Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

The ”Who” of the Project

Company management constitutes stakeholders like directors of operations who are tasked with various responsibilities throughout the company’s operations. The stakeholders can impose constraints or provide the resources necessary for executing the project. It is imperative to engage these individuals when implementing a new project, like adopting the six sigma DMAIC methodology to reduce lost CHEP pallet costs (Ptacek & Motwani, 2011). As a result, the essay will explore the individuals involved in executing the DMAIC methodology approach at SpartanNash company, including their roles and responsibilities. It will also examine the individuals responsible for facilitating the change management process when adopting the methodology. Therefore, project teams should understand and prioritize stakeholders vital to successfully implementing the DMAIC methodology since they are crucial to making decisions that can facilitate or hinder the project’s progress.(Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

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Who will assume Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach?

The six sigma DMAIC methodology incorporates individuals with various roles and responsibilities (Ptacek & Motwani, 2011). They include the executive tasked with overseeing the process and providing necessary support based on the strategies applied within the organization. Pakdil (2020) explains that these individuals represent the Six sigma senior leadership and must be equipped with appropriate leadership skills for developing strategies and guiding the DMAIC approach based on organizational culture and goals. Besides, a champion collaborates with these executives to remove obstacles that may hinder the project’s success (Pakdil, 2020). The obstacles can include interference from employees. The champion acts as the project’s sponsor and various project portfolios, such as customer satisfaction and the services offered. (Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Other individuals involved include a master black belt tasked with coaching and training black belts. Şişman (2022) observes that they are experts in the six sigma DMAIC methodology and are skilled in problem-solving and leadership, making them essential in keeping the process’s initiatives on track. On the other hand, the black belts are professionals responsible for team leadership within the Six sigma project. They are trained on six sigma principles and can effectively identify confidence reasons for defects in the project by using statistical experimental designs. Additionally, they are part-time professionals assisting black belts in leading project teams (Ptacek & Motwani, 2011). They scope the project, manage interfaces with company leadership, and ensure the achievement of sustainable results. Another role in the Six sigma methodology is the yellow belt (Pakdil, 2020). These individuals perform project-specific duties by providing cross-functional knowledge and ensuring quality results. They support green or black belts capturing data, simulating processes, and facilitating smaller project improvement processes. Lastly, Pakdil (2020) observes that the white belts are tasked with providing foundational knowledge for the project’s decision-makers. They function locally to support projects and solve problems that may arise. (Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)


The stakeholders involved in the implementation of the six sigma DMAIC methodology include the director of operations, transport managers, vice president of finance and operations, six sigma black and green belts, and a CHEP representative who coordinates communication between the pallet company and six sigma methodology implementation project (Ptacek & Motwani, 2011). According to Meredith and Shafer (2022), these individuals must collaborate in making critical project decisions and provide a suitable environment for implementing the project.(Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Who will be involved in Change Control?

Meredith and Shafer (2022) observe that change control refers to a methodology adopted in managing all variables that affect the project’s baseline, such as the extension of its timeline. Six sigma incorporates an innovative technology that the SpartanNash company can effectively implement by streamlining it with its goals and culture (White & Bruton, 2018). A champion oversees such processes by determining project goals and scope, including facilitating process improvement (Pakdil, 2020). The champion collaborates with the company’s executives to initiate and implement change control processes.(Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)


Implementing projects like using the six sigma DMAIC methodology approach to reduce lost pallet costs requires the project managers to prioritize stakeholders who are vital to facilitating it (Ptacek & Motwani, 2011). The stakeholders include the director of operations, the finance manager, and many others. Also, the Six sigma methodology approach consists of various roles and responsibilities, such as executives, master black belts, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts. These individuals are tasked with various roles and responsibilities within the project. Consequently, the essay also explores the role of a champion in change control. They are tasked with overseeing variables and processes affecting the project’s baseline. Henceforth, understanding the roles of six sigma and the stakeholders involved in executing the project facilitates the project’s success.(Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

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Meredith J. R. & Shafer S. M. (2022). Project management: a strategic managerial approach (11th). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9781119803836(Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Pakdil F. (2020). Six sigma for students: a problem-solving methodology. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Ptacek, R., & Motwani, J. (2011). The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Guide XL: Combining the Best of Both Worlds Together to Eliminate Waste! Chelsea, MI: MCS Media, Inc. ISBN: 978-1450766340(Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Şişman, G. (2022). Implementing lean six sigma methodology to reduce the logistics cost: a case study in Turkey. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, (ahead-of-print)(Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample).

White, M., A. & Bruton, G., D. (2018). The Management of Technology and Innovation: A Strategic Approach. (3rd ed.). Australia: Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 978-0-538-47822-9(Key Roles and Responsibilities during the DMAIC Methodology Approach Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

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