Introduction (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples)
Breastfeeding plays a critical role in nourishing and protecting an infant. Nuampa et al. (2018) examine Thai adolescents’ breastfeeding experiences to understand their perceptions of breastfeeding and determine the challenges that contribute to lower breastfeeding duration and exclusivity rates in the population. The purpose of this paper is to establish an understanding of breastfeeding experiences among Thai adolescent mothers for the first six months after delivery (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples).
Moreover, this study area forms a significant part of breastfeeding mothers’ care, informing the need for adequate sensitization on breastfeeding importance among adolescent and adult mothers. Current statistics show that 38% of babies receive exclusive breastfeeding for six months (Nuampa et al., 2018).
However, according to records presented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Thailand was the lowest-ranking country in the Asia/Pacific region with exclusive breastfeeding rates at six months at 23.1%. Nuampa et al. (2018) address a critical maternal health topic and offer a unique line of inquiry into adolescent mothers’ experiences in a region with the lowest exclusivity. I agree with the author’s rationale for conducting the lower breastfeeding exclusivity and duration rates among adolescent mothers is a critical public health issue (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples).
The study utilized a descriptive qualitative design. Since the researcher focused on adolescent mothers’ perspectives on infant feeding and breastfeeding experiences, a qualitative approach presents a naturalistic line of inquiry that allows expansive exploration of each adolescent mother’s individual experiences in a thematic way. Moreover, it allows the researcher to understand participants’ viewpoints gather useful information applicable to healthcare practice, and assess findings based on themes and patterns (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples).
To conduct semi-structured, in-depth interviews, the researchers ensured the participants met the criteria for selection based on research variables such as being 15 to 19 years old, being first-time mothers, having breastfeeding experiences, having full-term infants aged six months, and able to speak the Thai language (Nuampa et al., 2018) (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples).
These measures were suitable in sample selection, as well as attaining the research’s purpose. In the semi-structured interviews, the research focused on the individual experiences of participants. One question stated, “Could you tell me about your breastfeeding experiences?” signifying that the questions focused on the individual insight of each mother best attained through in-depth interviews (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples).
Nuampa et al. (2018) obtained a sample of 20 adolescent mothers from the facility site in a university hospital in Bangkok. The population of the study is adolescent mothers with six months aged infants and with breastfeeding experiences. The sample population was selected based on convenience sampling, which limits the generalizability of the findings. Secondly, the sample does not fairly represent the population under study as the different factors that may affect an adolescent mother’s breast experiences such as culture, socioeconomic status, education level, and health experiences are not accounted for and vary widely in different countries.
Upon conducting the research, the study determined that the significant themes in adolescent mothers’ breastfeeding experiences are identifying the benefits of breastfeeding and the underlying challenges of breastfeeding, family and health support, the ability to return to work and studies, and perspectives on breastfeeding in public. The researchers shared the interview questions’ responses, highlighting the perspectives that could lead to an informed judgment on the study. The participants’ responses help underline the key themes and how they influence breastfeeding duration and exclusivity rates among adolescent mothers (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples).
The study also shares both positive and negative feedback from different participants, meaning measurements and variables used, addressed the most significant issues among them. The table presented in the article showed participants’ demographic characteristics allowing one to determine patterns and trends in this particular study. Surprisingly, I noted an alarming trend among the participants (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples).
Despite being young, some adolescent mothers were already divorced or separated, meaning adolescents are married off while still in school or are forced to drop out. This also makes social support a critical theme in understanding the perspectives of breastfeeding adolescent mothers. Besides, in cases where adolescent mothers have to drop out of school, they take up housewife responsibilities in their households (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples).
The participants explained that they had unintended pregnancies forcing them to drop out of school besides having tentative plans and living with dependency status. Consequently, such conditions greatly influenced breastfeeding experiences and were sufficiently addressed or investigated by the researchers. From these trends and patterns, I can now understand the reasoning behind the author’s need to establish a line of inquiry into breastfeeding mothers’ experiences (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples).
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Nursing Implications
Discuss what you have learned from this research article and how evidence-based nursing impacts nursing practice (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples).
Include your strategies for utilizing this information as you go forward in the nursing practice environment.
Describe how you can integrate the research findings to your patient that you have learned or taken care of this quarter (Breastfeeding Experiences-Nursing Paper Examples).
Nuampa, S., Tilokskulchai, F., Sinsuksai, N., Patil, C. L., & Phahuwatanakorn, W. (2018). Breastfeeding experiences among Thai adolescent mothers: A descriptive qualitative study. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 22(4), 288-303.