World WarII,- Video (11min) and answer thoroughly short response questions

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John Green explains how WWII was about resources, and especially about food. The expansionist aggression of both Germany and Japan were in a lot of ways about resources. There were other reasons, to be sure, but the idea that the Axis needed more food can’t be ignored.



1. World War II can be looked at as a war for resources, particularly for ________________.

2. Discuss the largest number of deaths during World War II in comparison with military deaths.





3. Both the Nazis and Japan were both nationalistic and militaristic in the 1930s. According to the video, what other important factor motivated them/what did both seek (term and FULL definition)?






4. How did this motivate Germany and Japan? WHY? _____________________________




5. Why did Germany and Japan need to build up their industrial states? _________________



6. Which resource concerned German and Japan the most? ________________________2

7. What is lebensraum for and why is it needed by the Germans? ______________________





8. Why would food be a “scarce resource” for the Japanese? What was needed? ____________





9. What was “The Hunger Plan” (as opposed to “The Hunger Games” )? _______________





(… the primary motive for Hitler’s disastrous invasion of the Soviet Union)

Why was it implemented/necessary? _______________________________________





10. Why did Winston Churchill say that “… the Battle for the Atlantic was the dominating factorall through the War. Never for one moment could we forget that everything happening elsewhere, on land, at sea, or in the air, ultimately depended on its outcome.“?___________




11. Why were hunger and famine a reality for British and Japanese colonies? _____________3





12. Generally speaking, U.S., British and German civilians did not starve, but what practice did they institute to save food for the troops?


13. Where and why did the citizens in the Soviet Union, Japan and China see a huge drop in caloric

intake during the War? ________________________________________________



14. Which troops were the most poorly fed? _____________________________________

Why? ____________________________________________________________







15. Why is examining the role of resources – especially food in WWII – advantageous over the narrative of the triumph of the “Allied good” over “Axis evil”? (Several reasons) ________






(continue answer on next page …)




16. For what reasons will the potential conflict of ideology vs. allocation of resources always be there? ____________________________________________________________








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