Write a discussion that includes;

1. A summary of anorexia nervosa including its behavioral, physical, and psychologic symptoms and include the nursing interventions for this patient

2. A summary of bulimia nervosa and include interventions on how to care for this patient and includes behavioral, physical and psychological symptoms

Reference: Fortinash, K. & Worret, H. P. (2012). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (5th ed.). Elsevier, St. Louis, MO. ISBN: 9780323075725


Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is an eating-psychiatric disorder marked by extreme food intake restriction accompanied by physical, psychological, and behavioral manifestations. The physical symptoms of anorexia nervosa include severe weight loss within a short period, a low body weight that does not match the person’s range in height and age, fatigue, and muscle loss/weakness (Fortinash & Worret, 2012). The psychological symptoms entail extreme fear of gaining weight, preoccupation with calories/food/exercise, irritability during eating times, low self-esteem, and dissatisfaction with one’s body. Subsequently, behavioral manifestations are binge eating, self-induced vomiting, and excessive exercise. Other behavioral manifestations include purging, compulsive behavior, impulsivity, hyperactivity, and social isolation.(Anorexia nervosa discussion essay)

Evidence-based nurse-led interventions are crucial in managing patients with anorexia nervosa. The interventions depend on the severity of the disease and the patient’s needs. First, medical management aims to restore weight, rehydration, nutritional therapy, and correct electrolyte imbalance. Second, psychopharmacology uses amitriptyline to promote weight gain, olanzapine to manage psychopathy, and fluoxetine to prevent relapse after weight gain. Lastly, psychotherapy focuses on family therapy, where families encourage the patient on treatment compliance and individual therapy to improve the patient’s self-esteem, acceptance, coping skills, and life satisfaction.(Anorexia nervosa discussion essay)

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is marked by binge eating habits (at least twice a week in three months) and abnormal compensatory behavior to manage weight, followed by potential destructive sequelae. Abnormal compensatory mechanisms entail fasting, self-induced vomiting, and excessive exercise. Physical symptoms entail sudden fluctuations/change in weight, dental erosion as recurrent vomiting erodes the enamel, jaw, and cheeks swelling, indigestion, and fatigue. Psychological symptoms include exercise obsession, dieting, body image, fear of weight gain, anxiety, low self-esteem, and life dissatisfaction. Behavioral manifestations entail constant dieting habits such as counting calories, skipping meals or fasting, excessive or compulsive exercise, social isolation, eating alone, and hiding food.(Anorexia nervosa discussion essay)

Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective nursing intervention for bulimia nervosa. The treatment approach aims to change the patients’ cognition (thinking) and behavior (actions) concerning food and eating habits (Fortinash & Worret, 2012). Interpersonal strategies effectively improve the patient’s self-esteem and coping skills. Second, psychopharmacology treatment with drugs such as desipramine, amitriptyline, and fluoxetine is effective among patients that have developed depression. Moreover, antidepressants can help reduce binge eating, improve mood, and decrease preoccupation with weight and body shape.

Anorexia nervosa discussion essay


Fortinash, K. & Worret, H. P. (2012). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (5th ed.). Elsevier, St. Louis, MO. ISBN: 9780323075725

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