Case Analysis: South Nassau Communities Hospital in New York

Case Analysis: South Nassau Communities Hospital in New York – The article talks about the different strategies adopted by the South Nassau Communities Hospital in New York. The hospital is credited with enacting a set of capacity management…

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Case Analysis: South Nassau Communities Hospital in New York


Case Summary

The article talks about the different strategies adopted by the South Nassau Communities Hospital in New York. The hospital is credited with enacting a set of capacity management strategies that effectively attend to patients’ demands. The strategies have seen the healthcare institution register 7000 and 16000 in admissions and annual visits from 2002 to now. In particular, the hospital boasts of five key strategies that have played a crucial role in its capacity management accomplishments.

Right-sizing the organization involves strategies meant to ensure that the hospital operates at optimal capacity. This has been attained by ensuring resources such as treatment units are put into use only when the need emerges. The strategy involves closing or opening extra units according to demand. The method has allowed the hospital to save many resources that were not being put into good use but incurred operational costs. Spreading awareness of the organization’s activities is another strategy adopted by the institution.

The hospital’s staff were enlightened on the various objectives the firm aimed to attain to make them channel their efforts towards a common goal. The patient logistic strategy entails having a centralized system with information on patient and resource movements. The institution also relied on clear communication across its departments to ensure that it lowered service time, thus offering customers with quality treatments. Lastly, the healthcare institution relied on the input of community hospitalists. The hospitalists are perceived to be crucial in providing the healthcare facility with different ideas on improving patient care and inpatient treatment.

Do you think that these strategies could be implemented in any hospital? Why or why not?

I don’t think that applying the above strategies will make any other hospital successful. Strategies are driven by the unique needs of the organizations evaluating and implementing them (Robinson et al. 2010). For instance, a strategy is arrived at after the organization has conducted a review of the different factors that affect its performance.

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Formulation of strategy in hospitals thus involves organizational analysis to determine needs to be addressed (Wright & Wilkinson, 1998). The fact that the South Nassau Communities’ Hospital strategies are anchored on its needs does not mean they will be the same for every hospital. Thus, the strategies may fail to work in other healthcare institutions simply because they do not address the hospital’s unique needs.

Mr. Lamantia spoke about the “right size organization” How difficult would it be for you as a hospital administrator to close a unit? Would it affect your decision if the staff were on board or not on board with the closure?

Closing down a unit of operation as a right-sizing strategy is a difficult task. One of the vital issues of concern involves the quality of healthcare provided by the remaining units. This is because it is the unit being closed that has the convenient allocation of resources in terms of technology and staff to handle specific health complications.

Also, the opposition might arise from the unit’s employees’ who might perceive themselves as disturbed by their posting to other departments. However, it is a decision that must be made in the end. Capacity utilization is significant in making the organization operate within a cost-effective manner to sustain its operations (Hitt et al. 1994).

Has there ever been a time in your career that your organization went through a significant change? What did the organization do or not do to gain your buy-in?

There have been several instances where my organization has been rocked with changes. One particular event concerns the reduction of the number of employees due to a decline in work quantity. The situation left the remaining staff worried as the workload was to increase. The organization opted to increase wages and compensated for those who worked overtime.

Out of the five strategies, South Nassau Communities Hospital implemented, which one do you find the most impactful or just that you liked the best?

Looking at the different strategies adopted by South Nassau Communities Hospital, I consider the one on communication as the most impactful. Communication is a strong strategy that most individuals or organizations tend to underestimate. It is through communication that administrative staff become aware of what is expected of them (Leonard & Bonacum, 2004). Constant communication, therefore, allow staff to offer services according to quality demands, thus contributing to the general attainment of the organization’s objectives.

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Case Analysis: South Nassau Communities Hospital in New York
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