Interprofessional Therapy Comprehensive nursing paper example

Interprofessional Therapy Comprehensive nursing paper example

Therapy Modality: Interprofessional Therapy

Creator: The modality has not specific creator, but it began in the US after the successes in World War II with multidisciplinary medical and surgical teams working in alignment with President Johnson’s The Great Society vision (Baldwin, 2009). The concept of interprofessional care and therapy was designed to provide comprehensive and continuous care to underprivileged populations. (Interprofessional Therapy Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Interprofessional Therapy Comprehensive nursing paper example
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Therapy used for what DSM5 Diagnoses: Autism in children.

Autistic children have multiple varying health needs and require two or more professionals working collaboratively to improve their health outcomes. Interprofessional therapy facilitates a codependent relationship between various health services providers to manage autism effectively. According to McCarthy et al. (2008), music therapists would need to work with speech-language pathologists to improve the health outcome of an autistic child. Working relationships between these professionals fill the deficits that exist when only one professional addresses the problem. They coordinate bringing together their intervention tools to manage autism. The DSM-5 identifies deficits that exist when professionals work in isolation. Music therapy and speech therapy in collaboration would promote better health outcomes. (Interprofessional Therapy Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Emphasis of Therapy Modality: Interprofessional therapy emphasizes the need for collaboration amongst various professionals to treat and manage patient’s health problems, in this case, music therapists and speech-language pathologists to manage autism. (Interprofessional Therapy Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Goals of Therapy Modality: Interprofessional therapy aims to provide comprehensive and continuous care to patients requiring alternative and reinforcing treatment and management interventions. The modality also seeks to encourage a mutually beneficial relationship between professionals serving the needs of a common patient.(Interprofessional Therapy Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Notes: The effects of a collaboration between different professionals are greater than when one is used in isolation. Mental health professionals and other service providers work together to meet the need of their patients. The professionals can be engaged in co-planning, co-instructing, and co-assessing their patients to effectively track their progress and achieve desired health outcomes (Andvig et al., 2014). Various health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, family nurse practitioners, social workers, therapists, and counselors, have varying knowledge, skills, and capabilities that serve unique patients’ needs and work together to minimize deficits in care. (Interprofessional Therapy Comprehensive nursing paper example)

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Andvig, E., Syse, J., & Severinsson, E. (2014). Interprofessional collaboration in the mental health services in Norway. Nursing Research and Practice, 2014.(Interprofessional Therapy Comprehensive nursing paper example)

Baldwin, D. W. C. (2009). Some historical notes on interdisciplinary and interprofessional education and practice in health care in the USA. Journal of interprofessional care, 10(2), 173-187.(Interprofessional Therapy Comprehensive nursing paper example)

McCarthy, J, Geist, K., Zojwala, R., & Schock, M. (2008). A survey of music therapists who work with speech-language pathologists and experiences with augmentative and alternative communication. Journal of Music Therapy, 45(4), 405-26. Retrieved from

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