Week 4 Discussion 2: Ethics

Discuss the ethical treatment of study participants in medical research.

Week 4 Discussion 2: Ethics-Solution

Ethical Treatment of Medical Study Participants

Medical research focuses on improving humans’ well-being, a better understanding of human biology, and informing practice processes within the healthcare environment. Ethics is the pinnacle of safe and progressive medical research (Wu et al., 2019). Researchers should comply with critical pre-set ethical considerations and guidelines that protect the participants. For instance, informed consent ensures that participants understand all the tenets of the research and agree to be part of the research orally and in written form. The ethical principle also guides decisions on participation or discontinuation. Department of Health and Human Services (2021) observes that upholding the principle of informed consent involves accurately informing the participants about the study context, like the risks and benefits involved, and allowing them to decide voluntarily about their participation or non-participation. Besides, the researchers must respect the participant’s rights to privacy and confidentiality (Vohora, 2018). Researchers must keep every patient’s information confidential and not share it with any third party.(Ethics in Healthcare Essay Example)

Moreover, Wu et al. (2019) explain that researchers should perform the recruitment process fairly while minimizing potential risks and enhancing its benefits to the community. The participants should be able to enjoy the research benefits, which include constant monitoring of their welfare to ensure the necessary provision of appropriate treatment during changes in clinical status. Furthermore, the study must respect the participant’s right to information throughout the study period and even after the study (Department of Health and Human Services, 2021). The researchers must inform the participants about any emerging information significant to their risk and benefit assessment, including the study results. Lastly, the participants are entitled to compensation treatment for any adverse reactions resulting from the clinical study (Vohora, 2018). The researchers should compensate the participants fairly for their time and effort, including offering treatment to those harmed by the research.(Ethics in Healthcare Essay Example)

Ethics in Healthcare Essay Example


Department of Health and Human Services (2021, October 21). Patient recruitment: Ethics in clinical research. National Institute of Health, Clinical Centre. Available at: https://clinicalcenter.nih.gov/recruit/ethics.html#:~:text=Individuals%20should%20be%20treated%20with,keeping%20their%20private%20information%20confidential. (Accessed: September 3, 2022)

Vohora, D. (2018). Ethical considerations in clinical research. In Pharmaceutical medicine and translational clinical research (pp. 265-283). Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-802103-3.00015-8

Wu, Y., Howarth, M., Zhou, C., Ji, X., Ou, J., & Li, X. (2019). Reporting of ethical considerations in clinical trials in Chinese nursing journals. Nursing ethics26(4), 973-983. https://doi.org/10.1177/0969733017722191

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