Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis: For this assignment, you will analyze the major points of George Washington’s “Farewell Address” and write a 3-page analysis, considering contemporary government and including differing points of view…
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Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis
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2-4 pages is the information on the information/topic. For this assignment, you will analyze the major points of George Washington’s “Farewell Address” and write a 3-page analysis, considering contemporary government and including differing points of view. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document. Your analysis must adhere to the following specifications:
- No more than 3 double-spaced pages (12-point font with 1-inch margins).
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Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis
The ‘Farewell Address’ of George Washington is considered an epochal defining document in the American nation’s history. Besides being the founding father of the United States of America, Washington possessed a different experience with the various issues and concerns the young nation was experienced then. He considered it his responsibility to advise the Americans as his dear friends as they participated in choosing his successor. In the address, Washington expressed his reservations on his ability, not just the President but also that one of accomplishing what his administration had achieved through undying assistance as he fulfilled his mandate.
The address’s essence was that leading the US was not his sole preserve but instead that any other American was equally qualified provided the citizenry offered the individual due support. The statement further acknowledged the people’s trust in his leadership, expressed through their fears of his retirement plans. Most importantly, Washington underlined his wish to retire at the end of his first term and beseeched Americans to confront their fears by electing another president (Malanson, 2014, p.225). Consequently, this essay aims to analyze the critical points of Washington’s address in light of the modern governments that continue to lead the US.
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Farewell Address Analysis
George Washington looked at several issues affecting and would continue to affect the citizens controlling or managing the American government affairs. Washington emphasized sectionalism, which was separating citizens based on their state or religious beliefs (Gaffey 2015, p. 332). He stated that American strength lies in citizen’s unity; thus, they should not cooperate with any enemy trying to separate them using their religions. The President further advised them to concentrate on their nationality as American citizens before putting in mind their region, state of origin, or county. By this, he wanted to increase the United States unity, which was young at that moment.
Role of the Federal Reserves and How It Oversteps the Biblical Principles
Washington also looked at the American constitution and political groups. He advised citizens to support a constitutionally elected government to be able to do its chores. He also warned citizens not to support who could not support the government because they concentrate on the forceful takeover from the constitutional selfishness led by their greed (Gaffey 2015, p. 335). He encouraged citizens to consider constitutional changes through a constitutional amendment since the constitution was not old. The amendments have eased the lives of American citizens by feeling valued and protected.
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Additionally, Washington talked about the relationship between America and foreign countries and advised American citizens against permanent friends and enemies. He warned them that permanent enmity would lead to unhealthy war due to petty issues out of control and warned on unhealthy friendship since it could draw people on non-beneficial wars (Fornieri 2005, p. 371).
Subsequently, this was said to diminish American relationships with other countries while he emphasized healthy short-term friendship to help the country grow and trade but not long-term relationships that could affect its affairs. This was seen to safeguard the country from misusing their resources and time in wars that instead could be avoided. He wanted the government to focus on its growth and economic development than concentrating on war. This aspect is seen as the government continues its fight with terrorism since the government has been using many resources to fight terrorism, which has led to many soldiers’ death.(Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis)
The Need to Uphold Religious Values as the Moral fabric of the American Society
Simultaneously, Washington’s farewell address restated the citizenry’s significance in espouse religious values as the society’s guide to upholding its morality and the nation’s conscience. This call for the nation to progressively continue in promoting moral values in the legislation process has seen what constitutes the moral values of every generation continue to change as our society equally continues to change (Fornieri 2005, p. 372). In the contemporary world, the US has enacted fair laws even though they deviate from marriage and families’ traditional concept. For example, some states have enacted legislation that permits gay marriages and others legalizing abortion despite pockets of resistance from mainstream religious leaders.
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Advice against Unchecked Foreign Debt
The next pertinent issue the retiring President reminded the Americans was to be wary of excessive borrowing from foreign nations. In his opinion, Washington opined that unregulated borrowing would have an adverse effect on the country due to the economic burden imposed on the state by the accruing interest (Gaffey 2015, p. 342). He rightly stated that the nation faced the risk of being enslaved by the countries it would be indebted to. This meant that despite its political independence, the country would be at the mercy of its debtors, who would use the American economic dependence to exert undue demands against the American people’s will.
To address this issue, Washington emphasized the need for the nation to operate with a national budget funded by the taxes paid and not through foreign debt (Malanson, 2014, p.225). Successive governments that followed he has lived up to this dream. Each new government has managed to change the taxation rules that the Americans continue to support in the spirit of American patriotism.
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In conclusion, the essay has determined that Washington’s Farewell Address was and remained a guide to the country as it fulfills its noble mandate of electing the presidents. Needless to say, the country’s future continues to be safeguarded as Americans continue to support the President of the day in god faith as the said President steers the country’s future operations and shield the nation from decisions that could prove costly to all Americans in the future.(Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis)

- Fornieri, Joseph R. “Washington’s farewell address, and Lincoln’s Lyceum address.” White House Studies 5, no. 3 (2005): 365+. Gale Academic OneFile (accessed November 23, 2020).
- Gaffey, Adam J. “Recollecting Union: “Rebel Flags” and the Epideictic Vision of Washington’s Farewell Address.” Western Journal of Communication 79, no. 3 (2015): 327-347. DOI: 10.1080/10570314.2015.1035399
- Malanson, Jeffrey J. “if I had it in His Hand-Writing I would Burn it”: Federalists and the Authorship Controversy over George Washington’s Farewell Address, 1808-1859.” Journal of the Early Republic 34, no. 2 (summer, 2014): 219-42, http://ezproxy.liberty.edu/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fdocview%2F1523929489%3Faccountid%3D12085.
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