Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pattern of violent or controlling behavior committed by a person who has or has had a close relationship with another person. Injury, psychological abuse, forced social isolation, intimidation, threat-making, and stalking are all examples of IPV. In the United States, more than one-third of women and one-fourth of men may experience physical violence, threats, or rape by a partner during their lifetimes, making IPV one of the few health problems that have such a broad impact on so many individuals (Choo & Houry, 2018). The practicum project seeks to improve the IPV policy of identifying and reporting IPV cases among patients visiting the healthcare organization to prevent future violence.(Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Project Focus and Goals
Intimate Partner Violence is a serious public health problem detrimental to individuals’ health with lasting and harmful impacts on individuals, families, and communities (Choo & Houry, 2018). The focus of the practicum project is promoting patient safety by addressing IPV case identification among patients visiting the clinic. The short-term objective is to increase the number of identified and reported IPV cases because most can be overlooked by training frontline staff; physician assistants on identifying patients at risk of IPV and the steps to take in such instances. The long-term goal is to improve the healthcare organization’s screening ability and capacity to identify clients at risk for IPV.(Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Need for Project
The project addresses intimate partner violence (IPV) victims’ identification in the practicum setting. IPV incidences are often unrecognized, underreported, and under-documented, thus necessitating a safety and quality improvement initiative to bridge the gap. The impact of IPV is inadequately established due to the slow and low identification of actual and potential IPV victims (Patra et al., 2018). Healthcare workers serve at least one IPV victim without knowing, underlining the problem and creating the need to enhance IPV case identification. The project seeks to enhance the identification of IPV victims and patients at risk for IPV by improving the current IPV policy to bolster the healthcare providers’ and systems’ capacity to identify IPV patients quickly. It is expected that increasing IPV screening will improve victim identification to optimize the outcomes of abused individuals. The healthcare facility requires a protocol for patient screening and identification. The improved IPV policy will serve as the protocol and provide recommendations to guide the efforts of enhancing the case findings of the victims and perpetrators. Policy improvements will also inform providers’ training to enhance interaction with patients.(Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Intimate partner violence was identified through an analysis of patient data that indicated an increase in reported incidences or patients presenting in the emergency department with health issues or injuries associated with intimate partner violence. Data was integral in identifying the specific patient need that requires urgent addressing. Patient assessment data indicating chief complaints and history of present illness provided baseline information needed to rank IPV as a patient safety improvement need and the focus of the practicum project. Increasing screening of patients at risk of IPV can help develop interventions and policies to ensure patient safety.(Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Project development is a challenging task with a 70% potential failure due to multiple factors and barriers (Jones-Schenk, 2019). Factors such as communication problems, scope changes, conflict within the team, competition among team members, leadership hierarchy and structure problems, lack of senior management and project leaders’ support, and lack of team members’ commitment might impact the project implementation. Communication problems can come from a lack of stakeholder engagement and different priorities, interests, and expectations of project tasks, deliverables, and outcomes (Shakeri & Khalilzadeh, 2020). Scope changes impact the budget, objectives, regulatory and resource requirements, and timelines and might determine the project’s success or failure. Conflict among team members might arise from unclear team roles and responsibilities. Power, authority, and influence might create competition in the team (Shakeri & Khalilzadeh, 2020). A lack of project leaders and senior management support would be detrimental to the project’s success. Team members’ commitment and dedication to their roles and responsibilities are critical success factors. Developing a communication plan, adjustment plan for the scope changes, and team cohesiveness and conflict resolution plan will help address these challenges.(Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Evaluation Strategies
The project evaluation will cover process, impact, outcome, and summative evaluations. Process evaluation will involve evaluating the entire project development and implementation process. The impact evaluation will help determine whether the project impacted the research problem and stakeholders as intended (Balmer et al., 2020). Outcome evaluation involves assessing whether the project achieved the desired outcome: increased identification of IPV victims and individuals at risk for IPV. Summative evaluation will help examine the project’s success and effectiveness after completion and whether it met all objectives and requirements (Kaczmarek & Romaniuk, 2020). These evaluations will offer insights into different project areas, influence the need for improvement, and contribute to learning.(Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Project evaluation metrics will serve as the primary evaluation strategies to assess project performance. In process evaluation, evaluation metrics, including total costs, scope, deadlines/milestones, and activity completion rate, will be used to evaluate the project. The project includes cost, scope, and time elements, which makes these metrics suitable for this project’s evaluation. In impact and outcome evaluations, comparative statistics will be used. Evaluation data will be collected pre- and post-implementation. The two data sets will be compared to determine whether the project achieved the intended impact and outcome. Having two sets of data makes comparative statistics suitable for this project. During the summative evaluation, baseline data against data collected at specific intervals and milestones, project team members’ self-assessment, and user satisfaction assessment will help evaluate the overall project’s success. These strategies are suitable because they will indicate project effectiveness in various areas, including personnel effectiveness and user satisfaction. (Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Monitoring and evaluating the quality and safety initiative will take place throughout the project development period using the specified strategies, including scope, time, and cost constraints, comparative statistics, baseline data against data collected at various project intervals, self-assessments, and user satisfaction. Improving IPV identification in the healthcare organization is a quality and safety initiative that can only be successful if the overall project is successful. The project evaluation strategies selected will help determine the overall project effectiveness and success in improving quality and safety among IPV patients. The project operates within scope, cost, and time constraints. Meeting these constraints is vital for the project’s success, hence the initiative. The project’s desired impact and outcome are increasing the number of IPV cases identified and reported to enhance patient safety and quality of care. Comparative statistics will help determine whether the project achieved the desired impact and outcome. Summative evaluation will be done after project implementation. Baseline data against data collected at various intervals in the project will be used. Summative evaluation will combine evaluations at different phases, communicating overall project success.(Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Successful outcomes for this project would be improved identification of IPV victims and patients at risk of IPV. Increased IPV patient identification will be measured by comparing pre-implementation and post-implementation data. Implementing the IPV policy improvements is expected to help bolster providers’ and system’s capacity to identify IPV victims and individuals at risk of IPV. The project team will collect data on the number of IPV victims and those at risk of IPV screened and identified before implementing the policy improvements. After implementing the policy improvements, the healthcare providers talking to patients will continuously collect and record data on the number of patients identified as IPV victims or at risk of experiencing IPV. The team will compare the numbers pre- and post-implementation. The comparison will help determine the effectiveness of the IPV policy in identifying IPV victims and individuals at risk of IPV.(Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Evaluation of Success
Overall, the project was successful despite the multiple challenges during the implementation phase, primarily on scope changes that led to increased cost and deadline changes. The project sought to enhance the identification of IPV victims and patients at risk for IPV by improving the current IPV policy to bolster the healthcare providers’ and systems’ capacity to identify IPV patients effectively. It was actualized through policy guidelines that required physician assistants and healthcare providers to improve communication and patient engagement competencies and skills. (Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) Healthcare providers received training and resources to ensure the policy reform was comprehensive and achieved its intended purpose. The training helped providers addressing IPV cases tailor assessment and treatment plans to different patients to meet experiences and circumstances specific to varying patient needs. Providers with an understanding of dealing with IPV victims and developing therapeutic relationships with patients will enhance patient confidence and the competency of the assessment and investigative process, increasing the number of patients willing to talk about their experiences, hence the number of identified IPV cases. After implementing policy reform and training providers, the project team gathered data for post-evaluation of project impact and outcome. Findings indicated improved patient engagement and provider-patient relationships and increased ability and capacity of the organization and providers to identify and report IPV cases, serving as evidence for the increased number of IPV victims and those at risk for IPV identified during the project period. (Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
The project’s purpose was to improve the current IPV policy to increase the identification of IPV victims and patients at risk for IPV and improve patient safety and quality of care. The motivation behind the project was patient data and literature supporting the underreporting of IPV cases because most cases are unidentified and unrecognized. Communication barriers and scope changes were the primary challenges experienced during project development. The project evaluation strategies focused on process, impact, outcome, and summative evaluation to help measure the project’s success, performance, and effectiveness. Overall, the project was a success. (Intimate Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Balmer, D. F., Riddle, J. M., & Simpson, D. (2020). Program Evaluation: Getting Started and Standards. Journal of graduate medical education, 12(3), 345–346. Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Choo, E. K., & Houry, D. E. (2018). Managing intimate partner violence in the emergency department. Annals of emergency medicine, 65(4), 447–451.e1. Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Jones-Schenk J. (2019). 70% Failure Rate: An Imperative for Better Change Management. Journal of continuing education in nursing, 50(4), 148–149. Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Kaczmarek, K., & Romaniuk, P. (2020). The evaluation methods for the overall health policy assessment: potential and limitations. Cost-effectiveness and resource allocation: C/E, 18, 43. Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Patra, P., Prakash, J., Patra, B., & Khanna, P. (2018). Intimate partner violence: Wounds are deeper. Indian journal of psychiatry, 60(4), 494–498. Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Shakeri, H., & Khalilzadeh, M. (2020). Analysis of factors affecting project communications with a hybrid DEMATEL-ISM approach (A case study in Iran). Heliyon, 6(8), e04430. Partner Violence Practicum Evaluation-Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)