8-2 Journal: Vision and Change-nursing Paper Examples

(a) For organizational change to be successful, what role should a leader take in vision development? (Vision and Change-Nursing Paper Examples)

A vision constitutes the values and aspirations that organizations aim to achieve in the future. It must align with the needs and interests of the organization and the employees tasked with executing it to ensure success (Dawson et al., 2021). Thus, the leader with the vision development should ensure that the vision incorporates the imagination and energies of the employees by tying it to the organization’s values in an easy-to-understand way. (Mansaray, 2019). Besides, the leader should also set measurable vision objectives and goals to enhance the execution of the organization’s milestones (Vision and Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

Vision And Change-Nursing Paper Examples
Vision And Change-Nursing Paper Examples

Measurable goals and objectives enable the organization to tie each milestone with rewards that enhance employee productivity as they strive to accomplish the goals. Moreover, Malnight et al. (2019) observe that the leader should consider a strategic position by understanding the organization’s measures to effectively use resources in accomplishing the vision. This involves making critical decisions on what should and should not be done, including accepting trade-offs with other positions to enhance the execution of the tasks (Vision and Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

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(b) How would you weave proactive and reactive elements into the planning and implementation of an organizational change effort?

Dawson et al. (2021) explain that reactive change constitutes responses to crises as they arise, while proactive change involves anticipating organizational needs and establishing measures to respond appropriately. The proactive strategy involves anticipating and controlling a situation, while the reactive strategy includes implementing change after a situation has occurred (Vision and Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

Leaders can integrate these elements into the planning and implementation of the change effort by consulting mentors or organizations who have integrated similar elements in implementing the change effort (Dawson et al., 2019). The mentors can help the leader develop self-awareness and perspective of the change effort, making integrating the reactive and proactive elements into change effort planning easy (Vision and Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

Also, the leader should establish a transition team tasked with coordinating the planning and implementation of the change effort. The transition team conducts scenario analysis on the change to anticipate potential problems and mitigating measures for successful change effort planning and implementation (Dawson et al., 2021) (Vision and Change-Nursing Paper Examples).

Lastly, the leader should create a continuous improvement environment by engaging employees in every step of the planning and implementation (Protzman et al., 2023). Allowing the contribution of team members enhances the exploration and implementation of ideas crucial to improving the process and practices involved.


Dawson, P., Andriopoulos, C., & Andriopoulos, C. (2021). Managing change, creativity, and innovation. (4th ed.). United Kingdom: SAGE Publications.

Malnight, T. W., Buche, I., & Dhanaraj, C. (2019). Put purpose at the core of your strategy. Harvard Business Review97(5), 70-78.https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d4f230975e9c900012a2e58/t/5d75699cfb792053134dbcd9/1630968142419/Put-Purpose-at-the-Core-of-Your-Strategy.pdf

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Mansaray, H. E. (2019). The role of leadership style in organizational change management: A literature review. Journal of Human Resource Management7(1), 18-31. Doi: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20190701.13

Protzman, C., Whiton, F., & Kerpchar, J. (2023). Sustaining lean: Creating a culture of continuous improvement. United States: Taylor & Francis.

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