DQ 1 Responses (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples)
Response to Kayla Tackett
Hello Tackett,
Thank you for the great post. I agree that finding appropriate scholarly sources to support your research is an integral part of the research process and evidence-based practice, which is central to the DNP program. Also, a systematic approach to gathering credible and relevant research studies to support your research is essential for a successful DNP project completion. You have identified the steps you took to find sources for your project. I agree that topic development is the initial step of evidence search. Every other element has to center on the research topic (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples).
![Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples](https://nursingstudy.org/examples/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/maxresdefault-20-1030x579.jpg)
Keywords also help narrow your search to relevant studies to your research questions. You can search multiple databases based on the research questions, including the GCU library. Other elements of a search strategy include Boolean operators, MeSh terms, and synonyms to help narrow the search further or make it extensive (La Trobe University, 2023). I am glad that you found the librarian helpful with your research because I also inquired about the best way to use the library databases (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples).
La Trobe University. (2023, June). Expert help guides Systematic reviews: Search strategies. Expert help guides at La Trobe University. https://latrobe.libguides.com/systematicreviews/search-strategies
Response Pambe Nemb
Hi Nemb,
Thank you for an informative and insightful discussion. I concur that having access to the GCU library as a student is fundamental to enhancing the academic experience at the university and advancing your scholarly and literacy skills. Based on the discussion, your search strategy included finding a research topic, developing the research questions, creating keywords to guide your search, and combining the keywords with Boolean operators to enhance your search (Northcentral University, 2023) (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples).
I also adopted a similar search strategy but included MeSH terms and multiple synonyms that I combined with the Boolean operators “AND” and “OR” to make my research extensive. Multiple databases are available through the GCU library to offer peer-reviewed journals and other works relevant to your research project. I agree that navigating these databases was initially challenging, but most students are better versed. I am glad the GCU library was of help to your DNP project (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples)
Northcentral University. (2023, September 2). LibGuides: Research process: Boolean operators. Library LibGuides at Northcentral University. https://resources.nu.edu/researchprocess/boolean
Response to Krista Fredricks
Hello Fredricks,
You have shared an educative and elaborative discussion. A search strategy is a systematic approach to finding relevant and credible sources to support your DNP project. Your search strategy is your plan for finding pertinent information. The method gives you a framework for your search and a history of your previous searches. Your search history can be quite helpful as your research and search are refined. Learning how your search phrases are related to one another can also increase the relevance of the results you receive (Iowa State University, 2023) (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples).
I agree that finding a topic is the initial step of the search strategy. Keywords help narrow down or widen your search to help find only relevant sources for your topic. Boolean operators are integrative and combined with keywords to enhance your search. Finding many sources is not as crucial as finding high-quality, relevant, reliable, and valid scholarly work (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples).
Iowa State University. (2023, August 2). Library guides Economics research methods: Developing a search strategy. Library Guides at Iowa State University. https://instr.iastate.libguides.com/c.php?g=1077953&p=7904862
DQ 2 Responses
Response to Peace Okorie
Hello Okorie,
Thank you for sharing an informative and communicative discussion. Finding credible and relevant studies for your research project is critical to the project development process. DNP-prepared nurses are trained to offer evidence-based practice, stressing the importance of finding research evidence to support ideas, interventions, and arguments (McNett et al., 2021) (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples).
I agree the GCU library has been an integral part of the DNP project development and implementation, providing relevant books, peer-reviewed journals, and other supportive evidence. The library was also my primary source of scholarly work. The videos were also helpful in my project development. I hope to continue accessing the library to enhance my evidence-based practice skills and translational science, which are elemental for DNP-prepared nurses (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples).
McNett, M., Masciola, R., Sievert, D., & Tucker, S. (2021). Advancing Evidence-Based Practice Through Implementation Science: Critical Contributions of Doctor of Nursing Practice- and Doctor of Philosophy-Prepared Nurses. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing, 18(2), 93–101. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12496
Response to Carolyn McCormies
Hello McCormies,
I appreciate your elaborative discussion. I agree that the GCU library has helped develop and analyze the research project. There are multiple guides to utilizing the GCU library that came in handy throughout the course and helped navigate the library and make good use of the multiple databases available for students (GCU, n.d.).
Thanks to these guides, I can now gather quality, current, and relevant evidence to advance my evidence-based practice skills. I am glad they also helped you with your research. The next step to the nursing career is well-established after this program, and I agree that DNP-prepared nurses can now make clinical decisions based on evidence. The multiple databases, including PubMed and the GCU library, will continue to provide the needed evidence for your practice (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples).
GCU. (n.d.). Library – Research GCU. Research.gcu.edu. https://research.gcu.edu/library
Response Krsita Fredricks
Hello Fredricks,
Thank you for the great post. I agree that the DNP program prepares nurses to be leaders in the industry and develop skills and knowledge for advanced clinical management. Evidence-based practice is an elemental part of the DNP program, allowing nurses to offer care and make informed decisions based on valid, reliable, current, and best-available evidence (McNett et al., 2021) (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples).
Multiple tools can help develop, evaluate, and disseminate your DNP project, including nursing databases, which are vital in research development. You have implied that technology is an indispensable tool in conducting research, conducting statistical analysis, and translating research into practice, which I agree with. Therefore, DNP-prepared nurses should be well-versed in innovative technology in the healthcare industry and nursing research to excel in EBP (Research Process-Nursing Paper Examples).
McNett, M., Masciola, R., Sievert, D., & Tucker, S. (2021). Advancing Evidence-Based Practice Through Implementation Science: Critical Contributions of Doctor of Nursing Practice- and Doctor of Philosophy-Prepared Nurses. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing, 18(2), 93–101. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12496