Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example

Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example

Nursing training institutions have implemented interprofessional education in their curriculum to prepare future nurses to lead interprofessional teams. Steen and Shinkai (2019) assert that educating future nurses on interprofessional collaboration to work in teams leads to improved care coordination and patient outcomes. Thus, DNP-prepared nurses promote interprofessional collaboration that allows them to solve complicated patient and caregiving issues. While efforts have been put in place in the past to encourage collaboration, the World Health Organization in 2011 and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2010 promoted interprofessional collaboration as a critical component to improve health accessibility and quality. This paper will elucidate DNP-prepared nurses’ strategies to sustain project improvement through intra-and-interpersonal collaboration.(Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

(Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Capital Punishment Research

While intraprofessional collaboration improves interaction among nurses, interprofessional collaboration improves interaction between nurses and other healthcare professionals such as doctors, physiotherapists and nutritionists to promote quality care. One strategy that I envision as a DNP-prepared nurse to sustain project improvement is to create and develop partnerships to involve all the relevant stakeholders, such as trustees, project sponsors, staff and volunteers. An excellent example of how DNP-prepared nurses can promote intra-and-interprofessional collaboration is by encouraging multidisciplinary rounds that foster communication between departments (Saint-Louis & Saint Louis, 2021). The rounds offer opportunities for multidisciplinary healthcare providers to discuss and share vital information concerning patients’ care plans and potential improvement strategies.(Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Thus, a strong partnership network and cooperation among the nurses and other healthcare providers promotes changes, leading to sustained improvements. Involving all the stakeholders in processes such as resource sharing and project initiation fosters teamwork. Notably, collaborating with experienced individuals in various fields will also ensure that the project receives insightful strategies that lead to constant improvement. For instance, collaboration between fundraisers and grant writers will ensure that the project obtains the funding necessary to obtain resources such as staff and space required for improvement.(Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Another strategy that I envision is planning and participating in interdisciplinary conferences. Through interdisciplinary conferences, DNP-prepared nurses meet and professionally collaborate, share their expertise and organize collaborative interventions to sustain project improvements (Rawlinson et al., 2021).In a project to improve care quality and patient safety, DNP-prepared nurses can advocate for the patient’s needs during these meetings. As such, the nurse will utilize effective communication to express and communicate sensitive care issues, listen attentively to the suggestions offered by other team members, and create a collaborative care plan in preparation for implementation to improve the patient’s quality of care and patient safety. Subsequently, DNP-prepared nurses sustain project improvement by assigning, delegating and supervising other stakeholders in the project. For instance, the nurse can supervise the implementation of an evidence-based intervention to ensure it is correctly implemented to meet the patient’s needs. DNP-prepared nurses also encourage nurses to collaborate with other healthcare professionals and their patients to create an appropriate care plan that improves health outcomes.(Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Furthermore, educating staff and clients is vital to sustain project improvement. DNP-prepared nurses possess a high level of knowledge, skills, competency and experience. Therefore, they can serve as a crucial education resource through patient education, training nurses and other healthcare professionals, leading to quality care and patient safety. For instance, DNP-prepared nurses can serve as a resource to assistive personnel in their unit concerning an evidence-based project. In this case, the nurse can provide general orientation about a project to other nurses, health professionals, and clients. DNP-prepared nurses can also explain the project’s significance regarding patient needs and share how all the stakeholders will communicate to promote collaborative efforts to achieve the desired purpose. DNP-prepared nurses also ensure that all the stakeholders understand the orientation and are competent to complete their assigned tasks within the set standards.(Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

(Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
(Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)


Rawlinson, C., Carron, T., Cohidon, C., Arditi, C., Hong, Q. N., Pluye, P., Peytremann-Bridevaux, I., & Gilles, I. (2021). An Overview of Reviews on Interprofessional Collaboration in Primary Care: Barriers and Facilitators. International journal of integrated care21(2), 32(Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example). https://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.5589

Saint-Louis, M., & Saint Louis, M. (2021). Nurse Practitioner-Led Care Pods: A Team Communication Enhancement Model. Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Projects. 283.(Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)  https://repository.usfca.edu/dnp/283

Steen, A., & Shinkai, K. (2020). Understanding individual and gender differences in conflict resolution: A critical leadership skill. International journal of women’s dermatology6(1), 50-53. (Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijwd.2019.06.002

(Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Leading Interprofessional Teams Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example 1