Topic 6 DQ 2-Making Telehealth Work for Older Adults-Nursing Essay Examples

Making Telehealth Work for Older Adults

Federal rules against disability discrimination, such as the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), demand equitable access to health care services for all people, whether in-person or through a telemedicine appointment. Equal access to telehealth can be achieved by adapting processes and offering extra assistance to patients with disabilities before, during, and after a virtual visit (Making Telehealth Work for Older Adults).

Making Telehealth Work for Older Adults
Making Telehealth Work for Older Adults

In most cases, older people could feel less at ease using digital devices. On the other hand, or have hearing, visual, and cognitive issues that challenge their ability to use telehealth (Choi et al., 2022). A rising range of tools, such as screen readers and voice-to-text programs. Consequently, or programs with closed captioning options, could help patients address their hearing and visual impairments (Making Telehealth Work for Older Adults).

Early planning is an alternative strategy that can help improve patient and team communication. In addition, ensure the client benefits more from telehealth, promoting equality in digital access. Steps in early planning include contacting the patient or caregiver to confirm their availability. Moreover, if they have access to the required technology and their familiarity. Furthermore, sending materials and evaluating the patient’s technology needs, and getting in touch with the patient beforehand.

Moreover, to discuss any potential technology issues, and ensuring the client is at ease using the platform. More so, before any appointment (, 2022). Providers should also offer resources in various formats, such as printed materials and audio files. Consequently, or Braille depending on the patient’s needs. For instance, the provider should offer huge letter sizing and make them screen reader compatible. These steps ensure that the patient and the healthcare team communicate effectively. More so, during each telehealth visit (Making Telehealth Work for Older Adults).

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The patient’s ability to understand and speak with the physician is vital in ensuring the success of telehealth visits. After learning about the patient’s needs via the early planning steps above, the healthcare provider should offer the patient communication aids and interpreter services. The provider should also select a telehealth platform with accessible features like having an interpreter on the same call as the patient and healthcare provider, live captions, high-contrast displays, and automatic transcription (, 2022).

The clinician can use Telecommunication Relay Services instead of video appointments, facilitate video conferencing to connect to a virtual interpreter appointment for real-time sign language or oral interpretation, and offer closed captioning on every pre-recorded patient video resource. Moreover, the clinician should ensure that a caregiver provides step-by-step assistance to allow the patient to initiate and participate in a telehealth session (, 2022). These steps would address digital literacy and disability challenges the older patients experience, helping solve inequalities in digital access (Making Telehealth Work for Older Adults).


Choi, N. G., DiNitto, D. M., Marti, C. N., & Choi, B. Y. (2022). Telehealth Use Among Older Adults During COVID-19: Associations with Sociodemographic and Health Characteristics, Technology Device Ownership, and Technology Learning. Journal of applied gerontology: the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society41(3), 600–609. (2022, July 27). Improving access to Telehealth. Learn how and when to access or provide telehealth care.

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