Walker and Avant Concept Analysis Essay Example
Concept analysis elaborates and dissects concepts and theoretical underpinnings to provide a contextual understanding of nursing theory, practice, and research. The conceptual analysis aims to provide conceptual clarity and arrive at clear theoretical and operational definitions (Berenskoetter 2017). Specific disciplines such as nursing science have generated their concept analysis models, including Walker and Avant concept analysis, Rodgers concept analysis model, and Meleis concept analysis model. This paper aims Walker and Avant Concept Analysis Example to analyze the Walker and Avant concept analysis model and highlight the advantages of completing a concept analysis for nursing theory development, research, and nursing practice. To achieve the objective Yazdani et al. (2016) article is used as the article of reference.
Description of the Method of Concept Analysis Used For This Article
Walker and Avant’s concept analysis model (1994) is considered one of the most effective nursing science models. In their model, Walker and Avant reduced Wilson’s 13-step method to 8 steps (Yazdani et al. 2016). It begins with choosing a concept to be studied. They emphasize that researchers should first select an important concept related to their work. The second step in their model involves asking why the analysis of the selected concept should be done. Its aim could be to differentiate the concept from other similar concepts or distinguish the definition of a known nursing concept. In the third step, Walker and Avant acknowledge the benefits of identifying the concept’s usefulness when getting materials for the analysis. They show that since concepts are expressed using a word, concept analysis should necessarily be an analysis of the descriptive term and its use. In the fourth step, defining attributes of the concept are determined. This step is explained as the base of concept analysis.
In the fifth step, Walker and Avant direct researchers to generate a single or more than one model case that shows a real-life example of the concept’s importance, which associates every significant feature of the concept. In their sixth step, they involve a test in their model of extra cases. They indicate that analysis cannot be accomplished until therareis no related features and no challenges in explaining features and the model case. In the seventh step, Walker and Avant identify precursors and outcomes. They explain these as the events that occur before the occurrence of the concept as they show it. As their last step, significant features and their empirical referents in the live world are taken together. In nursing, the empirical referents are crucial because they give clinicians clear, observable occurrences in which they detect the concept’s presence in specific patients.
The Author’s Aim and Purpose for Doing the Concept Analysis on This Topic
The author’s aim in taking this topic of quality of life in end-stage renal disease was to use a concept analysis model to generate a regular understanding of the quality of life between physicians to enable them to concentrate on patients’ specific needs. Due to this, physicians and nurses can combine forces with patients to generate personally tailored care plans.
Description of the Defining Attributes Of the Concept Examined and the Benefits of Completing Analysis
As far as concept analysis is concerned, defining attributes provides an open understanding of the concept under study. In this concept analysis of quality of life in end-stage renal disease, the defining attributes are essential because nurses can evaluate patients’ quality of life living with end-of-life renal disease. One of the benefits of concept analysis in nursing is that it is a tool for conducting research. On the other hand, Concept analysis is refining and clarifying concepts, in theory, practice,e, and research (Brandão et al. 2019). Additionally, it helps in developing accurate theoretical and operational explanations for nursing studies.
How Defining Nursing Concepts Strengthen Nursing as a Profession
Having discussed the benefits related to concept analysis, defining nursing concepts strengthens nursing as a profession in many ways. One is that by analyzing a particular concept, nursing professionals get a better understanding of the concept. For example, studies directed to explore the dignity concept help nurses improve their awareness of the significance of dignity. Also, it motivates the nurses to be grateful for the vulnerable position of sick people receiving treatments.
In conclusion, the Walker and Avant concept analysis model is regarded as the most effective nursing science model since many researches in this sector explain more detailed processes. In their model, Walker and Avant reduced Wilson’s 13-step method to 8 steps. Using this concept analysis, nurses can evaluate the availability, the absence, and the cooperation of the three defining attributes.

Berenskoetter, F. (2017). Approaches to concept analysis. Millennium, 45(2), 151-173.
Brandão, M. A. G., Mercês, C. A. M. F., Lopes, R. O. P., Martins, J. S. D. A., Souza, P. A. D., & Primo, C. C. (2019). CONCEPT ANALYSIS STRATEGIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MIDDLE-RANGE NURSING THEORIES. Texto & Contexto-Enfermagem, 28.
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Yazdani, S., Hosseini, F., & Ahmady, S. (2016). System-based practice a concept analysis. Journal of advances in medical education & professionalism, 4(2), 45. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262022822_Quality_of_life_in_end_stage_renal_disease_A_concept_analys
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