Week 4 Capstone and Practicum


Writing a capstone and practicum requires careful planning, research, and organization. These projects are often a culmination of your academic and practical experiences, demonstrating your expertise in your field of study. Below are step-by-step instructions to help you effectively write a capstone and practicum:(Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)

1. Understand the Requirements: Review the specific requirements and guidelines provided by your academic institution or program for both the capstone and practicum projects. Understand the objectives, scope, format, and deadlines to ensure you meet all the necessary criteria.

2. Select a Topic: Choose a topic that aligns with your interests, expertise, and the goals of your program. The topic should be relevant, researchable, and meaningful in your field of study. If the capstone and practicum are related, consider integrating them.(Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)

3. Research and Literature Review: Conduct a thorough literature review to identify existing knowledge and research related to your chosen topic. Use academic databases, journals, books, and credible online sources to gather relevant information. This will help you understand the gaps in current knowledge and inform your research questions or project goals.

4. Formulate Research Questions or Project Goals: Based on your literature review and understanding of the topic, develop clear and focused research questions for your capstone project or specific goals for your practicum. These questions or goals should be answerable or achievable within the scope of your project.(Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)

5. Develop a Project Proposal: Create a formal proposal outlining your capstone research or practicum project. Include a clear problem statement, objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and a timeline. Your proposal should also address the significance of the project and how it contributes to your field of study.

6. Collect Data (For Capstone): If your capstone involves empirical research, design a research methodology and collect data accordingly. Use appropriate research methods such as surveys, interviews, experiments, or data analysis, depending on your topic.

7. Implement the Practicum (For Practicum): For the practicum, engage in the planned fieldwork, hands-on experiences, or professional placements according to the agreed-upon objectives and timeline. Take notes and document your experiences throughout the practicum.(Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)

8. Analyze Data (For Capstone): Analyze the data collected for your capstone research using appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis methods. Interpret the results to address your research questions and objectives.

9. Organize Your Findings: Structure your capstone and practicum reports logically. Include an introduction, literature review, methodology (for capstone), findings or experiences, discussion, conclusions, and recommendations. Use clear headings and subheadings to make your work easy to navigate.

10. Write the Report: Start writing your capstone and practicum reports based on the organized findings and experiences. Use formal language and adhere to academic writing standards. Support your points with evidence from your research or practicum activities.

11. Review and Edit: Review your work for coherence, clarity, and accuracy. Edit for grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors. Seek feedback from peers, advisors, or mentors to improve the quality of your work.

12. Include Citations and References: Properly cite all the sources used in your capstone and practicum reports. Follow a specific citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) as required by your institution.

13. Create an Executive Summary (Optional): For the capstone, consider adding an executive summary that provides a concise overview of your project’s main points and outcomes. This will help readers quickly understand the essence of your work.

14. Present Your Work (For Capstone): If required, prepare a presentation or defense of your capstone project. Clearly articulate your research and findings to your audience, and be prepared to answer questions related to your work.

15. Submit Your Work: Submit your final capstone and practicum reports according to the submission guidelines and deadlines provided by your institution.(Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)

Completing a capstone and practicum requires dedication and hard work. By following these instructions and seeking guidance from your advisors and mentors, you can create a successful capstone and practicum project that demonstrates your expertise and readiness to excel in your field. Good luck!

Nurse-led presentations on bullying

I have included the assignment instruction paper

The reflective journal 250-300 words, please do not go over

The capstone project: no more than one to two pages, no citation, reference page needed.

The literature evaluation, I found 3 citations. I need 8 to complete it


Peng, Z., Li, L., Su, X., & Lu, Y. (2022). A pilot intervention study on bullying prevention among junior high school students in Shantou, China. BMC Public Health22(1). https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1186/s12889-022-12669-0

Permalink: https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.693688129&site=eds-live&scope=site&custid=s8333196&groupid=main&profile=eds1

Ozada Nazim, A., & Duyan, V. (2021). Bullying Problem among High School Students: The Impact of School Life. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology9(2), 189–197.

Permalink https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1302976&site=eds-live&scope=site&custid=s8333196&groupid=main&profile=eds1

Bagla, N., & Saxena, V. (2020). Understanding bullying behaviour amongst high school studentsIndian Journal of Health & Wellbeing11(10–12), 514–523.

Permalink: https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=148893789&site=eds-live&scope=site&custid=s8333196&groupid=main&profile=eds1

Thank you,

Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying: Solution

Capstone Change Project Outcomes

The paper addresses the effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying with a primary focus on increasing awareness and social and emotional learning as the selected intervention in reducing bullying prevalence. Anticipated outcomes include reduced incidences of reported bullying (physical or cyber), reduced involvement in victimization (verbal or relational), reduced social exclusion, improved interest in school and academic performance, and reduced substance use.(Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)

Reduced Incidence of Reported Bullying (physical or cyber)

The incidence of reported bullying will be used to indicate the prevalence of bullying among adolescents. Incidences will be measured pre-and post-intervention. Reduced prevalence post-intervention is desired. (Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)

Reduced Involvement in Victimization (verbal or relational)

Verbal and relational forms of bullying are the least recognizable and, therefore, not reported. It is imperative to investigate verbal and relational victimization separately to create awareness of its existence and significance as a form of bullying. The aim is to reduce adolescents’ involvement in victimization post-implementation.(Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)

Reduce Social Exclusion

Bullying is associated with social exclusion, particularly among the victims (Ozada, Nazim, & Duyan, 2021). A lower rate of observed social exclusion would indicate positive results.(Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)

Improved Interest in School and Academic Performance

Victims of bullying are more likely to lose interest in school, an environment they experience bullying (Peng et al., 2022). Bullying is also associated with the perpetrators’ and victims’ poor academic performance.(Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)

Reduced Substance Use

Both the perpetrator of bullying and the victim are likely to use substances, with the former using to increase assertiveness, aggression, and courage and the latter using to counter psychological trauma from the victimization. Reduced substance use among identified perpetrators and victims is the desired outcome.(Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)

The most crucial outcome is reduced incidences of reported bullying because it is the primary focus of the capstone, as highlighted in the PICOT question. Other outcomes reflect reduced incidences of reported bullying. The other four outcomes indicate reduced bullying and victimization prevalence among adolescents. (Effectiveness of nurse-led presentations on bullying)


Peng, Z., Li, L., Su, X., & Lu, Y. (2022). A pilot intervention study on bullying prevention among junior high school students in Shantou, China. BMC public health22(1), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-12669-0

Ozada Nazim, A., & Duyan, V. (2021). Bullying problem among high school students: The impact of school life. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology9(2), 189-197. https://doi.org/10.1080/21683603.2019.1699215


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