8-1 Discussion: Defining Your Conflict Management Style-Nursing Paper Examples

Conflict Management Style-Nursing Paper Examples

Conflict management is integral to organizational success since it promotes peaceful work environments that enhance employee productivity (Raines, 2019). Collaborating style is the most preferred conflict management strategy in organizations since it creates solutions satisfying the interests of all the parties. Raines (2019) illustrates that the collaborative style creates a win-win situation for all the conflicting parties, ensuring effective resolution of multiple perspectives of the situation. The style suits organizational settings where collaboration is necessary and requires identifying underlying concerns and effective listening skills (Conflict Management Style-Nursing Paper Examples).

(Conflict Management Style-Nursing Paper Examples)
Conflict Management Style-Nursing Paper Examples

Ideally, the collaborating conflict management style compliments a transformational leadership theory since both focus on creating harmony and collaboration between conflicting teams (Raines, 2019). The transformational leadership theory employs collaboration and effective communication to motivate employees, create a vision, and encourage them to fulfill their visions (Ardi et al., 2020). Transformational leaders facilitate organizational change by creating employee groups based on the ability of each individual to support and inspire one another to achieve the corporate vision (Conflict Management Style-Nursing Paper Examples).

In this case, it shares the same goal as the collaborating style of conflict management. Collaborating style is effective in resolving conflicts between employees who share a common purpose and vision. Ardi et al. (2020) observe that the leader can leverage their idealized influence to encourage collaboration among the team members, which is crucial in overcoming individual differences and prioritizing their vision and goals.

However, Raines (2019) observes that leaders can opt for alternative conflict management strategies, such as the competing style, where they need to prevent employees from taking advantage of them due to their soft approach to leadership. Besides, decisions on trivial matters do not require maximum time and involvement of the leaders, making a competing conflict management style the most effective in resolving the situation (Raines, 2019) (Conflict Management Style-Nursing Paper Examples).

Conflicts on trivial matters are commonplace; hence, the leaders should not incorporate the views of each party in resolving trivial issues. The competing style does not consider the views of other parties in the conflict; hence, it can effectively help resolve conflicts on trivial issues where the leader’s authority and decision should be made final (Conflict Management Style-Nursing Paper Examples).


Ardi, A., Djati, S. P., Bernarto, I., Sudibjo, N., Yulianeu, A., Nanda, H. A., & Nanda, K. A. (2020). The relationship between digital transformational leadership styles and knowledge-based empowering interaction for increasing organizational innovativeness. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change11(3), 259-277. https://ijicc.net/images/vol11iss3/11322_Ardi_2020_E_R.pdf

Raines, S. S. (2019). Conflict management for managers: Resolving workplace, client, and policy disputes. (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.

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