evolution of nursing

Assignment: Evolution of Nursing

Overview: Nursing has evolved significantly over the years, adapting to changes in healthcare, technology, and societal needs. This assignment explores the historical development of nursing, key milestones, influential figures, and how nursing has evolved to meet the demands of the modern healthcare system. You are required to conduct research, analyze historical data, and present your findings in a well-structured essay.(Evolution of Nursing Essay Example)


  1. Conduct thorough research on the evolution of nursing. Utilize academic journals, textbooks, reputable websites, and historical archives to gather relevant information.(Evolution of Nursing Essay Example)
  2. Write an essay (word limit: 1500 words) that explores the following aspects of nursing evolution: a. Historical origins of nursing and the role of early caregivers. b. Major developments in nursing during the 19th and 20th centuries. c. Influential nursing theorists and their impact on nursing practice. d. Key milestones in nursing education and professionalization. e. The role of technology in shaping modern nursing practices. f. Current challenges and future prospects for the nursing profession.(Evolution of Nursing Essay Example)
  3. Your essay should be well-organized, properly referenced, and written in clear, concise language.

Marking Rubric:

  1. Content (50 points): a. Comprehensive coverage of the evolution of nursing and all assigned aspects (10 points). b. Accurate and well-researched information from credible sources (20 points). c. Clear understanding and explanation of historical developments and key milestones (10 points). d. In-depth analysis of influential nursing theorists and their impact (10 points).(Evolution of Nursing Essay Example)
  2. Organization and Structure (20 points): a. Clear introduction and conclusion (5 points). b. Logical flow of ideas and well-structured paragraphs (10 points). c. Proper use of headings/subheadings to enhance readability (5 points).
  3. Writing Style and Clarity (15 points): a. Proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure (5 points). b. Use of formal language and appropriate vocabulary (5 points). c. Concise and coherent writing, free from excessive jargon (5 points).
  4. Referencing and Citations (15 points): a. Correct use of APA/MLA referencing style (5 points). b. Accurate citations for all sources used (5 points). c. Inclusion of a bibliography/reference list (5 points).(Evolution of Nursing Essay Example)
  5. Originality and Critical Thinking (10 points): a. Unique insights and thoughtful analysis of the subject matter (5 points). b. Demonstration of critical thinking skills and connecting historical context to present-day challenges (5 points).

Total: 100 points

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submit your essay as a typed document in PDF or Word format.
  • Include a cover page with your name, student ID, course title, and assignment title.
  • Ensure proper formatting and adherence to the word limit (1500 words).
  • Submit the assignment by the given deadline.

Note: Plagiarism will result in severe academic penalties. Always provide proper references and citations for all sources used in your research

How has nursing practice evolved over time? Discuss the key leaders and historical events that have influenced the advancement of nursing, nursing education, and nursing roles that are now part of the contemporary nursing profession.

Evolution of Nursing Essay Example

As one of the oldest professions, the changes faced and inspired by nursing have contributed to improved patient outcomes and the nursing landscape. The emergence of nursing as a profession is credited to Florence Nightingale in the 19th Century (Karimi & Alavi, 2015). Florence Nightingale was a British nurse known as the founder of modern nursing. Initially, nursing was not seen as a spectacle career, precisely when it involved nursing strangers. However, Nightingale believed that applying scientific principles and informed education about healthy lifestyles were central to positive patient outcomes. Besides, she believed that nursing was an ideal profession that provided social and intellectual freedom for women.(Evolution of Nursing Essay Example)

Nightingale’s beliefs were first tested in the Crimean War in 1854 with other nurses as they attended to wounded British soldiers based on 19th-Century science. Nightingale and the team sanitized the walls of the barrack hospitals, provided ventilation, nourished the soldiers, and administered medication efficiently (Glasper, 2020). These actions lowered death rates significantly and mitigated infectious diseases. Nightingale’s actions challenged the existing social norms and justified the value of educated nurses. Since then, nursing practice has significantly evolved since its emergence in the mid-19th Century.(Evolution of Nursing Essay Example)

Following Nightingale’s footsteps were nurses and nurse leaders such as Linda Richards, who pioneered high-quality and professional nursing in the United States (Glasper, 2020). Alice Fisher, the other notable nurse, immigrated to the United States from England and established a nurse training school and Philadelphia Hospital. Together with renowned nurses who practice in other countries, these nurses sustained Nightingale’s nursing consent.(Evolution of Nursing Essay Example)

Since the 19th Century, various aspects of nursing have changed, including training/education, nurses’ roles, specialization, and safety and quality of nursing. Nursing education has significantly changed as universities have consistently improved training models and specialties. Nursing education has become more flexible, formal, and complex, with over 170 nursing programs in the United States by the 1960s. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) reports of 2010 and 2021 have definitive recommendations on nursing education, the scope of nursing practice, and the role of technology in advancing the nursing landscape (Wakefield et al., 2021). There has been more emphasis on academic progression as various roles emerge, i.e., nursing is no longer caretaking but a complex integration of skills, judgment, and knowledge.(Evolution of Nursing Essay Example)

Evolution of Nursing Essay Example


Glasper, E. A. (2020). Celebrating the Contribution of Florence Nightingale to Contemporary Nursing. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing43(4), 233-239. https://doi.org/10.1080/24694193.2020.1824256

Karimi, H., & Alavi, N. M. (2015). Florence Nightingale: the mother of nursing. Nursing and midwifery studies4(2). https://doi.org/10.17795%2Fnmsjournal29475

Wakefield, M., Williams, D. R., & Le Menestrel, S. (2021). The future of nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academy of Sciences. Available at:http://ebookcentral.proquest.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/lib/gcu/reader.action?docID=6697061&ppg=1\ (Accessed 7 November 2022)


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