). The capstone acknowledges that clinicians may face a wide range of challenges in managing PPH due to lack of consistent terminology, which delays time diagnosis and the appropriate intervention.
Moreover, ARHQ also acknowledges that there is a limited understanding of optimal assessment methods to determine the cause of PPH, and in the administration of medications, especially first-line medication(s), and the order in which multiple medications are administered (Sentilhes et al., 2016). The capstone promotes a better understanding of PPH, its treatment and management, and trends in treatment.
Personal/Professional Expectations
Professionally, the capstone will help in increasing the nursing students’ knowledge of the clinical practice problem. The project enhances the understanding of student nurses through simulation training and typical training. The capacity building capstone will also facilitate effective prevention of maternal morbidity and mortality caused by postpartum hemorrhage.
In particular, the capstone addresses PPH by focusing on unit readiness, recognition and prevention, response, and systems teaching (Wormer et al., 2020). By contributing to the improved competence of student nurses, I will contribute to better maternal outcomes. Besides, the project provides a platform to implement current teaching frameworks to facilitate improved quality of maternal care.
Besides, the capstone identifies a public health problem and delivers the solution to the most appropriate population. Hence, the capstone will contribute to better integration between nursing education and community-level health. This will also improve my capability in collecting the data, evaluating the results, designing and implementing courses, and conducting the intervention.
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It will also contribute to effectively initiating and conducting an education intervention or quality improvement project in my clinical settings to address clinical issues. Besides, the practice experience helped me understand the practical approaches to developing and delivering content to students in a learning environment. As the nursing continuum grows, I understand how to best contribute and ensure quality nursing education and practice.
Project Goals
The project’s goals involve enhancing knowledge, understanding, and clinical judgment of nursing students. This will be indicated by the nursing students’ ability to prioritize care during a simulated PPH, promote nursing program learning outcomes of therapeutic intervention, intellectual inquiry and analysis, communication, and collaborative caring.
The capstone provides a higher fidelity simulation experience, utilizing currently owned simulation manikins, with minimal financial impact. Besides, the capstone will ensure that nursing students can define what postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is besides cataloging the PPH risk factors.
The achievement of this goal will equip the learners with the ability to assess the risk that every woman in labor and giving birth has the potential risk of experiencing a PPH. For example, this is in appreciation that some women like African American women, are at risk of dying from pregnancy-related issues as many as four times when compared to their white counterparts (Peterson et al., 2019). There will be a pre and post-test distributed to help account for knowledge retention.
The capstone also improves the capacity of nursing students to illustrate and reiterate the sequence of care and set up a care plan, if you will, for women experiencing a PPH. This objective will demonstrate that the students will set up a treatment and care plan that utilizes the unit standard, the stage-oriented management plan for obstetric hemorrhage emergency with accompanying checklists for optimum care. This is being demonstrated during a simulation lab on the college campus.
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The capstone will ensure student nurses can approve and justify the list of pharmacological interventions used to treat PPH and specifying the follow-up care the women who experience PPH need (Wormer et al., 2020).
Suffice it to say that the set objectives are premised on the three areas of nursing education teaching commonly referred to the area of knowledge development, inculcation of the relevant skills, and nurturing the right attitudes in this nursing specialty area of practice.
Analysis of the Literature
Hemorrhage is the most significant cause of maternal death in the world. Postpartum hemorrhage is responsible for more than half of all maternal deaths occurring within 24 hours of delivery (Johnson et al., 2014).
Primary postpartum hemorrhage occurs in 4 – 6% of pregnancies, and it is estimated that a woman dies every 4 minutes worldwide from postpartum hemorrhage, resulting in 140,000 deaths annually (Farber et al., 2016).
Postpartum hemorrhage also poses other significant risks, including coagulopathy, shock, respiratory distress, and can cause long term morbidity. It is critically important that medical providers are educated and are readily able to recognize, diagnose, treat, and manage this medical emergency.
Project Procedure
The capstone project will use a pre-test, intervention, and post-test design. The pre-test will be first administered to the participants, followed by a 20-minute presentation given to 6 groups of 5 students, and finally, a post-test is administered.
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Simulation-based education is used to provide real-time scenarios and improve the engagement of the students. The student nurses were able to feel a firm fundus in the simulation lab and weigh different chux with bloody substances on them to calculate and quantify blood loss.
The simulation training will involve care for a client experiencing postpartum hemorrhage (r/t Uterine Atony), performing nursing interventions for the patient experiencing PPH, providing emotional support to a patient experiencing PPH, and professional communication a PPH.
The participants will be expected to complete postpartum assessment, assess if the patient has a PPH, call a code for PPH (Code PPH), perform fundal massage, perform N.I. during a PPH (insert a foley catheter / administer IVF) and provide emotional support (Gingrey 2020). The capstone will rely on the facility simulation-lab equipped with all resources to simulate a PPH clinical scenario effectively.
Pre-test and the intervention, plus post-intervention for each of the groups, will be achieved over one week. Simulation-based training will follow through the following week, covering all the highlighted areas and coordinated by the nurse educator. The post-test evaluation will be administered at the end of the simulation and week 2.
Evaluation plays a critical role in determining the effectiveness of the project in attaining its intended objectives and measuring the success of interventions. A pre and post-test will be developed to evaluate the impact of the education activity on the nursing student’s capability.
Both tests consisted of the same test items, with the pre-test administered to determine the knowledge of participants on the clinical issue, and the post-test after the education intervention to determine the participant’s knowledge on the same topic.
As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments including how to manage stress in workplaces. All you need to do is place an order with us (Capstone Proposal: Postpartum Hemorrhage Education To Nursing Students).
Besides measuring the amount of learning the student nurses got on the specific clinical area, PPH, pre, and post-tests allow for numerical scoring, which provides a quantitative measure for the change.
Pre and post-tests also provide comparison data that highlight the areas that were well understood and those that need improvement. The method also assessed the impact of the intervention design and content, necessitating improvements depending on the outcomes of the pre and post-tests.
- Farber, M. K., Miller, C. M., Ramachandran, B., Hegde, P., Akbar, K., Goodnough, L. T., & Butwick, A. J. (2016). knowledge of blood loss at delivery among postpartum patients. PeerJ, 4, e2361.
- Gingrey J. P. (2020). Maternal Mortality: A US Public Health Crisis. American journal of public health, 110(4), 462–464.
- Johnson, N. B., Hayes, L. D., Brown, K., Hoo, E. C., Ethier, K. A., & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2014). CDC National Health Report: leading causes of morbidity and mortality and associated behavioral risk and protective factors–the United States, 2005-2013. MMWR supplements, 63(4), 3–27.
- MacDorman, M. F., Declercq, E., Cabral, H., & Morton, C. (2016). Recent Increases in the U.S. Maternal Mortality Rate: Disentangling Trends From Measurement Issues. Obstetrics and gynecology, 128(3), 447–455.
- Sentilhes, L., Vayssière, C., Deneux-Tharaux, C., Aya, A. G., Bayoumeu, F., Bonnet, M. P., Djoudi, R., Dolley, P., Dreyfus, M., Ducroux-Schouwey, C., Dupont, C., François, A., Gallot, D., Haumonté, J. B., Huissoud, C., Kayem, G., Keita, H., Langer, B., Mignon, A., Morel, O., … Goffinet, F. (2016). Postpartum hemorrhage: guidelines for clinical practice from the French College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF): in collaboration with the French Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (SFAR). European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology, 198, 12–21.
- Wormer KC, Jamil RT, Bryant SB. Acute Postpartum Hemorrhage. [Updated 2019 Nov 19]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (F.L.): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-. Available from:
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