Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Paper Examples

DQI Responses (Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples)

Reply to Response 1

Great post! Your discussion was informative and fascinating. Professional journals and conferences are platforms where nurses and other professionals communicate evidence-based information to translate research into clinical practice. While healthcare providers focus on distributing quality care, they should also invest in distributing evidence-based information to foster changes that yield positive health outcomes.

Thus, selecting appropriate dissemination strategies is integral to communicating evidence-based findings to relevant audiences or stakeholders. Giving speeches at nursing conferences allows the presenters to communicate their message successfully since they can ask questions and obtain instant feedback or responses from the audience (Little, 2020). Professional presentations should be clear and precise to ensure the presenters use the provided time effectively Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples.

Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples
Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples


Little, C. (2020). Undergraduate research as a student engagement springboard: Exploring the longer-term reported benefits of participation in a research conference. Educational Research62(2), 229-245.

Reply to Response 2

Good work! Thank you for sharing your discussion on disseminating evidence-based information in nursing practice. I support that discussing and debating the various nursing practices are vital strategies for disseminating evidence-based information for nursing students and professionals. While presenting at a nursing conference communicates a message to relevant stakeholders, a peer-reviewed journal is more effective as it is not time-limited and stores information longer.

Nursing professionals, students, and researchers can access and use the information in the form it was presented. Evidence-based findings presented in journal articles are verifiable as they have been reviewed by a team of experts making the journals a valid and credible source of evidence-based information and effective dissemination strategy (Oermann et al., 2021) (Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples).  


Oermann, M. H., Wrigley, J., Nicoll, L. H., Ledbetter, L. S., Carter-Templeton, H., & Edie, A. H. (2021). The integrity of databases for literature searches in nursing: Avoiding predatory journals. ANS. Advances in Nursing Science44(2), 102.

Reply to Response 3

Great post! Your discussion was educative and engaging. I support your claims that the Journal of Nursing Administration and the International Conference on Violence in Healthcare are appropriate avenues to present your workplace violence prevention program. The dissemination strategies are appropriate to reach out to relevant stakeholders such as nursing administrators, nursing leaders, and policymakers responsible for creating a conducive work environment for their staff to improve work productivity and quality of care (Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples).

In addition, I believe conducting violence prevention workshops for healthcare personnel is an effective strategy. I have attended workshops and found that they effectively pass messages to the relevant audience. Using workshops will create a platform for hands-on learning and training on evidence-based strategies to prevent violence in the workplace among nurses and other healthcare professionals. Evidence-based lectures and interactive teaching approaches integrating real scenarios in the working environment will improve critical and analytical skills in violence prevention (Jenkins et al., 2020) (Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples).


Jenkins, B., Semple, T., & Bennell, C. (2020). An evidence-based approach to critical incident scenario development. Policing: An International Journal44(3), 437-454.

DQ 2 Responses

Reply to Response 1

Good work! Your discussion was informative and fascinating. I support your claims that evidence-based practice is instrumental for BSN-prepared nurses as it ensures that nursing is based on the best available practices that integrate clinical expertise and patient preferences. Besides engaging in professional and educational development through attending seminars and conferences, I will continue to conduct more quality improvement projects to integrate evidence into my practice. Quality improvement projects will promote evidence-based practice (Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples).

I will research to obtain evidence-based information necessary to support my interventions and care strategies directed toward improving the quality of care and patient safety. While I may encounter resistance towards quality improvement, I will introduce and re-introduce my quality improvement strategies to my colleagues and hold open discussions about its significance and rationale for change to obtain support (Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples).


Kloda, L. A., Boruff, J. T., & Cavalcante, A. S. (2020). A comparison of patient, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) to a new, alternative clinical question framework for search skills, search results, and self-efficacy: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA108(2), 185.

Reply to Response 2

Good work! Thank you for sharing your discussion on continued evidence-based practice for BSN-prepared nurses. I agree that EBP supports the improvement of the continually evolving healthcare environment. One strategy to continue with EBP in my practice is educating my colleague nurses and other healthcare professionals on evidence-based practice and the importance of research. I have acquired immense research skills throughout my program.

Therefore, I will use the acquired knowledge to educate my colleagues on research skills, such as using answerable clinical questions (PICOT) about the patients or clinical problems to design evidence-based interventions to improve the quality of care and health outcomes (Nielsen et al., 2023). Educating and training nurses about research will be instrumental in implementing and sustaining evidence-based changes while obtaining the necessary support (Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples).


Nielsen, L. D., Løwe, M. M., Castaño, F. M., Jørgensen, R. B., Ramachandran, A., Noe, B. B., & Egebaek, H. K. (2023). Teaching in Evidence-Based Practice among undergraduate healthcare students. Which interventions, methods and outcome measures are used in teaching EBP among undergraduate healthcare students: An overview of systematic reviews.

Reply to Response 3

Great post! Your discussion was informative and engaging. I agree that BSN-prepared nurses receive evidence-based training to understand complex research designs and evaluate their influence on healthcare outcomes. In addition, evidence-based practice prepares BSN nurses on integral patient care aspects, healthcare management, and leadership. The nurses are also empowered to integrate technology into their practice to address patient needs effectively and efficiently. Through EBP, nurses acquire interprofessional collaboration skills to work with multidisciplinary teams and engage in health advocacy and policy-making (Vaughn et al., 2022)(Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples).

Active participation in professional nursing organizations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA) will be vital to integrate evidence into my practice. Professional nursing organizations provide the best available practices for nursing practice. The organizations also offer a platform for research opportunities for nurses or allow them to present their evidence-based projects whose findings and interventions are adopted to improve and support quality care and patient safety (Professional Journals and Conferences-Nursing Examples).


Vaughn, S., Rye, J., Allen, A., Bok, A., Mauk, K., Park, L., … & Holler, W. W. (2022). Updated competency model for professional rehabilitation nursing: Practice applications. Rehabilitation Nursing Journal47(1), 12-23. doi: 10.1097/RNJ.0000000000000350

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