Standardized Procedures-Nursing Paper Examples

Standardized Procedures

Standardized procedures are the legal mechanisms that allow nurse practitioners (NPs) to carry out functions considered medical practice (American Medical Association, 2017). Consequently, standardized procedures act as guidelines that define the scope of practice and describe the clinical interventions. More so, that nurse practitioners can perform independently or in collaboration with a physician. Moreover, the procedures promote accountability of clinical actions taken by registered nurse practitioners considering the collaborative nature in which they are developed and approved.

Standardized Procedures-Nursing
Standardized Procedures-Nursing

The primary function of standardized procedures remain to ensure that healthcare services delivery remain safe, effective, and consistent. More so, while promoting evidence-based practice and high-quality patient care. Therefore, standardized procedures benefit patients (Ansmann & Pfaff, 2018). Consequently, standardized procedures include the healthcare standardized procedures and policies that explain the conditions and authorization of nurse practitioners to implement them and healthcare. Furthermore, the SP defines the medical functions, the circumstances, and the requirements for their implementation by NPs. For instance, when and how an NP can order durable medical equipment, certify disability, approve, add, or modify a treatment plan.

In California, standardized procedures are per the Nurse Practice Act in the California Business and Professions Code. Furthermore, NPs remain licensed as independent healthcare providers and are authorized to diagnose and develop treatment plans. In addition, order and interpret lab tests, and recommend medications under SP established with a supervising physician (California Board of Registered Nursing, n.d.; US Davis Health, 2020). These SPs must be filed with the California Board of Registered Nursing and the Medical Board of California and reviewed and updated every two years.

Standardized procedures vary per state.Moreover, In Arizona, NPs are licensed as independent healthcare providers and are authorized to independently prescribe medication. In addition, order and interpret diagnostic tests, and perform specific medical procedures (Arizona Board of Nursing, 2020). However, the scope of practice and the requirements for SPs vary with the NP’s education, certification, experience, practice setting, and type of patients served.

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American Medical Association. (2017). State law chart: Nurse Practitioner Practice Authority. Available at: (Accessed 3 March 2023).

Ansmann L, & Pfaff H. (2018). Providers and Patients Caught Between Standardization and Individualization: Individualized Standardization as a Solution. Int J Health Policy Manag. 2018 Apr 1;7(4):349-352.

Arizona Board of Nursing. (July 2020). Scope of Practice APRN Questions & Answers SCOPE OF PRACTICE. (Accessed 3 March 2020)

California Board of Registered Nursing. (No date). Understanding the Role of the Registered Nurse and Interim Permittee According to the Nursing Practice Act, the California Code of Regulations, and Selected Sections of Title XXII. Available at:   (Accessed three march 2023).

US Davis Health. (2020). Standardized procedures for the nurse practitioners within. Available at: (Accessed 3 March 2023)

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