Week 8: Practice Readiness in Leading Future Change – Nursing Paper Examples

Leading Future Change Project

The course required vigorous research of a practice problem affecting patients and implementing an evidence-based intervention to address the practice problem. I have not been involved in such a meticulous process before. Therefore, I appreciate this opportunity that allowed me to learn and improve my knowledge of the research process. Moreover. from problem identification to research question development, methodology selection, data collection and analysis, and results interpretations and conclusion development. However, the last three steps are yet to be implemented (Leading Future Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

Leading Future Change-Nursing Paper Examples
Leading Future Change-Nursing Paper Examples

Notably, I have improved my engagement skills working with participants and colleagues involved in the project throughout the research process. My confidence and competency in change project implementation in the complex healthcare environment have grown tremendously during the course. The skills, knowledge, and competencies gained during this course add to my career readiness and ability to work as a DNP-prepared nurse. I have what it takes to identify the need for change in the practice environment.

Read More on How to write a Nursing Change Project

In addition, propose it, and guide a project to address it. Moreover, I have the skills to inform and facilitate continuous quality improvement through change projects. I can advocate for patients by proposing interventions to improve health outcomes, patient experience, and satisfaction. (Leading Future Change-Nursing Paper Examples)

Part 2: Students Implementing at the Practicum Site

Practice Question

For adults with a history of Schizophrenia (P) in the inpatient setting, does the implementation of technology with motivational interviewing (I), compared with current practice (C), impact medication non-adherence (O) in 8-10 weeks (T)

Implementation Progress

The final data will be collected between August 2 and August 6. I intend to complete data collection within the first week of August and begin data analysis the following week. The expectation remain that the two patients asking for some time before embarking on motivational interviewing to remain ready by next week as planned. More so, to complete implementing motivational interviewing and begin sorting and analyzing the data (Leading Future Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

The project intended to implement motivational interviewing in 50 schizophrenia patients. These 50 participants were involved in the pre-implementation data collection. However, nine patients have withdrawn from the research. Hence, leaving only 41 patients involved in the post-implementation data collection and considered in data analysis and results interpretation.

Change Sustainability

The primary approach to ensuring the project’s sustainability is adopting motivational interviewing as routine practice in addressing medication non-adherence among schizophrenia patients and other patient populations with similar problems. Making MI a standard practice and encouraging adoption throughout the institutions would also ensure sustainability (Laur et al., 2019) (Leading Future Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

It is also necessary to create opportunities for continuous but meaningful change to ascertain weaknesses or concerns identified in motivational interviewing are addressed as part of continuous quality improvement. Additionally, I would require consistent leadership support to ensure the change is sustainable. Finally, I will adopt good communication to ensure everyone is on the same page and knows what should be done to promote sustainability (Laur et al., 2019). Continuous stakeholder engagement requires good and pervasive communication (Leading Future Change-Nursing Paper Examples).


Laur, C., Bell, J., Valaitis, R., Ray, S., & Keller, H. (2019). The Sustain and Spread Framework: strategies for sustaining and spreading nutrition care improvements in acute care based on thematic analysis from the More-2-Eat study. BMC health services research18(1), 930. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-018-3748-8

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