Theoretical Framework Annotated Bibliography

  1. For This Assignment, The Student Will Create An Annotated Bibliography: (Please refer to the Module 5: Resources to Enhance Learning and view video instructions and provided exemplars).(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography)
    • Identify a theoretical framework which the student would like to explore as having significance to their future practice as a DNP. This can be a theory the student identified earlier as potentially having significance for their phenomenon of interest. The theoretical framework could be one the student identifies upon exploring identified DNP projects which spark interest. The theory could also be one in which the student simply wants to explore for future use. List the theory/theoretical framework as the “heading” for each annotation.(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography)
    • Complete a literature review. Once the theory has been identified, the student will conduct a literature review looking for scholarly articles in peer reviewed, academic journals in which the theory was applied or explored. The chosen article could be one in which the theoretical framework was used to support a claim or thesis where evidence was presented, introduced in a DNP project, or one in which a theory was used in a research report or evidenced based practice.(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography)
    • Choose three scholarly articles to review for Annotated Bibliography development. From the literature review, three scholarly articles should be chosen for the development of an Annotated Bibliography. The articles should either be written about the theoretical framework or the article should demonstrate application of the theory in research or evidence based practice. For each of the three chosen articles the student will use the “Source Evaluation Matrix,Download Source Evaluation Matrix,” to evaluate each article. Read each article then rate each article in the seven categories of the evaluation matrix: Authorship, Publisher, Currency, References, Writing, Bias, & Relevance. Rating is stronger on left and weaker on the right. The student will focus on where the article is strongest and weakest and include this in the annotation assessment. PLEASE NOTE: You are required to submit the completed Source Evaluation Matrix for each article.(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography)
  2. APA 7th Edition Guidelines must be followed for this assignment.
  3. Submit a proper APA Title Page for this assignment.
  4. Scholarly writing rules must be followed for the assignment to include proper sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography)
  5. Read the Instructions and Grading GuidelineDownload Instructions and Grading Guideline for content and point allocation.
  6. This assignment counts 100 points.
  7. Review the course calendar for assignment due date and time.

Theoretical framework annotated bibliography: Solution


Adapting and evolving is crucial in contemporary health service delivery in addressing the changing population needs, the pressures of rising life expectancy, and complicated health issues. The increased emphasis on healthcare quality across the six dimensions of efficiency, safety, patient-centeredness, effectiveness, timeliness, and accessibility has resulted in rapid transformation, both in adopting projects and realizing their outcomes to meet external standards(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography). Modern healthcare systems thrive on efficient care models and efficient resource utilization. DNP-prepared nurses guide changes in the healthcare industry and should have an in-depth understanding of change models. For instance, DNP-prepared nurses can develop interventions to address nursing burnout. This paper presents an annotated bibliography of the Kurt Lewin three-step change model used as a theoretical framework in nursing research and projects.(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography)

Annotated Bibliography

Saleem, S., Sehar, S., Afzal, M., Jamil, A., & Gilani, S. A. (2019). Accreditation: Application of Kurt Lewin’s Theory on Private Health Care Organizational Change. Saudi Journal of Nursing and Health Care2, 12.

The article discusses Kurt Lewin’s Theory application to private healthcare organizational change. The study seeks to explore and implement an accreditation strategy to help an organization enhance its facilities and services for patient care while teaching quality improvement skills. The authors envisioned the accreditation of a private, well-established healthcare facility. According to the article, Kurt Lewin’s theory provides insights into a framework of change at the accreditation level, which was accomplished using the transformational leadership style(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography). The authors posit that transformational leadership serves as a guide, motivator, and collaborator and connects with the objective of change management. Accreditation demands that an organization meet international standards of practice and provide high-quality patient care. The accrediting criteria are met in the context of the organization’s cultural and environmental values, beliefs, and service delivery. The private healthcare organization in this article was capable of accreditation. All necessary and standardized equipment and observing procedural rules and regulations. Kurt Lewin’s theory guided accreditation reform in the organization. This article is valuable in understanding Kurt Lewin’s change model and how it can be used to implement changes in the healthcare environment, considering the increasing scope and responsibilities of DNP-prepared nurses as leaders and change agents. I can use the information in this article to implement initiatives to reduce nurse burnout.(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography)

Wojciechowski, E., Pearsall, T., Murphy, P., & French, E. (2018). A case review: Integrating Lewin’s theory with lean’s system approach for change. Online journal of issues in nursing21(2).

The article presents a case review of Lewin’s theory integration with lean’s system approach to change. The authors discuss the use of crosswalk methodology in facilitating changes in the workplace, including interprofessional collaboration and developing intervention models to implement and sustain bedside shift reporting. The authors describe the project context and review the two common frameworks employed in change facilitation, Lewin’s Three-Step Model for Change and the Lean Systems Approach. Lewin’s three-step change management model is helpful in nursing research as a framework to implement changes and improve care at the bedside(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography). The description of the bedside shift report project methods illustrates that multiple disciplines can use a common framework for guiding and sustaining change to achieve high-quality and safe care outcomes, capitalizing on the opportunities of many perspectives and discipline-specific strategies. The article’s conclusion indicates the need for interprofessional team members to familiarize themselves with Lewin’s theory as a common nursing culture and a language change(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography). Integrating Lewin’s three-step model with the lean systems approach would be more efficient in implementing and sustaining change. The article is valuable in understanding change in the healthcare system and how to change theories guide changes to help achieve the desired outcomes. DNP-prepared nurses are required to serve as change agents, and understanding change models would be elemental in implementing changes in the healthcare system, for instance, to address nurse burnout.(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography)

Harrison, R., Fischer, S., Walpola, R. L., Chauhan, A., Babalola, T., Mears, S., & Le-Dao, H. (2021). Where Do Models for Change Management, Improvement and Implementation Meet? A Systematic Review of the Applications of Change Management Models in Healthcare. Journal of healthcare leadership13, 85–108.

The authors present a systematic review of change management models’ application in healthcare. According to the authors, the increased focus on healthcare quality and safety has resulted in a rapid change in both the adoption of programs and the realization of their objectives to meet external standards. The authors sought to determine the approaches used in change management, improvement, and implementation, as well as the nature and effectiveness of their use in healthcare. The study found that Lewin’s change model was effectively adopted in a nurse-led change initiative to improve bedside handover(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography). The authors describe Lewin’s model as useful in describing the change process rather than guiding the change activities. The review also found that Lewin’s model was effective as a structured change process in implementing an electronic patient caseload tool in a community setting. The article provides evidence that Lewin’s change model is widely used in healthcare to implement and evaluate change initiatives. This information is helpful for a DNP-prepared nurse who wants to serve as a change agent, including implementing changes to address workplace issues such as nurse burnout.(Theoretical framework annotated bibliography)


Saleem, S., Sehar, S., Afzal, M., Jamil, A., & Gilani, S. A. (2019). Accreditation: Application of Kurt Lewin’s Theory on Private Health Care Organizational Change. Saudi Journal of Nursing and Health Care2, 12.

Wojciechowski, E., Pearsall, T., Murphy, P., & French, E. (2018). A case review: Integrating Lewin’s theory with lean’s system approach for change. Online journal of issues in nursing21(2).

Harrison, R., Fischer, S., Walpola, R. L., Chauhan, A., Babalola, T., Mears, S., & Le-Dao, H. (2021). Where Do Models for Change Management, Improvement and Implementation Meet? A Systematic Review of the Applications of Change Management Models in Healthcare. Journal of healthcare leadership13, 85–108.


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