Analysis and Diagnosis (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples)
The problems affecting Alaska Airlines include an operational crisis, where 35% of the company’s flights are not operating within schedule, and a 4 in 1000 risk of luggage mishandling. These issues impede the company’s competitiveness in the highly competitive airline industry (Avolio et al., 2015). Forces driving the change include customer preference for excellent customer services and supplier instability, whereby customers are reducing significantly due to flight delays(Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
The problem was caused by the inefficiency of the top management, making it challenging to compel employee accountability. Avolio et al. (2015) explain that the problem resulted in reduced customers and a loss of competitiveness in the airline industry as customers preferred other flights with good customer service. The reduction in customers also contributed to profit losses, affecting the company’s ability to fund its operations effectively(Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).

Organizational Needs
The organizational needs driving the change include poor performance whereby the organization strives to improve its services like luggage handling and reduce flight delays. Besides, changing market conditions drive the change since customers prioritize airlines with good customer service, prompting Alaska to improve its operations (Avolio et al., 2015)(
The organizational needs driving the change include poor performance whereby the organization strives to improve its services like luggage handling and reduce flight delays. Besides, changing market conditions drive the change since customers prioritize airlines with good customer service, prompting Alaska to improve its operations (Avolio et al., 2015)(Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples)
The organizational needs driving the change include poor performance whereby the organization strives to improve its services like luggage handling and reduce flight delays. Besides, changing market conditions drive the change since customers prioritize airlines with good customer service, prompting Alaska to improve its operations (Avolio et al., 2015)(Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
The organizational needs driving the change include poor performance whereby the organization strives to improve its services like luggage handling and reduce flight delays. Besides, changing market conditions drive the change since customers prioritize airlines with good customer service, prompting Alaska to improve its operations (Avolio et al., 2015)(Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
The factors that may negatively impact change include poor communication between employees and management, which can be handled by establishing clear communication channels within the organization. Also, poorly skilled employees may not effectively handle luggage, and this problem can be addressed by establishing training and development programs (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Underlying Causes
The underlying causes of the problems include inadequate financial resources to create employee training programs. This problem can be addressed by incorporating employee development into the company’s budget. Also, poor communication is caused by the laxity of top leadership in establishing effective communication channels. The problem can be addressed by changing top leadership or creating strict accountability measures to influence responsibility among the leaders (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
The company currently has 70-75% of flights operating within schedule, 20% short of its goals. This problem can be addressed by compelling employee accountability and ensuring regular flight maintenance (Avolio et al., 2015). Besides, the company is also experiencing 4 in 1000 cases of mishandling passenger bags, which is higher than the expected 1 in 1000 cases. The gap can be addressed by training employees on customer service and luggage handling techniques (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Change Plan
Urgency can be created by establishing constant reminders and conversations about the need for change. It can also be created by identifying opportunities for change and enforcing them through accountability (Singh & Ramdeo, 2020). The stakeholders can be convinced by highlighting the benefits of the change effort, such as improved customer satisfaction and profits (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
The processes for implementing the change include allowing employees to recommend leaders for the executive team, which can then review the recommendations and choose leaders with a higher potential of achieving change. The changes will be updated by sharing them in internal memos and advertised in newspapers to attract applications for the top management position (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Naeem (2020) explains that lobbying can gain employee support, which is an effective strategy since it increases employee awareness about the benefits of the change effort. It can also attract huge employee support and compel the leaders to implement the proposed change (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Guiding Coalition
Individuals involved in the guiding coalition include 50% managers and 50% leaders to help balance leadership and management roles during change effort implementation. Equal composition will help integrate various skills and expertise necessary for the change effort’s success (Decuypere & Schaufeli, 2020)(Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Commitment of those involved can be achieved through effective communication of the change effort goals and progress (Peng et al., 2021). It can also be achieved through transparency and efficient task delegation based on employee skills to enhance success in completing the project milestones.
The values essential for the change effort include employee empowerment, which can improve employee skills and expertise through training and development (Hashimy et al., 2023). Besides, Yue et al. (2019) explain that effective communication skills are also essential in accurately passing information and feedback to employees for improved performance. Additionally, the leader should be visionary to help anticipate problems and improve areas that should be implemented for success (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
The vision for the change effort should be “Alaska Airlines is committed to providing safe, timely, and improved customer services that centralize on integrity and accountability according to customer’s needs and preferences.” The vision will be effective since it prioritizes crucial factors necessary for the success of the organization, such as the need for timely flights, excellent customer service, accountability, and integrity (Yue et al., 2019) (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Targeted Outcomes
The targeted outcomes include increasing timely flights to at least 95-100% to improve its competitive edge within the airline industry. Also, it aims to improve employee performance in luggage handling, ticket issuance, and inflight activities to increase customer satisfaction and profits (Shah et al., 2020)(Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
The change effort can succeed if visionary, trustful, and accountable leaders are assigned employee team leadership positions. Dožić (2019) observes that the change effort can succeed if trained and mentored in customer service to ensure positive outcomes related to luggage handling. Additionally, it can succeed if performance standards for guiding employee activities, such as constant reminders and collaboration techniques, are implemented (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Effective change communication will require the adoption of various communication channels like email, videoconferencing, memos, and face-to-face conversations. The communication channels should also be clear to enhance the passage of information to intended audiences (Ali et al., 2021). The effects of the changes should also be communicated appropriately to enhance employee commitment.
Two-way Communication
Two-way communication can be encouraged through feedback and prompt provision of responses to enhance employee openness necessary for identifying and rectifying emerging concerns during change effort implementation. Communication should also be transparent and frequent to improve employee connection and remain informed on change effort initiatives. Moreover, effective listening and empathy among leaders promote personalized guidance and support to employees, enabling them to voice their concerns (Dollins & Stemmle, 2021) (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Direct Supervisors
Communication from direct supervisors will be supported by establishing clear communication policies, like an open-door communication policy, to facilitate direct response to employee concerns and suggestions (Zubair & Siddiqui, 2021). They should also be provided with clear communication channels like emails to improve the intended audience’s passage and receipt of information. Also, the directors should be empowered with effective communication skills to enhance employee interpersonal interactions for improved performance (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Concerns like job layouts can be addressed through honest and transparent communication of the expected layoffs and the reason for the layoffs. Besides, burnout caused by increased workload can be addressed through resource-leveling that adjusts project completion dates based on resource availability (Moussavi et al., 2019) (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
The people involved in the change effort include senior management and departmental managers. Senior managers will be tasked with developing and approving strategic initiatives for the change effort. Departmental managers will delegate tasks and communicate the changes to employee teams for execution.
Forces, Barriers, and Hindrances
The barriers to organizational change include inadequate clarity of the change initiative, whereby the change managers inadequately explain the context of the change initiative based on organizational capabilities (Lauer, 2020). Also, inadequate strategy management, such as establishing unrealistic timelines and milestones, impedes the implementation of the change effort. Additionally, a culture that is resistant to change owing to adverse outcomes experienced in the previous efforts to implement a change effort (Lauer, 2020) (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Resistance to change can be recognized based on the internal conflicts by top management. This can be eliminated by establishing open communication channels to enhance the delegation of tasks and the sharing of information among managers (Li et al., 2021). Also, resistance is evident when bureaucratic organizational structures are reinforced. This issue can be addressed by establishing flexible structures and policies to accommodate different contexts of the change effort (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Enable and Empower
The actions empowering employees to drive change include establishing a culture of trust. Trustful relationships assure employees of their value to the change effort and can be reinforced through honest feedback (Yue et al., 2019). Employee development programs should also be established to equip employees with the skills necessary for improved performance. Additionally, Ali and Anwar (2021) explain that reward systems like bonuses can encourage employees to strive to achieve the change effort objectives (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Short-term wins can be generated by establishing short-term goals, which can be rewarded through recognition and bonuses. Also, adequate resources should be allocated toward specific milestones of the change effort (Lauer, 2020). This can be rewarded through rewards and a guarantee of adequate resources for completing subsequent milestones. Additionally, short-term wins should be celebrated to motivate. The wins should be rewarded through bonuses and the creation of flexible work schedules for the employees (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
Short-term Wins
The organization can benefit from the short-term wins by consistently accomplishing the change objectives, ensuring that the change effort milestones are completed as scheduled. Also, it can guarantee a charged and highly motivated employee team that can guarantee improved productivity, leading to positive change (Lauer, 2020). Moreover, the wins prove the worth of the change effort by offering direct experiences with the benefits of the change effort. This approach motivates employees to continue pursuing the change objectives (Analysis and Diagnosis-nursing Paper Examples).
The momentum of the change effort can be ensured by acknowledging and celebrating the wins throughout the change process. This motivates employees by assuring them of their importance to the change process. Also, it is important to anticipate and devise mitigating measures for potential obstacles that may impede the change effort progress (Lauer, 2020). This can ensure a consistent process that maintains employee morale throughout the process. Moreover, constant reminders about the importance of the change can encourage employees to continue working towards the change effort objectives.
Organizational Culture
The change can be integrated into the organizational culture by inspiring and motivating the employees to embrace the change. Also, Lauer (2020) observes that recognizing and rewarding successful milestones can encourage employees to align their activities with the new changes, leading to appropriate integration of the change into the organizational culture. Moreover, consistent communication is necessary to integrate the change effort into the organizational culture since it reminds every employee to engage in specific activities for improved performance.
Infrastructure Mechanisms
The infrastructure includes data-driven decision-making to enhance the collection and analysis of the data on the change effort progress for improved performance. Besides, the change effort will also require the acquisition of efficient communication channels, such as secure emails, phones, and websites, which can provide regular updates about the change effort’s progress and success (Lauer, 2020). Effective communication is integral in sustaining change efforts since it ensures the passage of information to the intended audience for the execution of project goals.
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