Reply to DQ1-Nursing Home Supervisor-Nursing Paper Examples

Your discussion was intriguing and educative! I concur with your discussion that nursing home supervisor is one of the most exciting and instrumental careers. I agree that nursing home supervisors oversee the nursing staff and complete administrative tasks in a healthcare facility. Nursing home supervisors manage nurse schedules to ensure that patients receive adequate quality care while promoting collaboration between all healthcare professionals, patients, visitors, and family members (Nursing Home Supervisor).

Nursing Home Supervisor
Nursing Home Supervisor

Typically, the supervisors should possess at least a bachelor’s degree, a registered nurse license, and at least one year of experience (Lundin & Godskesen, 2021). Home supervisors should portray effective leadership styles to achieve health outcomes. They should have problem-solving and management skills and, prioritize patients’ needs, effective staff recruitment, and retention strategies. Transformational leadership is one most instrumental leadership styles for home supervisors.

Transformational home supervisors will motivate and inspire the nursing staff to devise better means to improve health outcomes (Ree, 2020). The transformational leadership style aligns with the Christian worldview since transformational leaders seek to transform or influence followers based on their character and vision (Nursing Home Supervisor).


Lundin, E., & Godskesen, T. E. (2021). End-of-life care for people with advanced dementia and pain: a qualitative study in Swedish nursing homes. BMC nursing20, 1-11.

Ree, E. (2020). What is the role of transformational leadership, work environment, and patient safety culture for person-centered care? A cross‐sectional study in Norwegian nursing homes and home care services. Nursing Open7(6), 1988-1996.

Reply to DQ2

Your discussion was fascinating and informative! I support your discussion that nurses can foster positive change in the workplace and improve patient outcomes even without assuming formal leadership roles. Through advocacy strategies, nurses become leaders who motivate and inspire colleagues, patients, and caregivers toward desired health outcomes. I support policy change and protection of patients’ rights advocacy strategies as they are instrumental in improving healthcare quality.

Policy changes influence and shape the present and future healthcare sector for patients and nurses  (Wakefield et al., 2021). Therefore, policies that promote quality nursing practice reflect improved patient outcomes. Of importance, effective communication is an instrumental strategy that allows nurses, physicians, patients, and their families to discuss and share healthcare information (Specchia et al., 2021). By so doing, the patients and their families are educated while the healthcare professionals make sound clinical decisions that prioritize the patient’s needs (Nursing Home Supervisor).


Specchia, M. L., Cozzolino, M. R., Carini, E., Di Pilla, A., Galletti, C., Ricciardi, W., & Damiani, G. (2021). Leadership styles and nurses’ job satisfaction. Results of a systematic review. International journal of environmental research and public health18(4), 1552.

Wakefield, M., Williams, D. R., & Le Menestrel, S. (2021). The future of nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academy of Sciences.

Reply DQ2 (Nursing Home Supervisor)

Your discussion was informative and educative! I support your claims that nursing leaders’ advocacy ability leads to positive changes that foster improved patient outcomes. Therefore, I also support that leaders should portray high professionalism and good communication and set clear goals as vital advocacy strategies to improve patient outcomes and create a healthy working environment. In addition, nursing leaders should set short-term and long-term goals to provide a clear direction (Sandehang et al., 2019)(Nursing Home Supervisor).

The leaders should have an urgency for change and lead in creating a positive work environment and improving patient outcomes. Through effective communication, the nurses exchange ideas on improving the working environment and patient outcomes with their peers. High professionalism allows nursing leaders to identify and comprehend patient needs and the type of care required and given to specific patients. Thus, professional values such as advocacy, compassion, integrity, accountability, respect for human rights, altruism, and accountability are instrumental in implementing positive changes in a healthcare environment (Rached et al., 2022).


Rached, C. D., Valazza, V., Amaral, G. M., & Lizarbe, P. M. (2022). Professional Values in Undergraduate Nursing Students: Comparison in Different Cultures. Specialusis Ugdymas2(43), 1181-1193.

Sandehang, P. M., Hariyati, R., Sri, T., & Rachmawati, I. N. (2019). Nurse career mapping: a qualitative case study of a new hospital. BMC Nursing18(1), 1-9.

Reply DQ2

Your discussion was educative and fascinating! I agree that nursing leaders are mandated to make decisions, set goals, and have a clear vision for change. In this case, the leaders should be role models and can influence positive change in any healthcare setting (Wong et al., 2020). One major takeaway I obtained from your discussion is that nurse leaders engage in advocacy by influencing policies that create good working conditions for the nursing profession while improving patient outcomes (Nursing Home Supervisor).

Evidence-based change concepts are crucial to implementing positive changes in policies and operations through applying good leadership skills and sound strategies implementation for any plan (Gupta et al., 2021). Of importance, nurse leaders should be conscientious about healthcare teams’ dynamics to create a positive change. Thus, leaders should foster positive relationships among colleagues by establishing zero tolerance for harassment and bullying while encouraging workplace inclusivity (Davey et al., 2022).


Davey, Z., Srikesavan, C., Cipriani, A., & Henshall, C. (2022, September). It is What We Do: Experiences of UK Nurses Working during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on Practice, Identity, and Resilience. In Healthcare (Vol. 10, No. 9, p. 1674). MDPI.

Gupta, D., Jai P, N., & Yadav, S. J. (2021). Strategic communication in health and development: concepts, applications, and programming. Journal of Health Management23(1), 95-108.

Wong, C., Walsh, E. J., Basacco, K. N., Mendes Domingues, M. C., & Pye, D. R. (2020). Authentic leadership and job satisfaction among long-term care nurses. Leadership in Health Services33(3), 247-263.

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