Evaluating Qualitative and Quantitative Designs

Evaluating Qualitative and Quantitative Designs, Discuss the characteristics or attributes that should be appraised when evaluating qualitative and quantitative designs in relation to rigor or quality of its type? and How do the characteristics or attributes of greatest importance in qualitative or quantitative type differ? 

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Evaluating Qualitative and Quantitative Designs

Discuss the characteristics or attributes that should be appraised when evaluating qualitative and quantitative designs in relation to rigor or quality of its type? 

Research through qualitative and quantitative approaches guides practice, change, and quality improvement in contemporary healthcare. While evaluating any research paper, it is important to consider how well the conclusions follow logically from the findings, answer the research question, and how well the research applies to the target population.(Evaluating Qualitative and Quantitative Designs)

There are numerous guides and tools available for evaluating qualitative and quantitative studies critically. While these guides suggest various assessment criteria, broad rigor concepts such as credibility, dependability, confirmability, transferability, and reflexivity have been extensively adopted (LoBiondo-Wood et al., 2021). Qualitative and quantitative researches necessitate a methodical and self-aware approach to research design, data collection, analysis, and communication. Additionally, qualitative researchers should strive to provide an account of their method and data that is self-contained, such that another trained researcher could study the same data and reach identical conclusions.(Evaluating Qualitative and Quantitative Designs)

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How do the characteristics or attributes of greatest importance in qualitative or quantitative type differ? 

The potential of quantitative and qualitative techniques to establish the validity and reliability of their findings differs significantly. However, the difference is one of degree rather than kind. The challenge of relating a piece of research to some perceived underlying truth applies to all types of social research (Hanson et al., 2019). In quantitative data analysis, statistical representations of phenomena can be generated, which may or may not be completely justified since, as with qualitative work, they will depend on the researcher’s judgment and expertise and the relevance of the data collected to the question addressed.(Evaluating Qualitative and Quantitative Designs)

As with any research approach, the objective of qualitative and quantitative research quality and rigor is to reduce the possibility of bias while maximizing the accuracy and reliability of study findings. Rigor is effectively attained via careful and thoughtful preparation, rigorous and continuing reflexivity of the researcher, and open communication between the researcher and the audience about the research and its outcomes.(Evaluating Qualitative and Quantitative Designs)

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Hanson, C. S., Ju, A., & Tong, A. (2019). Appraisal of qualitative studies.

Johnson, J. L., Adkins, D., & Chauvin, S. (2020). A review of the quality indicators of rigor in qualitative research. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education84(1).

LoBiondo-Wood, G., Faan, P. R., Haber, J., & Faan, P. R. (2021). Nursing Research E-Book: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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