The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example

The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example

Therapy Modality: Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)

Creator: Del Boca et al. developed the SBIRT Program Matrix

Therapy used for what DSM5 Diagnoses: Alcohol Misuse/Abuse, Illicit Drug Misuse/Abuse, Tobacco Use, Depression, Trauma/Anxiety Disorders. (The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example)

The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example
The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example 1

The SBIRT approach is used to identify patients using alcohol and other drugs at risky levels. Gryczynski et al. (2011) reported that participants demonstrated a significant decrease in illicit drug use, alcohol use, and alcohol intoxication frequency six months after receiving the SBIRT services. Madras et al. (2009) also found about a 68% reduction in illicit drug use among people six months after receiving the SBIRT services. Hargraves et al. (2017) report that SBIRT can be used in identifying and delivering services for people at risk for depression and substance use disorders. SBIRT is used as an early intervention to reduce risky alcohol and drug use before a person is severely dependent or experiences other adverse consequences.(The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Emphasis of Therapy Modality: SBIRT intervention emphasizes the early identification of at-risk alcohol and illicit drug users before connecting them to patient-centered care.(The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Goals of Therapy Modality: The SBIRT goals include reducing and preventing health consequences, accidents, diseases, and injuries that are associated with risky alcohol and illicit drug use, abuse, and misuse.(The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example)

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Notes: SBIRT intervention has steps, and the first one is screening that involves healthcare professional assessment of a patient at risk of alcohol and substance abuse and misuse using standardized screening tools. Screening helps identify the appropriate service level needed based on the client’s risk level. Some patients have little or no risky behavior, scoring low on the screening tool, and may not need an intervention. The second step is the brief intervention that involves a healthcare professional engagement with the patient demonstrating risky substance use behaviors in brief conversations and offering feedback and advice. Finally, the healthcare professional engages in referral to treatment where they refer the patient to additional treatment and therapy for patients whose screening score validates the need for additional services.  (The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example)

The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example
The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example 2


Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S. G., Peterson, T. R., Gonzales, A., Moseley, A., & Schwartz, R. P. (2011). The relationship between services delivered and substance use outcomes in New Mexico’s Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment (SBIRT) Initiative. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 118(2-3), 152-157.(The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Hargraves, D., White, C., Frederick, R., Cinibulk, M., Peters, M., Young, A., & Elder, N. (2017). Implementing SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) in primary care: lessons learned from a multi-practice evaluation portfolio. Public health reviews, 38(1), 1-11.(The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Madras, B. K., Compton, W. M., Avula, D., Stegbauer, T., Stein, J. B., & Clark, H. W. (2009). Screening, brief interventions, referral to treatment (SBIRT) for illicit drug and alcohol use at multiple healthcare sites: comparison at intake and 6 months later. Drug and alcohol dependence, 99(1-3), 280-295.

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The SBIRT approach Comprehensive nursing paper example
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