Assignment: Organismic Psychological Needs

Assignment: Organismic Psychological Needs: The purpose of this assignment is to have students familiarize themselves with the organismic, psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness…

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Assignment: Organismic Psychological Needs

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Organismic Psychological Needs

The purpose of this assignment is to have students familiarize themselves with the organismic, psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. 

  • After reading the textbook chapters, locate scholarly articles on the topic of psychological needs. Become familiar with the questions below:

1.    Why is the person-environment dialect important?

2.    What are the benefits from autonomy support (both giving and receiving)?

3.    How does optimal challenge and flow determine if a person will repeat an activity?

4.    Why are different types of feedback needed for different situations? Describe the types.

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5.    Is it necessary to build a tolerance for failure?

1.    An explanation of organismic psychological need and the main components: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

2.    An analysis of each question (a-e above) with scholarly support and connection to class readings.

3.    Write a detailed explanation of various activities (engagement) and the need which is met. Describe why these relationships are important to understand.

Your essay should be 2000-2500 words and should include at least four (4) citations. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style, including proper headings for each section you are addressing. The title page and references page do not count toward the minimum word amount for this assignment.

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Psychological Needs

Organismic Psychology Needs and Main Components

Organismic psychological needs can be described as the factors that promote the willingness to engage with the environment among organisms, entities that are alive and actively engage with their environment (Akirmak et al., 2019). Additionally, living organisms depend on their environment, providing food, water, intellectual stimulation, and social support.

In this regard, every animal or plant is equipped with the requirements to engage and interact with the environment. Nonetheless, the environment also changes constantly, requiring organisms to adapt and adjust to these changes, enhancing survival.

Psychological needs are essential in understanding the motivation behind a human being’s behavior. According to Reeve and Lee (2018), most of the behavior in living beings is essentially reactive to enhance sustainability and alleviate the deficit condition in the body.

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However, in some instances, the behavior is proactive in that living beings may seek out and engage in an environment to nurture their psychological needs. Ahn and Reeve (2020) also add that these needs are dialectic rather than mechanistic, guided by integration and differentiation. The main components of psychological needs include autonomy, relatedness, and competence (Akirmak et al., 2019).

First, autonomy, also known as self-determination, involves exercising control or choice of experience in regulating behavior. Human beings want to decide what they want to do and how to do it rather than have someone else or an environment determine their actions. In this regard, people’s behavior is autonomous when preferences and interests guide their decisions to engage in a given activity (Akirmak et al., 2019).

Second, competence is the need to be effective in ecological interactions. It also reflects the living organism’s ability to exercise its skills and capacities (Akirmak et al., 2019). People often desire to interact effectively with their environment, develop skills and improve their talents and potential.

In this regard, human beings give full attention to every challenge that they face to ensure they grow and make appropriate improvements to their skills. The need for competence arises from the willingness to seek optimal difficult and complex challenges to enhance satisfaction upon winning.

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According to Akirmak et al. (2019), people may get satisfied in situations they find themselves in and satisfy the need for competence. Contrary, they can neglect their interaction, frustrating their need for competence. Environments that support competence need to provide motivational factors and reflect individuals’ skills and capacities. Additionally, these environments should have optimal challenges, high failure tolerance from others, a clear and helpful structure, and feedback.

Third, relatedness refers to the psychological need to establish close emotional attachments and bonds with other people. It usually reflects a person’s desire to connect emotionally and get involved with other individuals to create warm, affectionate, and close relationships. For this reason, people tend to gravitate towards other people whom they trust to have good intentions for them and drift away from those whom they believe have no good intentions for them.

In this regard, people seek to be in spaces where they feel they can be themselves authentically. According to Reeve & Lee (2018), relatedness is a crucial need in human beings as it allows them to function better, have few psychological difficulties in relationships, and be more resilient to stress. While given the right environment, people can try their best to create relationships, be it alliances or friendships. The more time people engage in interactions, the more likely they will form relationships.

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Nonetheless, it is hard to break social bonds once they are made. Akirmak et al. (2019) state that social interactions are the primary conditions for relationships. Additionally, relationships are maintained where the social bonds are characterized by the perception that the other person cares about an individual’s wellbeing, adores and satisfies one’s needs. Therefore, social contexts that satisfy psychological needs are characterized by an environment that involves and satisfies the three psychological needs.

Importance of Person-Environment Dialect

Personal-environment interaction involves a person’s desire and the environment’s ability to satisfy these desires (Akirmak et al., 2019). A human being’s desire may include the goals, interests, needs, and preferences that match their attributes and receive their greatest attention.

On the other hand, the priorities in the environment corresponding to these desires may be referred to as supplies, including benefits, payoffs, and satisfiers. Nonetheless, a person’s abilities such as skills, intelligence, education, and experience play an essential role in determining how they interact with an environment. Therefore, the dialect between a person and the environment helps ensure that people benefit from the environment.

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The person-environmental theory in psychology argues a reciprocal relationship between people and their environments (Ahn & Reeve, 2020). This theory focuses on how human beings influence their environments and affect individuals.

Most person-environment models measure the quality of the match between a person’s interests and what the environment offers to predict several outcomes. In this regard, the outcomes may be improved health, reduced strain, stress, and anxiety, or increased performance, creativity, motivation, and overall satisfaction.

Ahn and Reeve (2020) highlight three models of personal environmental interaction that can help understand how human beings interact with their environment. First, the social psychology model focuses on the components of interpersonal attraction. Specifically, it is based on a person’s attraction to their environment results from a similarity in personality, attitudes, and values. In this regard, the model helps us understand why people are more attracted to people who share the same belief than those from different backgrounds.

Second, the leisure psychology model is based on the fact that psychological awareness is higher when their skills match the activity at hand. However, boredom may often increase if a person’s skills are greater than the challenge presented. Also, a person can develop fear, frustration, or anxiety if their skills are less adequate to succeed in an activity (Akirmak et al., 2019).

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While individuals differ in their psychological needs, the model aims to match their abilities and needs with the environmental supplies to enhance satisfaction. In this regard, leisure experiences can only be achieved when optimal interaction between people and their environment.

Third, the vocational psychology model argues that a vocation choice is dependent on a person’s ability and temperament, demands, choices, and the relationship between them (Ahn & Reeve, 2020). Therefore, it is essential to match people with tasks based on their abilities to enhance productivity and overall satisfaction.

Benefits of Autonomy

Environments supportive of autonomy encourage initiative and choice, emphasize the individual’s viewpoint, communicate constraints, rules, and limits, and provide positive feedback (Akirmak et al., 2019). As a result, they increase interpersonal trust, enhance creativity, promote self-esteem, and maintain mind changes. Social environments that support autonomy acknowledge negative feelings, create meaningful rationale, offer meaningful choices, and nurture intrinsic motivation.

As a result, receiving autonomy enhances satisfaction characterized by secure attachment and emotional reliance. On the other hand, giving autonomy provides a person with satisfaction knowing they have given meaningful support. In this regard, giving and receiving autonomy promotes wellbeing and overall satisfaction.

Influence of Optimal Challenge and Flow

As earlier identified, situations in which individuals find themselves can either satisfy their need for competence or frustrate the need. The environment must have an optimal structure or challenge and positive feedback to satisfy these needs. Csikszentmihalyi studied different people to determine the conditions necessary to create enjoyment.

While his study was diverse, he found that enjoyment can be realized where there is flow. In this case, flow refers to a pleasurable experience resulting from repeating an activity with the hope of having the same feeling again. Reeve and Lee (2018) define flow as a concentration state that involves a holistic absorption in an activity and is realized when individuals apply their skills and knowledge to solve a challenge.

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Moreover, there is a relationship between a challenge and an individual’s skills. If the challenge is high and the skills are low, individuals feel that the task will overwhelm them. In this regard, the inability to solve a task is often manifested as a worry if the challenge is moderately high or as anxiety when the task is overly challenging. However, when the skill matches the challenge at hand, the level of excitement, involvement, and concentration rises (Wang et al., 2019).

Nonetheless, when a person’s skills outweigh a task, low engagement is associated with reduced concentration, emotional boredom, and minimal involvement in the task. Specifically, being under-challenged neglects the need for competence and while being over-challenged creates a suboptimal experience, reducing flow. Therefore, flow emerges in situations where an individual’s skills and challenges are moderately high to create a level of excitement.

Types of Feedback

Feedback is the process of receiving inputs from an environment based on an individual’s output and actions. It is one of the most crucial elements needed to achieve competence. A person does not experience the challenge until they apply their skills and receive the first feedback.

After these two performances are achieved, people report having a psychological experience of being challenged. Feedback can be sourced from the task itself, comparing one’s performance with their past performance or that of others, and evaluating another person.

While feedback is gained externally, consequences can be from internal or external sources. In this case, people can change their habits and behaviors from external or internal sources by applying the reinforcers from the external environment or the individual themselves that help regulate behavior and adopt the most appropriate behavior for the situation.

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Therefore feedback has a critical role in the psychological development of a human being. Akirmak et al. (2019) note that it combines the operant and classical conditioning theories, the influence of spiritual and biological aspects of human nature, cognitive psychology, and conation.

The feedback model is based on the hypothesis that action can be incorrect or correct depending on the desired results and often stems from either unconscious knowledge, conscious knowledge, or both (Wang et al., 2019). Unconscious knowledge results from one’s primary components of nature and the condition a person has experienced in the past. In this case, an individual may review their actions and make the necessary changes in the environment.

On the contrary, conscious knowledge is obtained when a person reviews their actions and results. This means that if conscious knowledge will change behavior, an individual has to make a personal decision and commitment to realize the desired goals. The model stipulates that unless a person is aware of their conditioning laws and reviews their actions and results, they cannot change their behavior to achieve their intended objectives (Akirmak et al., 2019). In this regard, a person can only meet their expectations if they review feedback provided by other people reviewing their behavior.

There are two types of feedback; positive and negative feedback. Positive feedback can satisfy the psychological need for competence. Initial positive feedback provides a good start that will keep an individual going. However, when someone has obtained a given end goal, negative feedback may reduce their deviation from the given point.

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Similarly, it may also motivate someone to move towards the endpoint if they aim at a specific result. This is especially true if the negative feedback involves changing an error to improve results. In this regard, both negative and positive feedback have essential roles in satisfying competence. However, it depends on the focus beginning from the starting point and obtaining the expected results.

Tolerance for Failure

Tolerance for failure is necessary to enhance competence. People facing optimal challenges in highly structured environments have equal chances of experiencing failure and frustration or success and enjoyment. Specifically, optimal challenges have equal chances of failure and success (Wang et al., 2019). Thus, a person may fail to achieve competence if their skills are inadequate for a given task.

On the other hand, a person may decide to go out of their way to overcome the challenge, which satisfies the competence needs. For this reason, one should be able to tolerate failures to enable themselves to build on their skills and achieve overall satisfaction with themselves.

Reeve and Lee (2018) highlight that before people can freely engage in optimally challenging tasks, they have to value and tolerate the failures and errors they will make before succeeding. Optimal challenge means that one will make several errors, and overcoming them will optimize the motivation levels of an individual.

Therefore, fault tolerance is a skill people learn from failures rather than success. Experiencing failures produces opportunities to learn more, seek advice and implement new strategies to achieve the given desires. Research shows that people who seek optimal challenges have higher competence levels than those who succeed all the time.

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In this regard, they stretch themselves to address the faults rather than avoiding or giving up (Reeve & Lee, 2018). They keep operating and pushing forward despite failures, which gives them more excitement. Additionally, it increases flow, and a person seeks more of such optimal challenges to get the feeling repeatedly.


Psychological needs are essential for the functioning of a human being. Nonetheless, people normally prefer environments that satisfy these needs and feel uncomfortable in those not. People get to give their skills through person-environment dialect to satisfy their needs.

In this regard, competence needs are fulfilled when a person with high skills overcomes an intense challenge. It creates a level of excitement that they would like to experience repeatedly. However, an individual has to have fault tolerance to achieve high levels of competence.


  • Ahn, J. S., & Reeve, J. (2020). Developmental pathways of preadolescents’ intrinsic and extrinsic values: The role of basic psychological needs satisfaction. European Journal of Personality, 35(2), 151-167.
  • Akirmak, U., Tuncer, N., Akdogan, M., & Erkat, O. B. (2019). The associations of basic psychological needs and autonomous-related self with time perspective: The cultural and familial antecedents of balanced time perspective. Personality and Individual Differences, 139, 90-95.
  • Reeve, J., & Lee, W. (2018). A neuroscientific perspective on basic psychological needs. Journal of Personality, 87(1), 102-114.
  • Wang, Y., Tian, L., & Scott Huebner, E. (2019). Essential psychological needs satisfaction at school, behavioral school engagement, and academic achievement: Longitudinal reciprocal relations among elementary school students. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 56, 130-139.

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 Organismic Psychological Needs