Application of Statistics in Health Care-Nursing Essay Samples

Application of Statistics-Nursing Paper Examples

Statistics are integral in enhancing quality, leadership, health promotion, and safety in healthcare. In various circumstances, statistics are fundamental in tracking and monitoring diseases. In addition, understanding the risk factors for individuals, families, and communities. Moreover, assessing and evaluating the quality and safety of the health care provided to the patients. Such roles are essential in ensuring quality, safety, health promotion, and facilitating leadership in the healthcare system (Application of Statistics in Health Care).

Application of Statistics-Nursing Paper Examples
Application of Statistics-Nursing Paper Examples

Quality and Safety

In the current healthcare system, quality and safety are priorities for every healthcare organization. Statistics has a pivotal role in measuring the quality and safety of care. More so, provided by healthcare facilities to the patient (Wang et al., 2018). Through statistical analysis and presentation of patient data, healthcare organizations comprehend areas that require improvement to improve health outcomes (Application of Statistics-Nursing Paper Examples).

According to Tannady (2022), quality and safety indicators are traced using relevant and accurate statistics. Consequently, from different sources within and outside the organization. Such indicators show if the healthcare facility attains the required objectives and goal of providing quality and safe healthcare services (Application of Statistics-Nursing Paper Examples).

For instance, statistics are critical in tracking the patterns and number of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). Furthermore, which facilitates understanding of appropriate measures to prevent and mitigate the incidences (Haleem et al., 2021). Consequently, when statistics show high HAIs, the hospital staff could engage in preventive measures. Moreover, such as sanitation to prevent the spread of HAIs in the hospital environment (Wang et al., 2018). Thus, statistics are vital in monitoring the quality and safety of healthcare facilities. Furthermore, examine and change practices accordingly to ensure patients and staff are safe and secure.

Health Promotion

Statistics are integral in health promotion by offering different roles and benefits, more so at family and community levels, hence increased safety. Besides, statistics in healthcare settings assist in understanding factors related to disease incidences, cure rates, and treatments which are crucial in achieving the goals of health promotions (Tannady, 2022). Statistics enhance public health and health promotion when effectively and successfully utilized by healthcare organizations, including private and public facilities (Application of Statistics-Nursing Paper Examples).

For example, statistics contributes to tracing population data that assists in observing large-scale indicators. In addition, health patterns comprising trends in particular diseases (Wang et al., 2018). Such role of statistics identifies the need and type of intervention required and comprehension of the anticipated outcome on public health. Thus, statistical analysis is vital for health promotion through diverse public health interventions (Application of Statistics-Nursing Paper Examples).

Based on the public health perspective, statistics are essential in health promotion through tracking disease outbreaks, tracing contacts, and understanding morbidity mortality and vaccination rates in case of a pandemic (Haleem et al., 2021). Such roles played by the statistics assist the government and healthcare organizations in putting in necessary measures to prevent and manage particular infections in public (Tannady, 2022). On the same note, statistics facilitates monitoring various community and public health problems due to comprehending behavior patterns such as tobacco and alcohol use leading to appropriate intervention (Application of Statistics-Nursing Paper Examples).


Moreover, the effectiveness and success of leadership significantly depend on the statistics on decision-making in healthcare facilities. According to Haleem et al. (2021), statistics enhances evidence-informed decision-making processes in healthcare settings as it exists as a form of evidence and facts to support different strategies and programs. Leaders and managers utilize the statistically traced safety and quality indicators to improve performance and change practices to ensure efficiency in healthcare service delivery (Tannady, 2022).

Equally, leaders and managers in healthcare settings use statistical data to implement and monitor changes to attain the intended goals. Nevertheless, the statistics in healthcare settings provide essential information such as patient and staff satisfaction, diversity, and nurse-to-patient ratio to assist in sound decision-making (Application of Statistics-Nursing Paper Examples).

Utilization of Statistical Knowledge

Nurses in our organization apply statistical knowledge in multiple practices and situations comprising evidence-based studies in clinical settings and related studies. As per Tannady (2022), statistics are integral in ensuring quantitative support for diverse decisions and practices within healthcare facilities due to effective and successful analysis and comprehension of patterns. Daily, statistics possess various benefits and roles in decision-making as healthcare practitioners. It allows health providers in our organization to understand patients’ needs to improve their health and well-being in different departments (Wang et al., 2018).

Nursing practitioners, for instance, can generate statistical information from patient surveys and observations, leading to understanding various health indicators. In this case, the statistical approach assists nurses with medical priorities based on previous patterns contributing to assisting patients requiring emergency care (Tannady, 2022). On the same note, statistics is essential in prioritizing treatments by nursing practitioners due to providing visual metrics and comparing intervention and treatment options and practices (Application of Statistics-Nursing Paper Examples).

In conclusion, statistics are fundamental in improving quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership practices in healthcare settings. Statistics contributes to measuring, analyzing, and understanding various healthcare indicators. As a result, healthcare practitioners, including nurses, should utilize statistics to enhance evidence-based research and practices, increasing competence and implementing multiple treatments and interventions in healthcare settings (Application of Statistics-Nursing Paper Examples).


Haleem, A., Javaid, M., Singh, R. P., & Suman, R. (2021). Telemedicine for healthcare: Capabilities, features, barriers, and applications. Sensors International2, 100117.

Tannady, H. (2022). The importance of big data for healthcare and its usage in clinical statistics of cardiovascular disease. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology29(4).

Wang, Y., Kung, L., & Byrd, T. A. (2018). Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and potential benefits for healthcare organizations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change126, 3-13.

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