DQ1-Professional Presentation Skills and Techniques-Nursing Paper Examples            

Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper Examples

Professional presentation skills and techniques are fundamental for nurses and other healthcare professionals. The presentations allow healthcare providers to relay significant information to the relevant stakeholders. More so, to improve care quality and patient safety. Consequently, urses use presentations to pass their messages and convince the stakeholders to implement positive changes that benefit the patients, their healthcare facilities, and the entire health industry. Furthermore, They communicate and engage with their target audience to apply evidence-based information to improve patient outcomes (Saleem, 2019). This essay will improve my presentation skills, which will be vital to presenting my evidence-based change project on preventing and reducing HAIs among hospitalized patients (Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper).            

Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper Examples
Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper Examples

My significant strengths in professional presentations are adequate preparation through research and work organization. I plan my presentations early enough any time I have a presentation. I avoid procrastination by planning to avoid a potential last-minute rush. By so doing, I have enough time to edit and re-edit my presentation to eliminate any errors while improving organization. Adequate preparation allows me to conduct comprehensive research on my topic to gain deep and relevant insights that may concern my audience.

I ensure that my work is backed by evidence from credible and reliable sources to obtain support from my stakeholders for successful implantation (Zhao et al., 2021). Subsequently, I organize my presentation by creating a solid structure that allows my audience to anticipate what to expect in each stage while guiding them to understand my content systematically (Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper Examples).            

One of my major weaknesses in professional presentation is public speaking anxiety, which creates intense nervousness, worry, and discomfort. One of the main strategies to improve public speaking anxiety is boosting one’s confidence. Familiarising with the content of a presentation improves confidence. For instance, flipping through the slides and skimming the speech outline and visual aids also make one confident. Practicing the presentation out loud to oneself or another audience before the presentation improves familiarity (Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper Examples).

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Consequently, good presentation skills result in effective communicators who relay information clearly and concisely to the target audience (Saleem, 2019). Moreover, These skills allow presenters to connect and engage with their audience and get relevant responses. In healthcare, good professional skills allow one to gain the stakeholders’ support and get immediate feedback and response required to implement and sustain proposed changes (Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper Examples).


Salem, A. A. (2019). A Sage on a Stage, to Express and Impress: TED Talks for Improving Oral Presentation Skills, Vocabulary Retention and Its Impact on Reducing Speaking Anxiety in ESP Settings. English Language Teaching, 12(6), 146-160. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1216691.pdf

Zhao, J., Bai, W., Zhang, Q., Su, Y., Wang, J., Du, X., … & Hu, J. (2022). Evidence-based practice implementation in healthcare in China: a living scoping review. The Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific, 20, 100355. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666606521002649  

DQ 2            

Evidence-based projects should implement sustainable changes that will promote and improve the quality of care and patient outcomes. Organizational culture also affects the ability to implement and sustain proposed healthcare changes. Thus, implemented evidence-based change may encounter barriers that prevent it from continuing to obtain the desired results six months to one year from now. Furthermore, One of the significant barriers to sustaining my evidence-based change project is the lack of a culture for change or resistance to change. Although change is inevitable, organizational employees resist change for different reasons (Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper Examples).

Some employees resist change due to a lack of awareness about the reason and purpose for change. Consequently, Others resist change, fearing that they may not adapt to the new work requirements. Continued resistance may limit my project from attaining the desired object. My project will implement evidence-based care bundle elements to curb HAIs (Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper Examples).

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Evidence-based projects should implement sustainable changes that will promote and improve the quality of care and patient outcomes. Organizational culture also affects the ability to implement and sustain proposed healthcare changes. Thus, implemented evidence-based change may encounter barriers that prevent it from continuing to obtain the desired results six months to one year from now. Furthermore, One of the significant barriers to sustaining my evidence-based change project is the lack of a culture for change or resistance to change (Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper Examples).

Although change is inevitable, organizational employees resist change for different reasons. Some employees resist change due to a lack of awareness about the reason and purpose for change. Consequently, Others resist change, fearing that they may not adapt to the new work requirements. Continued resistance may limit my project from attaining the desired object. My project will implement evidence-based care bundle elements to curb HAIs (Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper Examples).

Although the healthcare professionals were educated about the project, they may resist sustaining the implemented change due to failure to adapt to the new intervention. Moreover, Failure to adapt to the implemented changes will make the healthcare providers revert to the previous standard of care. Adequate preparation will eliminate the surprise element and fear of the unknown, promoting success and continued support.Furthermore, Continuous professional development and adequate training on implementing the evidence-based care bundle elements. Consequently, improves implementation while eliciting improved patient outcomes that enable healthcare providers to sustain the project (Wasserman et al., 2020).             

A lack of motivation among nurses and other healthcare professionals will hinder the proposed intervention from attaining the desired objectives. Demotivation may result from inadequate staff to implement and sustain the project leading to burnout and work-related stress (Allah et al., 2020). However, adequate staffing will ensure adequate personnel to implement the proposed change while providing incentives such as job rotations that will aid in sustaining the implemented evidence-based care bundle.

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Moreover, The health facility may forego the proposed interventions if they are expensive beyond the calculated financial projection. However, strategic planning will aid in determining the costs and benefits of the change. However, continuous evaluation and improvement will be vital to make changes that ensure the project is affordable and sustainable (Professional Presentation Skills-Nursing Paper Examples).  


Allah, A. R. G., Elshrief, H. A., & Ageiz, M. H. (2020). Developing strategy: A guide for nurse managers to manage nursing staff’s work-related problems. Asian Nursing Research, 14(3), 178-187. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1976131720300499

Wasserman, D., Iosue, M., Wuestefeld, A., & Carli, V. (2020). Adaptation of evidence‐based suicide prevention strategies during and after the COVID‐19 pandemic. World Psychiatry, 19(3), 294-306. https://doi.org/10.1002/wps.20801

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