Public Health Nursing Roles and Responsibilities in Disaster Response – Assignment 2 Solution

This article discusses the Public Health Nursing Roles and Responsibilities in Disaster Response.


Public health officials can play a huge part in disaster planning and emergency preparedness.

Evaluate your community or state disaster response plan. Ensure you:

Identify nursing roles and responsibilities during each phase of disaster management. Consider:

  • Planning
  • Preparedness
  • Response
  • Recovery
  • Evaluate your community or state\’s plan for preparedness and disaster management:
  • Does it include provisions for each phase of preparedness and disaster planning?
  • Does it clearly account for community needs?
  • Does the plan include evidence of thought beyond the written report?
  • Is there evidence of a record-keeping system for resources, treatment, and identification of victims?
  • Are there redundancies built into the plan if one option fails? Are backup plans in place?
  • Analyze your community or state\’s plan for addressing mass casualty situations.

Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed and 1 evidence-based reference.

Include APA-formatted citations and a references page

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 350- to 525-word paper


Disaster Response

Disaster response is an interdisciplinary endeavor in which public health personnel play critical roles. Following a major disaster, public health personnel often participate in a coordinated response to save lives and prevent adverse outcomes to the affected population. This paper analyses public health participation in disaster response and emergency preparedness.

Public Health Nursing Roles and Responsibilities

Disaster/emergency preparedness is a broad term that encompasses activities performed before a catastrophe happens to guarantee preparedness. In this regard, public health practitioners play a crucial role in improving important components of readiness and response, including awareness, training, and preparation (Landesman & Burke, 2019). Nevertheless, public health nurses are equally and comprehensively involved in disaster response and emergency preparedness as other teams.  During the planning phase of disaster management, public health nurses identify and plan for risks (Landesman & Burke, 2019). Identifying community resources appropriate to the psychosocial and physical consequences of a disaster exemplifies the roles of public health personnel. Besides, public health nurses also work together with others to ensure people’s healthcare needs are addressed.

Furthermore, via training and education, public health nurses assist in emergency/disaster preparedness and response. They help identify and respond to the distress from high-risk individuals such as the elderly, children, and women (Landesman & Burke, 2019).  Besides, the public health personnel provides education before and after an occurrence to enhance preparedness and recovery. They also provide health recommendations on harm avoidance and safe drinking water and food. 

During a disaster response phase, public health nurses respond effectively and productively in a reasonable timeframe when responding to a disaster or emergency. In this sense, they assume responsibility for a community’s health in the event of a disaster by utilizing their knowledge on health data analysis, epidemiological trends, and public health assessments to develop and execute state or federal level recommendations for reducing mortality or adverse effects in the aftermath of a disaster (Landesman & Burke, 2019). They also cooperate with the responding human health and social care experts to conduct thorough evaluations of intervention outcomes.

During the recovery phase, public health nurses ensure that health services after an occurrence continues. These health services include primary care, acute or emergency care.  The nurses accomplish these functions by notifying the government authorities about the implications of impending catastrophes and providing professional support (Landesman & Burke, 2019). Furthermore, public health officials create and promote public policies that limit the impact of future catastrophes on public health.

Virginia’s State Plan for Preparedness and Disaster Management

Public health and safety are a top priority for the Virginia state government. Through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM), the state has developed and maintains disaster and emergency plans (, n.d.). The state has detailed plans for different disasters and emergencies, including active shooter, lightning and thunderstones, chemical, fires, earthquakes and landslides, extreme heat, floods, hurricanes, nuclear, and health threats.

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Public Health Nursing Roles and Responsibilities in Disaster Response
Public Health Nursing Roles and Responsibilities in Disaster Response

The state’s disaster and emergency preparedness plans have provisions for every phase of preparedness and disaster planning. Equally, the plans account for community needs before, during, and after disasters or emergencies. In addition, the Virginian disaster and emergency preparedness plans include thoughts beyond its provision, including a record-keeping system for resources, treatment, and identification of victims. Lastly, the plans have backup strategies beyond the initial plans as measures for mitigating novel situations.

Furthermore, the state’s disaster and emergency preparedness plans have provisions for mass casualty incidences. For example, the state describes mass casualty situations in its universal emergency operation plan and includes parameters for determining and mitigating such situations (Northam & Stern, 2019). The plan also outlines how such occurrences can be mitigated by proactive communication and mobilizing the state’s resources through a coordinated and collaborative approach.


Landesman, L. Y., & Burke, R. V. (2019). Public health management of disasters: The practice guide. American public health association.

Northam, R.S. & Stern, J.D. (2019). Commonwealth of Virginia EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN. Retrieved 2 July 2021, from

Savoia, E., Lin, L., Bernard, D., Klein, N., James, L. P., & Guicciardi, S. (2017). Public health system research in public health emergency preparedness in the United States (2009–2015): actionable knowledge base. American journal of public health, 107(S2), e1-e6. 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304051, (n.d.). Department of Emergency Management: About the Agency. Retrieved 2 July 2021, from

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