Responses-Potential Barriers and Strategies for Implementing Evidence-Based Change Proposal-Nursing Essay Samples

Reply 1 (Potential Barriers and Strategies)

Thank you for sharing your discussion on potential barriers and strategies for implementing your evidence-based change proposal. I agree that a lack of trust in the evidence offered and resistance to change limit the success of your EPB project. Besides adopting easy project implementation strategies and conducting ample research. In addition, creating adequate awareness of your EBP project will help gain colleagues’ support. Consequently, the lack of adequate skills, knowledge, and competency to adopt implemented intervention can make colleagues reject changes likely to pose completion against their abilities.

Potential Barriers and Strategies for Implement Evidence-Based Change Proposal
Potential Barriers and Strategies for Implement Evidence-Based Change Proposal

Thus, encouraging continued professional development through adequate education about EBP, the project, and its significance in improving the quality of care, patient safety, employees; safety, and job satisfaction can promote success (King et al., 2021). Therefore, the stakeholders are likely to support the implementation of projects that improve care quality and address their welfare issues, such as employee protection from adverse events that can occur during patient care (Potential Barriers and Strategies).


King, R., Taylor, B., Talpur, A., Jackson, C., Manley, K., Ashby, N., … & Robertson, S. (2021). Factors that optimize the impact of continuing professional development in nursing: A rapid evidence review. Nurse Education Today98, 104652.

Reply 2

Excellent post! Your discussion was informative and fascinating. I agree that financial constraints and non-compliance with the proposed evidence-based intervention may prevent your EBP project from gaining the desired results. However, strategic planning and maximum utilization of available resources may help to reduce the costs associated with implementing your EBP project (Potential Barriers and Strategies).

EBP financing strategies such as cost-effective models will help implement interventions to attain the expected measurable outcomes at the most affordable costs. Therefore, translating economic evaluation findings into practice will help overcome barriers to implementing your EBP project (Eisman et al., 2020). Creating a checklist for compliance will also ensure that the healthcare professionals follow the required guidelines and standards to implement the proposed interventions to achieve the desired results for the EBP project.


Eisman, A. B., Kilbourne, A. M., Dopp, A. R., Saldana, L., & Eisenberg, D. (2020). Economic evaluation in implementation science: making the business case for implementation strategies. Psychiatry Research283, 112433.

Reply 3

Good work! Your discussion was educative and informative, as it provided the required insights on your EBP project. One major takeaway from your discussion is that encouraging and educating patients on the importance of pill planners may help curb medication errors and their adverse effects on treatment outcomes. Pill planners lead to reduced medication errors, improving the quality of care and healthcare costs (Potential Barriers and Strategies).

Moreover, associated with adverse medication effects such as prolonged hospitalization (Bryant et al., 2022); I agree that the patient’s willingness to implement the intervention determines its success. One strategy that can be used to promote the implementation of your intervention is providing the patients who use pill planners with an incentive. For instance, patients can receive discounted services such as oral screening or mental health as incentives for implementing pill planners to curb medication errors.


Bryant, A., Pitman, S., & Lessing, J. (2022). Trust but Verify: A Case of Unintended Medication Omission. Authorea Preprints.