Relationship of The Concepts of Orlando’s Theory and Alignment of Nursing Practice
Concepts of Orlando Theory Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Measurable Outcome
The patient will gradually stop using the ventilator. Furthermore, he will be provided with a 7-day antibiotic therapy for the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia.(Concepts of Orlando Theory Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Nursing Theory to Align with The Plan of Care
Orlando’s theory of nursing is the nursing theory to be aligned with the plan of care for improving the case patient’s outcomes. Orlando’s nursing theory emphasizes the interactions between the patient and nurse, perception validation, and the use of the nursing practice to generate positive outcomes or patient improvement (Mudd et al., 2020). In the context of this case study, both the patient’s behaviors and the immediate response of the nurses, including their behaviors, have played an essential role in influencing the current patient’s health status. The patient’s current health outcome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, has been primarily influenced by his poor lifestyle behaviors, including heavy smoking. The nurses’ immediate response to the patient’s health outcome includes prescribing the most appropriate antibiotic therapy for ventilator-associated pneumonia, which developed because of his prolonged stay on the ventilator.(Concepts of Orlando Theory Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
The Concept Map
Orlando’s nursing theory effectively aligns with the nursing practice required for the management and treatment of the patient in this case study. This theoretical approach made it easy to outline the possible risk factors, most effective diagnostic procedures and medications, patient signs and symptoms, complications, and potential nursing DX and interventions. Consistent with the explanations by Nopriyanto, Hariyati, and Ungsianik (2019), Orlando’s nursing theory postulates that patients often have their meanings and interpretations of situations and that nurses should validate their inferences and analyze patients’ conditions before concluding. Therefore, applying Orlando’s theory of nursing in this case study would help promote effective decision-making regarding the most appropriate medications to administer to the patient. The patient in this case study has a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbated by heavy smoking.(Concepts of Orlando Theory Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
In the context of Orlando’s nursing theory, the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a problematic situation that needs to be addressed through smoking cessation. Furthermore, the decision to perform coronary artery bypass graft surgery on the patient is a crucial solution to the problem faced by the patient from Orlando’s theory of nursing’s perspective. Therefore, the use of Orlando’s theory of nursing allowed nurses to become critical thinkers when making decisions about the most appropriate treatment options for the case patient. Measurable outcomes for this case patient include gradually stopping the use of a ventilator and being provided with 7-day antibiotic therapy for the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Realizing these measurable outcomes will form the primary focus of the nursing team involved in managing this patient. Among the antibiotics for ventilator-associated pneumonia treatment, piperacillin-tazobactam or cefepime will be the most appropriate for the case patient as the medications are highly effective against the gram-negative bacilli than levofloxacin which could have been involved in the development of ventilator-associated pneumonia.(Concepts of Orlando Theory Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
How alignment of nursing theory concepts and nursing practice, critical thinking and clinical decision-making processes can improve the nursing care plan
The alignment of Orlando’s theory of nursing, critical thinking, and clinical decision-making processes was vital in ensuring improved quality of care. Orlando’s theory of nursing recommends the use of effective communications strategies between the patient and care providers as an approach to improving the quality of care to be provided to the patient (Şayik, Açikgöz & Yiğit, 2022). In the present case study, alignment of Orlando’s theory of nursing, critical thinking, and clinical decision-making process was essential in improving the quality of the nursing care plan used to manage this patient. Motivated by the principles of Orlando’s theory of nursing, all the information within the case patient’s care plan should be shareable among all the care team members, easy to access by every care practitioner managing and treating the patient, and always up-to-date based on the latest health outcomes of the patient. Therefore, all the case patient information should be in electronic form and integrated into the HER for cloud access.(Concepts of Orlando Theory Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
According to Avcı, Çavuşoğlu, and Yılmaz (2022) and Mudd et al. (2020), electronic access to patient information allows for improved real-time interprofessional collaboration and decision-making process. The alignment of Orlando’s nursing theory to the nursing practice used in caring for the case patient helped in proving the quality of care and health outcomes. The specific components of the care plan for the case patient, motivated by Orlando’s theory of nursing, include minimization of ventilator exposure, provision of excellent oral and respiratory health care, proper coordination of care for subglottic suctioning, maintenance of optimal positioning, and encouraging mobility, as well as ensuring adequate staffing. The primary role of nurses during the management and treatment of this case patient will include protecting the patient from additional health hazards, and notifying early symptoms of advanced ventilator-associated pneumonia.(Concepts of Orlando Theory Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Avcı, A., Çavuşoğlu, E., & Yılmaz, M. (2022). Nursing Care of a Patient with Heart Failure According to the Interaction Model of Ida Jean Orlando: A Case Report. Turkish Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 13(32), 180-186.(Concepts of Orlando Theory Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Mudd, A., Feo, R., Conroy, T., & Kitson, A. (2020). Where and how does fundamental care fit within seminal nursing theories: A narrative review and synthesis of key nursing concepts. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(19-20), 3652-3666.(Concepts of Orlando Theory Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Nopriyanto, D., Hariyati, R. T. S., & Ungsianik, T. (2019). Improving documentation of patient progress note through role empowerment of head nurse by Orlando theory approach. Enfermería Clínica, 29, 182-188.(Concepts of Orlando Theory Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Şayik, D., Açikgöz, A., & Yiğit, D. (2022). The Use of Orlando’s Interaction Theory in Nursing Care Practice: Celiac Disease. Pediatric Practice and Research, 7(Ek), 259-263.(Concepts of Orlando Theory Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)