Core Competencies of the Nurse Educator, Critical Thinking

Write a 500-1000 word paper, adhering to APA format on the following topic, using at least five references synthesized into your discussion:

Discuss why modern employers are asking for portfolios that include teaching philosophy, a curriculum vitae (expanded resume), samples of publications and writings, proof of competencies, etc. Consider the NLN scope of practice, and identify a venue at which you would like to work. Considering this facility, imagine that you were applying to work there. Describe how you plan to organize your portfolio, how you plan to distribute it to potential employers, and what you plan to include in it.


  • Bastable, S. B. (2014). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (4th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett.
  • National League for Nursing. (2012). The Scope of Practice for Academic Nurse Educators, 2012 Revision. Washington DC: NLN Publishers. Entire book.
  • Utley, R. (2012). Theory and research for academic nurse educators: Application to practice. Boston: Jones & Bartlett. Chapter 1.


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