Discussion and Assignment -Test 2

User Interface Design Essay Example

Table of Contents

Project Outline. 3

Project Site Description. 3

Project Purpose and Discussion Topics. 3

User Interface Technical Requirements. 4

Kiosk Requirements. 4

Smart Devise Requirements. 5

User Interface Human Interaction Requirements. 6

Kiosk Interaction Requirements. 6

Smart Device Interaction Requirements. 7

User Interface Design Prototypes. 8

Kiosk Application. 8

Mobile Application. 9

Usability Test Questionnaire. 12

Section 1: User Demographic Information. 12

Section 2: Usability Questions. 12

Section 3: Application Function Specific Questions. 14

Section 4: Comments. 15

Usability Instruction Guide. 16

Usability Test Results. 17

Project Outline

Project Site Description

The project focuses on tourist attractions and things to do in Sedona, Arizona. Sedona is among the most beautiful tourist destinations in Arizona, with multiple activities to engage in and tourist attraction sites. The sceneries are stunning, and the views are outstanding across the whole region when walking, driving, or hiking. Sedona is often referred to as a spiritual center because of its energy vortexes. Tourists with different interests can have fun in the city because of its unique vibe. Multiple attractions are present, ranging from scenic natural areas and Native American ruins to galleries, sacred cities, and architecture. Tourists can engage in many activities in Sedona, including mountain biking, hiking, and stargazing, which are free.(User Interface Design Essay Example)

For those who want to stay longer, which is worthwhile, there is adequate accommodation, with price ranges suitable for all classes of people. For those staying longer than a day, a trip to the Grand Canyon or Flagstaff is recommended. The most popular tourist attractions include cathedral rock, uptown Sedona, Red Rock Scenic Byway, Oak Creek Canyon scenic drive, hiking trails, jeep tours, Chapel of the Holy Cross, mountain biking trails, Vortexes, Bell Rock, Boynton Canyon, a day trip to the Grand Canyon, Slide Rock State Park, Palatki Ruins, Red Rock Crossing and Crescent Moon Picnic Site, Tlaquepaque Arts and Crafts Village, Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park, 1st Friday in the Art Galleries, and Airport Mesa.(User Interface Design Essay Example)

Project Purpose and Discussion Topics 

In a place like Arizona, it would be convenient if tourists can find their way around without needing a tour guide or asking around too much. Therefore, web applications like the Tourist Kiosk application are designed to help tourists find their way around using either their computers, laptops, or smartphones. The application will include attractions and activities such as restaurants, shops, transportation, real estate, entertainment, services, and many others. The major discussion points in the project include user interface technical requirements and user interface human interaction requirements for both the kiosk and the smart device, user interface design prototypes, usability test questionnaire, usability instruction guide, and usability test results.(User Interface Design Essay Example)

User Interface Design Essay Example

User Interface Technical Requirements

Kiosk Requirements

The web application will be accessible through a computer, either a desktop or a laptop. The first prototype for the Tourist Kiosk will be developed per the following technical requirements. User insights are invited during the usability test of the prototype and additional requirements will be adopted in designing and developing the final product. Technical requirements for the kiosk include:(User Interface Design Essay Example)

  • Operating System
    • Windows requirements: Windows 8 or later
    • Mac requirements: macOS High Sierra 10.13 or later
    • Linux requirements: 64-bit, Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian 8+, openSUSE 13.3+, or Fedora Linux 24+
  • Processor
    • Windows requirements: Intel Pentium 4 or later
    • Mac requirements: Intel(User Interface Design Essay Example)
    • Linux requirements: Intel Pentium 4 or later
  • Memory: 2 GB minimum, 4 GB recommended
  • Screen Resolution: 1280×1024 or larger
  • Application window size: 1024×680 or larger
  • Internet connection: WIFI, LAN, modem, tethered.

Smart Devise Requirements

The phone device will be available for Android devices and iPhones to ensure scalability. The requirements provided below are for the first prototype, which will be tested for usability, and in case of additional user requirements, like a call to expand specifications to cover more mobile devices, the specifications will be updated and integrated into the design of the final application. Technical requirements for smart devices include:  (User Interface Design Essay Example)

  • iOS and Phone requirements
    • iOS version >13
    • Phone hardware specifications: iPhone 6s onwards
  • Android OS and Phone Version
    • Android version >6.0.1
    • Phone hardware specifications:
      • ARM64, X86_64
      • Min 1GB RAM
      • Min Screen size: 5 inches
    • Provider web portal
      • Google Chrome (use latest version)
      • Firefox (use latest version)(User Interface Design Essay Example)
      • Microsoft Edge (use latest version)
      • Minimum Resolution: 1024-pixel width

User Interface Human Interaction Requirements

Schneiderman’s eight golden rules of human interface interaction will guide the development of the Tourist kiosk. The design of the application will strive for consistency, consider universal usability, provide informative feedback, prevent errors, ensure action referrals, promote internal locus of control, and minimize short-term memory load. These rules will also be adopted during usability testing of the UI. The design seeks to ensure the application has simple task structures, visible controls, and correct mapping, is aesthetic and minimalistic, and promotes efficiency of use.(User Interface Design Essay Example)

  • Regarding general interactivity for the kiosk and the smart device, the design will ensure consistency, provide meaningful feedback, require authentication, promote easy reversal of actions, minimize information that should be remembered, excuse mistakes, ensure context sensitivity, and utilize simple verbs and short phrases on controls.(User Interface Design Essay Example)
  • The information displayed will be necessary and minimal to allow rapid navigation, labels and controls will be standard, colors probable, and visuals appropriate and not distractive. Tabs will be used to classify or categorize different information.(User Interface Design Essay Example)
  • On data entry, the application will ensure fewer data input actions, steady information display and data input, and users can turn on their favorite input mode. Also, unsuitable demands per the context will be disabled and the user will be in control of the interaction. Help will be available for all input actions.   (User Interface Design Essay Example)

Kiosk Interaction Requirements

Developing the user interface for the tourist kiosk takes into perspective what the user values most when using an application or website and their perception of what the application should center on. Multiple principles guide the development of a user interface, especially ease of navigation, comfortable to use, and use of appropriate visuals and controls for the application to enhance user experience (Microsoft, 2022). The behavior and the UI of the application or site will be based on the what “feeling” the user gets from using the app. It will not be about how good-looking the application is but rather the great work it will perform in guiding tourists around Sedona. When designing the tourist kiosk user interface, these basic principles and guidelines will be adopted: spacing and positioning, size, grouping, and intuitiveness.(User Interface Design Essay Example)

The design will ensure a professional-looking dialogue with proper spacing and appropriately placed controls. The labels will be aligned with the text baseline of the text boxes and other controls around them (Microsoft, 2022). Size consideration is fundamental when designing the UI. The design will ensure buttons are of perfect height and width, making it easy for users to notice them without fail. The third guideline is on grouping controls, and the design will employ intuitive grouping to make the controls easier to use. Tab controls will be used to group controls. Finally, the design will consider intuitiveness, which is imperative for a greater user experience. When designing tourist kiosk UI, color coding will be adopted to make navigation easier. It will enhance the recognition of texts using colors. The UI will contain easy-to-understand language and limited wording of controls.(User Interface Design Essay Example)

Smart Device Interaction Requirements

The design of the smartphone or mobile user interface considers that tourists expect an almost perfect experience in their destination areas. To help tourists navigate Sedona with ease, the smartphone or mobile user interface will use well-known screens to help them feel comfortable when using the site or app. For instance, “Getting Started” and “Search Results” are among well-known screens that can be used (Baloh, 2023). The design will also ensure minimal clutter to enhance comprehension and eliminate anything unnecessary on the website or app. Gradual disclosures will be used, and additional information elements will be used. The design will also make interactive elements familiar and predictable for users. Because smartphone users depend solely on touch, the design will prioritize making controls accessible through familiarity and predictability. These design guidelines will enhance the tourist experience in Sedona.(User Interface Design Essay Example)

User Interface Design Prototypes

The following prototypes represent the first design features of the kiosk and mobile applications:

Kiosk Application

For the Kiosk application, tourists are required to log in or sign up if they do not have an account. After signing in, users can engage with other pages and see some things to engage in in Sedona as tourists. There are categories, including attractions, activities, entertainment and family activities, arts and history, and fun activities, including sports, cycling, hiking, and drives. There is a category for people’s recommendations, which entails some images tourists can share on the website when reviewing it(User Interface Design Essay Example). To see what is under attractions, users will click on the attractions button to open up options. It is the case for the other categories. The buttons are links to options available for the specific category. For instance, if a tourist wants to see sporting activities, they will click the “Sports, cycling, hiking & drives” button or section. Each category is a link to its specific page with more details, including locations, maps, prices, and ratings of the various options. The information will make it easier for tourists to make their decisions on where to go based on their interests and budget. There is a category for the events calendar highlighting some events and dates specific to Sedona tourists might be interested in while there.     (User Interface Design Essay Example)

Mobile Application

The mobile application is a little different from the kiosk application, including its layout. The tourist will still be required to log in or sign up if they are using the application for the first time. After logging in, the tourist is taken to the “Things to Do” page with various categories of what to engage in while in Sedona. Categories include attractions and activities, restaurants and accommodations, entertainment and family, arts and history, sports, cycling, hiking, and drives. The user will have to click on a category to open a specific page for that category, which includes options and information specific to the options, including a map or location, prices, and ratings. Users can click on the “120 Posts” and similar buttons to view some of the images posted on the site. (User Interface Design Essay Example)

Usability Test Questionnaire

Sedona’s Tourist Kiosk Questionnaire Purpose

The questionnaire intends to collect user perspectives on using the kiosk to determine the usability and functionality aspects of the first design prototype. The questionnaire results will help decide which features to maintain and which features to improve or remove when developing the final prototype. The aim is to develop a user-friendly kiosk by comprehensively adopting recommended user requirements in the design.(User Interface Design Essay Example)

Section 1: User Demographic Information

The kiosk targets all tourists from all countries visiting Sedona. The application is age-fluid and suitable for tourists of all ages. The application also takes into consideration differences in nationalities, gender, age, language, religion, and cultures of tourists visiting Sedona. Therefore, people from different backgrounds can adopt the kiosk for easy navigation while in Sedona. Statistically, 90% of tourists visiting Sedona are from the United States, 35% of which are from Sedona and 14% from California (Sedona Visitor Information Center, n.d.). Tourists mostly visit Uptown (79%) and Oak Creek Canyon (74%) (Sedona Visitor Information Center, n.d.). Tourists who value sustainability practices are the majority, and their needs will be well addressed within the kiosk through specific destination recommendations. Generally, the kiosk suits all tourists interested in coming to Sedona.(User Interface Design Essay Example)

Section 2: Usability Questions

Participants are required to fill the following questionnaire by ticking a box that correspond with their rating of a specific usability question or statement.(User Interface Design Essay Example)

(User Interface Design Essay Example)

On a scale of 1-5 (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree), how would you rate the following statements about the kiosk?

Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. The kiosk was easy to learn
2. The kiosk was easy to use
3. The kiosk was unnecessarily complex
4. The functions were well integrated
5. The functions were consistence
6. I felt confident using the kiosk
7. I effectively completed my tasks
8. The error messages were helpful
9. The language is easy to understand
10. The instructions provided were helpful
11. I like the user interface of the kiosk
12. I felt comfortable using the kiosk
13. The features are well-organized
14. The kiosk has all functions and capabilities I needed
15. Overall, I was satisfied with the kiosk

Section 3: Application Function Specific Questions

Participants are required to com(User Interface Design Essay Example)plete the following questions by ticking a box that correspond with their answer to a specific question or statement.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Tabs, buttons, and instructions are well-labelled
2. I liked the layout
3. Pages are well-labelled and easy to navigate
4. It is easy to click buttons
Users are required to provide opinions on the following questions
5. Describe your overall experience with the kiosk
6. What did you like most about the kiosk?
7. What surprised you most about the kiosk?
8. What, if anything, made you frustrated?
9. How frequently would you use the kiosk?

Section 4: Comments

Participants are required to provide additional information or feedback they felt was not covered in the questionnaire and would like to share with the design team. Participants can also share their overall perspectives about the kiosk, including what they liked and did not like, and provide recommendations.(User Interface Design Essay Example)

Usability Instruction Guide

Usability Test Results


Baloh, I. (2023, April 7). Mobile App UI Design: An Expert’s Complete Guide for 2023. https://relevant.software/mobile-app-ui-design-guide/

Microsoft. (2022, September 02). User interface principles. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/appuistart/-user-interface-principles(User Interface Design Essay Example)

Sedona Visitor Information Center. (n.d.). Visitors. Visit Sedona. https://visitsedona.com/sustainable-tourism-plan/survey-results/visitors/


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