Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example

Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example


            Patients have legal rights to determine the kind of therapeutic intervention for their condition and whether or not to participate in a clinical study/project through informed consent. Equally, providers are bound by law and ethical standards to provide patients with enough information for sound health decisions. The proposed intervention or clinical trial, costs and benefits, and available alternatives must all be included. (Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example)

Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example
Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example 1


            The components of informed consent include volunteerism, competency, disclosure, understanding, and decision (Neilson & Chaimowitz, 2015).  Volunteerism ensures that the client is not manipulated, while competency determines a client’s capacity to understand and reason. The disclosure includes information on relevant policies, legal and ethical frameworks guiding practice provided by the physician. Understanding determines the patient’s ability to comprehend and appreciate information about his/her situation. Lastly, the decision refers to the patient’s approval of a proposed clinical intervention.(Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example)


            Informed consent can be breached when the patient is incapacitated, voluntarily waiver, when a patient is a danger to themselves and others, or when the patient is in a life-threatening emergency with a short time to obtain consent (Zur, 2020). However, each state has a specific law that guides the determination of a surrogate decision-maker. Equally, a legal guardian can be appointed by the court to make decisions for the patient.(Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example)

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Informed Consent among Minors

            When it comes to children, the law argues that it is beyond their capacity to provide medical consent (Shah et al., 2020).  Thus, the law allows one parent (s), guardian (s), or court to give informed consent for minors. However, both parents’ consent is recommended where the planned action poses a danger to the minor or contradicts either or both parents’ personal or religious convictions. Equally, the juvenile court intervenes when the parents disagree over a proposed intervention. (Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example)

Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example
Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example 2


Committee on Bioethics. (2016). Informed consent in decision-making in pediatric practice.(Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example) Pediatrics138(2).

Neilson, G., & Chaimowitz, G. (2015). Informed consent to treatment in psychiatry. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie60(4), 1. (Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example)

Shah, P. R., Grewal, U. S., & Hamad, H. Informed Consent.(Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example) Retrieved 12 May 2021, from

Zur, O. (2020).Introduction to Informed Consent in Psychotherapy, Counselling, and Assessment. Retrieved 12 May, from,obtaining%20consent%20from%20the%20client\

Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example
Comprehensive Clinical Preparation Journal Nursing Paper Example 3

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