Definitions of Health

Definitions of Health: Prepare a 500-word summary of your findings. Include the following in your summary: Description of internet representations of definitions of health for the following types of individuals…

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Definitions of Health

Paper details

Part of health promotion is meeting a patient at their definition of health. One person’s health goals and possibilities may differ from another’s. 

Assume you are an intern at a community health clinic. Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a summary of the various definitions of health for the staff at the clinic. 

Search the Internet for representations of various definitions of health (e.g., a newborn, a well older adult, a person in a wheelchair, or a person with another disability). 

Prepare a 500-word summary of your findings. Include the following in your summary: 

  • Description of internet representations of definitions of health for the following types of individuals:
  • Newborn
  • Well adult Asian woman over 55 years of age
  • Disabled 35-year-old African American male veteran
  • Pre-teen white young woman entering middle school
  • Sexually active 20-something Hispanic male
  • Obese 75-year-old white male suffering from debilitating arthritis
  • Explanation regarding the importance of meeting a patient at their definition of health.

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Definitions of Health


Health is one of the crucial needs of a human being. It is the state of complete mental, physical, emotional, and social well-being contrary to the common notion that illness is absent. While healthcare providers have a primary role in enhancing an individual’s overall well-being, health differs across different populations. Therefore, there is a need to provide personalized care to meet the specific needs and the general population.


Newborns, also known as infants or neonates, refer to children below 28 days of age (World Health Organization, 2020). This population is at a high risk of mortality due to low immune. For this reason, it is essential to improve their quality of life and ensure they survive and thrive on getting to their full potential. In this regard, vaccination and treatment for common illnesses that target children promote newborn health (World Health Organization, 2020).

Adult Asian women over 55 years of age

Additionally, Asian women above 55 years are at a high risk of obesity, mainly contributed by their lifestyle. They are also at risk of type 2 diabetes compared with other Europeans. They can also develop the condition even with a low BMI (Shorey & Chan, 2021).

Nonetheless, this population is prone to having complications such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease following obesity risks. In this regard, the health needs of this population involve promoting physical health, managing chronic conditions, and addressing problems associated with the elderly such as falls, isolation, and pain (Shorey & Chan, 2021).

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Disabled 35-year-old African American male veterans

Disabled African American veterans are prone to having their needs ignored due to physical and attitudinal barriers. Nonetheless, disabled veterans may undergo trauma following events while at the line of duty. According to Faraji et al. (2018), veterans are exposed to mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety and schizophrenia, depression, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts.

In this regard, the health of this population involves creating an environment that promotes their mental health and eases their ability to receive appropriate healthcare Faraji et al., 2018).

Pre-teen white young women entering middle school

Preteens young women are at risk of substance abuse, early pregnancies and childbirth, STIs, violence, injuries, and mental health problems. Therefore, developing and growing good health for a preteen young white woman involves providing comprehensive sexual education, health services that promote mental, physical, and emotional well-being, opportunities to develop their life skills, and safe environments that guard them against health threats.

Sexually active 20-something Hispanic males

Nonetheless, young sexually active Hispanic males are also at risk of STIs. For this reason, their health can be promoted by providing treatment services for sexually transmitted infections. Also, they need information on how they can utilize contraception to avoid infection and prevent unwanted pregnancies.

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Obese 75-year-old white male suffering from debilitating arthritis

Moreover, an Obese 75-year-old white man who has arthritis is at risk of mortality, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and stroke, which affects his health. Therefore, some practices that can improve the patient’s health include physical activity providing healthy diets to manage obesity. Additionally, providing physical therapy, medication and surgery can help relieve arthritis, promoting his health.

The importance of meeting a patient at their definition of health.

From these definitions of health, it is clear that health differs across different populations. Specifically, each person has healthcare risks, lifestyle, and healthcare goals. Therefore, there is a need to meet the specific needs to promote their healthcare goals. In this regard, personalizing care enhances efficiency by addressing the specific factors affecting a given individual, promoting their overall health (World Health Organization, 2020). Additionally, it enhances the quality of life by preventing conditions that may develop if the health risks are left unaddressed.


  • Faraji, E., Allami, M., Feizollahi, N., Karimi, A., Yavari, A., Soroush, M., & Moudi, M. (2018). Health concerns of veterans with high-level lower extremity amputations. Military Medical Research, 5(1), 1-10.
  • Shorey, S., & Chan, V. (2021). The experiences and needs of Asian older adults who are socially isolated and lonely: A qualitative systematic review. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 92, 104254.
  • World Health Organization. (2020). Standards for improving the quality of care for small and sick newborns in health facilities.

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Definitions of Health

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