Submit an outline for your research paper. Please conform to the rules of outlines. There are 3 types of outlines: word, phrase, and sentence. The 3 styles cannot be mixed. Outlines should begin with Roman Numeral I and follow the approp…
Week 3 Discussion – Research paper outline-Sample Solution
China’s Healthcare System
The Healthcare system refers to the individuals, institutions, and resources utilized to deliver health services to satisfy the health needs of people (Meng et al., 2019). The Chinese government has established a stronger healthcare system by continuously improving and introducing policies and regulations based on the health needs of its population (Meng et al., 2019). In this case, the research paper examines the essence of China’s healthcare system and compares it with that of the U.S. It further explores the strengths and weaknesses of China’s healthcare system, including its role in containing the spread of Covid-19. Despite having some weaknesses like scarcity in rural areas, the healthcare system is an important sector within the Chinese government administration since its key to addressing health problems and improving patients’ quality of life.(China’s Healthcare System Essay-Sample)
Research Outline
- China’s healthcare system is important in addressing health problems and improving patients’ quality of life.
- It shares various similarities with the U.S. healthcare system, such as offering a basic healthcare insurance coverage package, with differences arising in the spending patterns and numbers of healthcare professionals, whereby it spends less and has fewer healthcare professionals than the U.S (Meng et al., 2019).(China’s Healthcare System Essay-Sample)
- The strengths of China’s healthcare system include providing universal healthcare insurance while its weaknesses include inequality in distribution between rural and urban areas and decentralization and commercialization of the healthcare system (Guan et al., 2018: Hu, 2021).
- The country effectively responded to the spread of Covid-19 by implementing containment measures, such as early diagnosis of the virus and establishing strict quarantine and social distancing restrictions (Wu & McGoogan, 2020).
China’s healthcare resources, like hospitals, are sparsely distributed countrywide, but the country has established effective strategies to utilize them effectively and improve the quality of life of its citizens. The essay explores the central role of China’s healthcare system in addressing health problems. It also compares it with that of the U.S by identifying similarities like universal health insurance coverage and differences such as extensive spending and the presence of many health professionals in the U.S. than in China. The universal coverage comprises the strengths of China’s healthcare system. Its weaknesses include limited accessibility of health services in rural areas. The last part examines the effectiveness of the country’s healthcare system in containing Covid-19, which includes the implementation of strict containment measures like quarantine and social distancing. Henceforth, Meng et al. (20190 observe that the country should introduce healthcare policy reforms like an equal distribution of health resources to strengthen its strategies of curbing diseases and improving the quality of life.(China’s Healthcare System Essay-Sample)
Guan, X., Hu, H., Man, C., & Shi, L. (2018). A survey of availability, price, and affordability of essential medicines from 2011 to 2016 in Chinese secondary and tertiary hospitals. International journal for equity in health, 17(1), 1-8.
Hu, K. (2021). Challenges facing the Chinese health care system. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 33(1), 160-161.
Meng, Q., Mills, A., Wang, L., & Han, Q. (2019). What can we learn from China’s health system reform? BMJ, 365. Doi:
Wu, Z., & McGoogan, J. M. (2020). Characteristics of and important lessons from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in China: summary of a report of 72 314 cases from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Jama, 323(13), 1239-1242. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.2648