Reflective Journal: Learning from Experiences and Communicating and Feedback

Reflective Journal: Learning from Experiences and Communicating and Feedback – Reflect on the 3 most challenging patient encounters and discuss what was most challenging for each. How might I improve on my skills and knowledge, and how to communicate that back to my Preceptor…

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Reflective Journal: Learning from Experiences

Paper details

Learning from Experiences

  • Reflect on the 3 most challenging patient encounters and discuss what was most challenging for each.
  • What did you learn from this experience?
  • What resources did you have available?
  • What evidence-based practice did you use for this patient?
  • What new skills are you learning?
  • What would you do differently?
  • How are you managing patient flow and volume?

Communicating and Feedback

Respond to the following reflective questions:

  • How might I improve on my skills and knowledge, and how to communicate that back to my Preceptor?
  • How am I doing? What is missing?
  • What type of feedback am I receiving from my Preceptor?

Reflection demonstrates a high level of critical thinking in applying and integrating key course concepts and nursing theories from readings, lectures, and/or discussions.

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Learning from Experiences

Most of my patient encounters were positive, but there were several challenging and frustrating ones. However, I realized I get to learn a lot from the most challenging encounters. Some patients can be challenging to manage, and my three most challenging patient encounters include one patient of Scandinavian descent who required a translator, and we had problems communicating even with the translator. I had to ask a question several times not to record the wrong information. The encounter seemed tiring and frustrating for the patient, and communication was widely affected.

I also encountered a manipulative patient who had brought his father for treatment. I had to attend to several patients that day, but he attempted to go over everyone despite requests to wait until the other patients were served. It was difficult to convince him that every patient is equal and they will be attended to soon. He tried to exploit his position, father’s needs to his favor and to the expense of other patients.

I also encountered a woman who had to receive medical attention and go to her second job. She told me how hard she had to work to make ends meet, and she needed to go to work. She was in a complex social situation without support. It was not easy to convince her to wait, considering her circumstances.

I have learned a lot from these experiences. I have learned to handle complex patients situations and remain calm throughout every encounter. The encounters were emotionally challenging and frustrating, and I would be upset sometimes. I have learned to be compassionate and empathetic, acknowledging the mental and physical health issues and social circumstances driving patients to act in such a manner.

Various resources such as electronic health record documentation, smart devices, colleague support, standards of practice, and literal nursing materials were available and helpful in addressing such issues in practice. These resources were critical for my practice. Some of the evidence-practice I utilized during these encounters include prompting. I asked for assistance and guidance from colleagues and my preceptor on what to do in these situations.

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Task analysis helped me understand the intricacies of each situation and understand the people to engage, and how to remain calm and compassionate in such situations. Antecedent-based interventions and cognitive-behavioral interventions allowed me to manage interfering behavior during every patient encounter.

I have gained crucial skills in critical thinking and problem solving to handle complex situations and patient encounters. I have also become a better communicator and more aware of my patients. Other skills include teamwork, adaptability, work ethics, responsibility, and time management.

These skills have made me a better person. I have learned to command a tone of interaction with a patient, empathizes, and identify challenges and factors that threaten their identity and conduct. I have learned to strategize and self-reflect during and after every patient encounter. Besides, I can better manage patient flow and volume by increasing communication with colleagues, tightening non-clinical services, reducing wait time, and improving patient care.

Communicating and Feedback

The practicum offers myriad learning opportunities that equip students with skills, knowledge, and competencies critical in their future nurse practice (Drayton-Brooks et al., 2017). To gain the most from the practicum and improve my skills and knowledge, I need to be flexible, effectively communicate, and adopt lifelong learning. I prepare myself to work in various clinical roles and practice environments to build my experience and competence. I am always looking out for tasks and responsibilities that are not specifically in my specialization to gain diverse skills and knowledge.

Developing relationships with colleague nurses and other healthcare professionals are also vital to improving skills and knowledge. I get to learn from others and prompt on various circumstances and issues. I make a good impression and invite opportunities to ask many questions that build me as a nurse. Connecting and interacting with others is healthy as we challenge and learn to become better nurses. I present a written report to my preceptor of my goals and objectives in this practicum and how I intend to achieve these goals. I also communicate how I intend to improve my skills and knowledge during every interaction with my preceptor.

I am doing fine at the moment and gaining as much experience as possible. I have developed relationships with various nurses and other practitioners. I am learning a lot from their experience. I have encountered challenging situations but grown from them, and I can handle complex issues and circumstances. I am more professionally responsible and interpersonally interactive. I understand various direction and delegation aspects under preceptor supervision and evaluation.

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I am an active team player, critically reflecting upon my practice and learning needs daily. Most feedback from my preceptor has been positive. However, there are some areas like language competency and being more culturally aware I need to improve. My preceptor considers me a hardworking student not afraid to take on challenging tasks. She also acknowledges my willingness to help other nurses and patients. She says I am proactive and would like to work with me in the future.


  • Drayton-Brooks, S. M., Gray, P. A., Turner, N. P., & Newland, J. A. (2017). Building clinical education training capacity in nurse practitioner programs. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33(6), 422-428.

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