Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example

Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example

Scientific Foundations

The program has taught me how to analyze data and evidence critically. According to Denisco (2023), scientific research underpins nursing, and the evidence can help guide medical models and ensure accurate assessments. The foundations can help to improve practices and outcomes for patients in the healthcare setting.(Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example
Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example 1


Leadership allows nurses to initiate or guide change in their organizations. The program taught me leadership concepts, which I can apply to think critically and inform operations. Good leadership is fundamental in shaping other practitioners’ roles and can help address some of the challenges experienced in the healthcare sector.(Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)


Thomas et al. (2014) highlight that the core competencies can help to improve access to care, reduce cost, enhance the role of practitioners, and allow innovations to occur. Through the program, I realized that available resources, skills, knowledge, and collaboration could help improve the quality of care. Nurses and other practitioners perform their roles through these elements, making achieving the best outcomes easy.(Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Practice Inquiry

Several challenges occur in healthcare settings, affecting the quality of patient care. The program made me gain inquiry and good clinical investigative skills, vital to comprehending a problem’s root source and applying general knowledge to achieve the best outcomes. I can transfer the new knowledge into practice and solve a clinical problem through inquiry.(Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Technology and Information Literacy

Technological tools can help nurses access e-books and a variety of web resources and would help to enhance information literacy and practice competency (Nes et al., 2021). Through the program, I can identify some of the technologies. In the profession, it is a requirement for one to continue acquiring knowledge, and with the availability of technology, the learning process for nurses is enhanced. Using these technologies, I can find better evidence-based approaches to solve challenges faced in the healthcare setting.(Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)


There is a relationship between practice and policy, and it influences the health outcomes of patients. According to Buppert (2021), health policy is changing, and understanding emerging issues is fundamental to preventing malpractice cases. The program allowed me to understand the impact of policy on practice. As a result, I can constantly review state and federal policies to avoid litigation in practice.(Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Health Delivery System

Complex systems guide practice, each stakeholder’s role, and care transition in healthcare. A lesson from the program is that the best outcome can be achieved through working in an effective delivery system that would guarantee better functions and minimal risks at all levels of the institution. Collaborating with other stakeholders can help identify problems, develop an efficient delivery system, and improve patient outcomes.(Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example
Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example 2


The program helped me realize why nurses need to make ethical decisions, and it influences practice. Lee et al. (2020) highlight that ethics provide suitable solutions for the healthcare system’s complex problems and guarantee fewer malpractice instances. Without integrating ethical principles, complex issues would emerge and affect all facets of healthcare. I learned that moral principles are necessary to prevent patient confrontations and poor relationships with other employees.(Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Independent Practice

The program made me realize that nurses often get the opportunity to practice independently. The competency requires professionals to have advanced skills to assess patients, prescribe medication, develop good relationships with patients, and deliver patient-centered care to the community. I learned there is less support in such a practice, and knowledge and skills can be fundamental to achieving good outcomes.  (Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Plan to engage in social change

Nurses are leaders in society and should be at the forefront to champion the rights of others. For example, nurses can call for health equity through cross-sector collaboration to ensure access to care for all populations. The changes can occur slowly, and the initiatives can help enhance people’s health and well-being. Without being social agents, injustices would continue to occur and affect people’s health. An essential plan is engaging with community leaders to identify social challenges. They need to be good informants, and through their support, it can be easy to offer help to the people. Another plan is assessing how to utilize nursing knowledge, skills, and resources to transform society. For instance, they can engage in community outreach programs and health education campaigns in the targeted areas. The social change would be fundamental to enhancing all community members’ health outcomes and success.(Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Description of legislative and/or advocacy activities

One of the activities is calling for changes in the Nurse Practice Act. The legislation governs the activities of nurses in all states. The healthcare environment is changing, which calls for policy changes in some current provisions to prevent malpractice. Policy changes allow nurses to perform their roles effectively and eliminate some patient safety issues. The calls come through boycotts or engaging with legislators at the local and state levels. Another activity is being advocates of social justice. Some social issues occur, and nurses rally with community members to call for justice. Nurses’ support helps make the initiative more successful and develop good relationships with the community. Social issues increase disparities, and advocating for changes would allow nurses to directly and indirectly enhance vulnerable populations’ well-being. (Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)


Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.(Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

‌Denisco, S. M. (2023). Role development for the nurse practitioner (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Lee, W., Choi, S., Kim, S., & Min, A. (2020). A Case-Centered Approach to Nursing Ethics Education: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(21), 7748. (Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Nes, A. A. G., Steindal, S. A., Larsen, M. H., Heer, H. C., Lærum-Onsager, E., & Gjevjon, E. R. (2021). Technological literacy in nursing education: A scoping review. Journal of Professional Nursing37(2), 320–334. (Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Thomas, A., Gnp, A.-B., Crabtree, F., Apn-Bc, K., Delaney, M., Dumas, Gnp-Bc, R., Kleinpell, J., Marfell, Fnp-Bc, D., Nativio, Buchholz, S., Dileo, H., Dontje, K., Haber, J., Hart, A., Reeve, K., Ruppert, S., & Schaffer, S. (2014). Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies Content A delineation of suggested content specific to the NP core competencies* NP Core Competencies Content Work Group. (Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example)

Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example
Areas of Competency Comprehensive Nursing Paper Example 3

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